El DLo
New member
What do you mean by "As you can see,..." See what? You have shown nothing to indicate that your beliefs are rooted in science and reasoning. In fact, you have shown just the opposite. To be an atheist one must reject reasoning altogether.
That is the closed-minded religious response that I was mentioning. My entire life is based around reasoning. An example would be if two people were holding a baseball, but one was hiding it so I couldn't see it. I'd be more inclined to believe what I can clearly see, and that is that the first guy is very obviously showing me what's there.
What if it was my belief that a black person is only three-fifths of a white person? Would you respect that belief?
People are entitled to their own beliefs. If you were the kind of person who was interested in harming African Americans, then I would not respect that as it endangers another person. There's quite a difference between thought and action. A pedophile may be sexually attracted to children, but explicitly avoid trying to act upon those attractions. Being a pedophile doesn't make someone a child molester. I'm not going to question who they are so long as it isn't endangering another person.
Do you believe that it is absolutely wrong to rape and murder a 12 year old girl? If so, how did you come to that conclusion?
Yes, I do. Being an atheist doesn't mean that you lack basic moral principles. I lead a more moral life than almost any of the religious people that I know. My morals are based on my experiences and my perception. And those morals tell me that inflicting harm on another human intentionally is wrong.
Could you define what you mean by "religion"?
By religion I mean any sort of fundamental guidelines by which to live a life that have been laid out by a structured and specific source. Religion does not have to have a god, it just has to structure how someone lives their life. I may share morals with religion, but I came to my personal morals without the conscious desire to follow a preset guideline.
Sweet. Welcome aboard.
Thanks for the welcome =D