Hell's Daily Arrivals


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Hall of Fame

People are usually comfortable talking about hell just so long as it remains
an abstract concept in a bull session. But when someone comes along and
puts a face on hell; there's always a percentage that tends to get agitated.


you think many will respond positively to such a negative presentation?


TOL Subscriber
Netherworld Update: 6 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 362,112 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since October 30, 2015.

Is that why you are here? To figure a head count? Where's your good news?


New member
People have been filtering into perdition not only since the time of Christ,
but since before the Step Pyramid of Djoser, and even before the Flood. I
won't speculate how many years that might be, but h.sapiens is thought by
some to have achieved full behavioral modernity something like 50,000
years ago. Whether that extends clear on back to Adam and Eve I have no
clue; but just think: if it does, then Cain and others from his era have been
down in the netherworld all this time.
If you think the Bible is wrong about Adam and Eve being created 6000 years ago, then you have no basis for belief in perdition and the netherworld.

patrick jane


A head count is germane to a thread whose topic is hell's daily arrivals.

There's no fleas and allergies in hell due to the absence of pets and vegetation.


With that logic, couldn't we assume that folks get used to hell just like we accept and adjust to whatever happens in our lives on earth. Wouldn't they get used to the heat and the same routine for eternity. After all, there's no hope of getting out.

patrick jane

Netherworld Update: 6 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 362,112 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since October 30, 2015.


How many sectors are there ? Are there unfiery parts ?


New member
With that logic, couldn't we assume that folks get used to hell just like we accept and adjust to whatever happens in our lives on earth. Wouldn't they get used to the heat and the same routine for eternity. After all, there's no hope of getting out.

Spiritual bodies are not subject to physical elements such as heat or fire.


New member
couldn't we assume that folks get used to hell just like we accept and adjust
to whatever happens in our lives on earth. Wouldn't they get used to the
heat and the same routine for eternity.

That's an interesting thought.

How many sectors are there? Are there unfiery parts?

A common Greek word for hell in the New Testament is haides (hah'-dace)
a.k.a. hades. It's a catch-all word for the unseen world where at one time all
the dead went: the good dead and the bad dead.

Christ was in a section of haides (Acts 2:25-31) which he labeled paradise
(Luke 23:42). The rich man's section is not a paradise. (Luke 16:19-31)

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Mocking You

New member
I sometimes wish there were tour buses to hell so people could see what's in store for them down there; and not only the degree of suffering that people can expect in the next life, but also hell's impact upon the human mind.

Jesus addressed this in Luke 16 in the story of the rich man and Lazarus. People won't repent even if someone were to come from Hell and preach to them about the torments.

27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family,
28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
29 “Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them.’
30 “‘No, father Abraham,’ he said, ‘but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’
31 “He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”


New member
Spiritual bodies are not subject to physical elements such as heat or

The properties of physical elements are not absolute. They are easily
manipulated by the one who designed them.

For example: fire totally incinerated the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah but
left unscathed a desert shrub that Moses encountered in the Sinai outback
while tending his father-in-law's sheep.

Compare Dan 3:8-27 where a blistering hot fire left totally unscathed
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego while slaying the guards that threw
them in the furnace.

According to Matt 25:41 and Rev 20:10, spirits can be made to suffer in fire.



New member
For example: fire totally incinerated the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah but left unscathed a desert shrub that Moses encountered in the Sinai outback while tending his father-in-law's sheep.

Sodom and Gomorrah were in Moab not the Sinai.


New member
Sodom and Gomorrah were in Moab not the Sinai.

The human mind is produced by a fragile 3-pound lump of flabby organic
tissue; and not even all three of those pounds are dedicated to cognitive
purposes. In addition, 60% of that organic lump's mass is fat. So it's to be
expected that the human mind would play tricks on its host now and again.

For example: here is a portion of the original text of one of the paragraphs
in post #31

"fire totally incinerated the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah but left unscathed
a desert shrub that Moses encountered in the Sinai outback while tending his
father-in-law's sheep."

Apparently your fragile 3-pound lump of flabby organic tissue fooled you into
thinking the text says this:

"the fire that totally incinerated the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah left
unscathed a desert shrub that Moses encountered in the Sinai outback while
tending his father-in-law's sheep."

According to Gal 3:17, Moses and Abraham lived something like 400 years
distant from each other; so of course the fire that demolished Sodom would
not be the same one that blazed in the bush.



Well-known member
He did not answer the question directly, he told the asker to mind what he himself was about.

The fact is you cain't help somebody onto the strait road until you yourself are on it. Like John Wesley, as soon as he found the road which leads to life he was out after the MULTITUDE who were on the broad road.

If the scripture is to be answered as you say how come John saw a multitude in heaven which no man could number?

According to your stats people can be numbered, but of the redeemed says John, no man could number them.

It is obvious to me that the vast, vast, multitude of those created in HIS image never sinned by their free will choice to be holy and all men are born sinners really means all those who self created themselves as sinners are born as human with the vast bulk of such self created sinners being compromised of the reprobate with the sinful elect comprising a comparative few of the full compliment of sinners.

Just to show ratios, not real numbers:

Heavenly people working as angels - 90%
Sinners on earth 10% with Reprobate =9.5% and sinful elect =.5% but from our pov seeing of only seeing sinners on earth, it looks much like the op suggests, though its conclusions are wrong.

And also, though we know there can be no spiritual growth from reincarnation, there is also no Christian necessity to deny that the reprobate might reincarnate (why insist they must live lives exactly the same as the good seed, the sinful elect?) and if they return and die over and over then the numbers of the OP are not any indication at all of GOD creating people for the meat grinder, but proof that a trust in re-incarnation bringing true enlightenment (of Christ our only saviour) is a Satanic delusion.

Just another expression of true stats being mis-interpreted to Satan's use due to a lack of spiritual understanding.


New member
Through me; the way to the eternal city.
Through me; the way to eternal sadness.
Through me; the way to lost people.

Justice moved my supreme maker:
I was shaped by divine power,
By highest wisdom, and by primal love.

Before me, nothing was created
That is not eternal: and eternally I endure.
Abandon all hope, you that enter here.

The Divine Comedy
by Dante Alighieri
Inferno: canto 3, v.1-9

Dante's Divine Comedy is called a comedy because it has a happy ending as
opposed to a tragedy; at least for Dante anyway. The souls he and Virgil
pass along the way through the Inferno portion of Dante's odyssey will
never, nor anon, have a happy ending; hence the sign above the entrance to
the netherworld: "Abandon all hope, you that enter here."

Webster's defines "despair' as: to no longer have any hope or belief that a
situation will improve or change. Well; down in the Inferno section of
Dante's concept of the netherworld, despair is a way of life.

Netherworld Update: 9 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 543,168 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since October 30, 2015.


patrick jane

Netherworld Update: 9 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 543,168 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since October 30, 2015.


Not bad. I can live with those numbers.


New member
You should also calculate how many go to heaven, and mark the

I wouldn't know where to begin because Christ testified that nobody can
enter the kingdom of God lest they first undergo the spirit birth about which
he spoke at John 3:3-8. Well; that includes infants, toddlers, and
preschoolers. They too have to undergo the spirit birth because Christ
testified that the spirit birth is a must.

Well; seeing as how infants, toddlers, and preschoolers are too immature to
understand the gospel and the consequences for spurning it; then it seems
logical to me that they would be warehoused somewhere in the afterlife till
they grow up and get old enough to be evangelized. How many of those
make the cut is impossible to estimate.

It's assumed by just about everybody that innocent little kids go straight to
heaven. Well; maybe they do; I don't know. But innocent little kids stay
neither little nor innocent. They eventually grow up just like everybody else.
