
ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ran across this on another site and it's being thumbs upped as if it is brilliant


The better analogy would be:

If a child is hitting people with a stick I would blame the child and not the stick and then I would take all of the sticks away from everybody

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
First of all, Democrats promote the slaughter of millions of children through the infanticide of abortion, so when it comes to children, they can just shut up.

Second of all, there is a price to pay for living in a free society. Criminals and terrorists and others take advantage of our openness and do us harm. That is a price we pay to live free.. The alternative is the Marxist lockdown state the Democrats want.

I prefer to live free, with my rights and with my guns.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Very good

My response to this silly trope about deer hunting is a reminder that the authors of the second amendment hadn't just returned from a hunting trip, they had just finished fighting a 7-year long war against the best equipped military in the world at the time, a war of independence against the oppressive government controlling that best equipped military in the world at the time. They wrote the second amendment with the violent overthrow of an oppressive government in mind.


Well-known member
Very good

My response to this silly trope about deer hunting is a reminder that the authors of the second amendment hadn't just returned from a hunting trip, they had just finished fighting a 7-year long war against the best equipped military in the world at the time, a war of independence against the oppressive government controlling that best equipped military in the world at the time. They wrote the second amendment with the violent overthrow of an oppressive government in mind.
Remember Venezuela and keep your guns loaded and your powder dry.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Very good

My response to this silly trope about deer hunting is a reminder that the authors of the second amendment hadn't just returned from a hunting trip, they had just finished fighting a 7-year long war against the best equipped military in the world at the time, a war of independence against the oppressive government controlling that best equipped military in the world at the time. They wrote the second amendment with the violent overthrow of an oppressive government in mind.
Ukraine should be all that anybody needs to know what the right kind of gun control is. It's gun control that makes your people ready for the invading Russians. I know, civilian reduced functionality military replicas like AR15s are not going to help against Russian artillery and rockets and tanks and most aircraft, but having every Ukrainian and their brother always toting around assault weapons wherever they are and wherever they go, compared with running and hiding unarmed, is automatically a taller order for the invading Russians. Automatically, without doing anything else. All other things being equal. Civilians are strapped with assault weapons, or they're not. Which one's worse for the invading Russians? Hint, closer to American gun policy than most people are comfortable admitting.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Remember Venezuela and keep your guns loaded and your powder dry.
Nowadays keeping your powder dry means keeping your hopefully many hopefully normal capacity (Democratic translation = super-duper high capacity "clips") magazines always already fully loaded.

Do not store your magazines empty. Empty magazines = wet powder.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

"Listen, folks, this shouldn't be difficult," said the yammering old geriatric to a duck in the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. "The mentally unstable shouldn't have guns! It's dangerous! Think of what could happen, Jack! They could fire it blindly through their front door because they heard a noise, or leave it right out in the open where a Taliban terrorist could pick it up, or accidentally kill innocent people they thought were bad guys but turned out to be foreign aid workers!" The man then dove face-first into the pool because he thought he saw an ice cream cone there.

Many Democrats are warning of chaos and death if mentally unstable people such as themselves ever get their hands on a firearm. "It would be a disaster," said one Democratic strategist. "Think of putting weapons in the hands of people who can't even define what a 'woman' is! I shudder at the thought! Please disarm us immediately!"

"It's real simple," said the old man as he climbed out of the Reflecting Pool, disappointed to not have found any ice cream. "Guns, tanks, drones, nukes—all that stuff—we gotta take those away from people who aren't mentally fit!"

At publishing time, the man was on the run after taking an ice cream cone he mistook for a handgun out of the hands of a tourist.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Stay tuned

The Supreme Court is poised to issue a ruling in a New York gun rights case that will likely expand the scope of protections the Second Amendment affords individual gun owners who want to carry a gun outside of their residences. The biggest question in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen may not be whether a majority of justices strike down the state’s century-old handgun licensing requirement but how far that majority goes in signaling that other licensing measures created by government officials are now constitutionally suspect.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Genuinely curious your justification for calling yourself a Christian but promoting stuff like that. Were it not for the freedom of speech they should have been arrested and charged with some sort of crime. They're leveling a knowing false charge, we all know who's to blame and it is always 100% without any sort of exception, the actual trigger men. 100%. Anytime anyone starts pointing fingers at anybody else we know it's a lie. We know, you're a fan of lying and liars, I don't know why, but I'm curious given the passive aggression leveled against good, non-murdering (and non-mass-murdering) men like Mr. LaPierre and the whole rest of the NRA and Republicans generally but also quite a few Democrats, in the wake of massacres perpetrated by no one except the mass murderers, as recognized above, how you as a self-identifying Christian, reconcile your professed faith in Jesus Christ with promoting this bile.

I'll wait.