

Staff member
Super Moderator
When leftists fantasize about confiscating guns, the first thing that comes to their warped minds is NOT the confiscation of guns in inner city Chicago where literally thousands of black youth have been shot and killed in gang-related activities.

No, what gives them orgasms is the thought of confiscating guns from white, suburban, law-abiding citizens who have never committed so much as a misdemeanor.

Why do you think this is?


Get used to it.
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When leftists fantasize about confiscating guns, the first thing that comes to their warped minds is NOT the confiscation of guns in inner city Chicago where literally thousands of black youth have been shot and killed in gang-related activities.

No, what gives them orgasms is the thought of confiscating guns from white, suburban, law-abiding citizens who have never committed so much as a misdemeanor.

Why do you think this is?
Children don't really understand consequences until they are between the ages of 6-13. Some never do. :unsure:

User Name

Greatest poster ever
The science is abundantly clear: More guns do not stop crime. Guns kill more children each year than auto accidents. More children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active military members. Guns are a public health crisis, just like COVID, and in this, we are failing our children, over and over again.

In the U.S., we have existing infrastructure that we could easily emulate to make gun use safer: the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Created by Congress in 1970, this federal agency is tasked, among other things, with helping us drive a car safely. It gathers data on automobile deaths. It’s the agency that monitors and studies seat belt usage. While we track firearm-related deaths, no such safety-driven agency exists for gun use.



Well-known member
The science is abundantly clear: More guns do not stop crime. Guns kill more children each year than auto accidents. More children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active military members. Guns are a public health crisis, just like COVID, and in this, we are failing our children, over and over again.

In the U.S., we have existing infrastructure that we could easily emulate to make gun use safer: the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Created by Congress in 1970, this federal agency is tasked, among other things, with helping us drive a car safely. It gathers data on automobile deaths. It’s the agency that monitors and studies seat belt usage. While we track firearm-related deaths, no such safety-driven agency exists for gun use.

Democrats do not know how to stop gun crimes. If an average of two dozen kids a year are killed in schools that is insignificant to the more than twenty dozen people killed every day by thugs in big cities with strict gun laws, low bails for criminals, minimal sentences for crimes, and prosecutors with perverted ideas that black lives matter too much to jail black or leftist crooks for committing crimes.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The science is abundantly clear: More guns do not stop crime. Guns kill more children each year than auto accidents. More children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active military members. Guns are a public health crisis, just like COVID, and in this, we are failing our children, over and over again.

In the U.S., we have existing infrastructure that we could easily emulate to make gun use safer: the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Created by Congress in 1970, this federal agency is tasked, among other things, with helping us drive a car safely. It gathers data on automobile deaths. It’s the agency that monitors and studies seat belt usage. While we track firearm-related deaths, no such safety-driven agency exists for gun use.

Tell me what science means and elaborate on the relationship between science and statistics, and then explain the relationship between science and law while you're at it. And then we'll get into how "gun control saves lives", and how "scientifically" "clear" it is.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

What kind of "gun control saves lives" do you think they ought to have in Taiwan nowadays?

Is the science clear on that?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It was never about the science. Know how I know? Because the science and data and statistics would tell you to do just one thing right now and that would be to take every Black male from the age of say 14 to 28, and incarcerate them.

Violent crime, drops like 40% overnight, we know this, we know the science is clear on this. We'll never do this. Do you know why? Because even though it would work (guaranteed) it would still be immoral.

Like gun control.

It was never about the science, or about children, or about saving lives, or about Black Lives Matter; never. This is about Democratic ideology which is repugnant to the "Original" interpretation of the Constitution. With "Originalism" you don't do things that are immoral just because "they work", like incarcerating all Black males from age 14-28 would drop violent crime by 40% would "work".

Here's an Originalist teaching on Originalism for your review at your leisure, fairly brief, the lesson: read the Federalist Papers. Especially if you're a lawyer.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Everything Joe Biden proposed is a threat to the 2nd Amendment but the worst is repealing gun manufacturers’ immunity from liability. If they end up liable for every criminal who misuses a gun, they’ll go bankrupt and there won’t be ANY guns for sale. It’s a total gun ban.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Charlie Foxtrot

Crook holds gun to back of man's head, steals rifle he was open carrying. But victim heads to his vehicle, pulls out another gun, and shoots crook.


way 2 go

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