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WW1 assault rifle, bolt action

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I inherited a wonderful example of the Springfield 03 from my grandfather. It's got the single twist rifling which was used in WW2 to cut costs. Even so, the thing can reach out and touch a plate farther than I can see with iron sights. It's really fun to shoot when one can get to a range that's long enough for this type of rifle to shine.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The 'site picture'

This is what you call it when you're looking down the barrel of your gun. Your gun is always pointed at something, when you look down the barrel, aligning the rear site with the front site, and looking right down that alignment between the rear and front sites, you are looking at what the gun is currently pointed at.

I can put eight rounds of .45 ammunition on a six inch target at 25 yards in under five seconds. With a handgun.

That's because a great Texan, Mr. "Jerry" Miculek teaches people how to shoot, for free on the internet. I learned from him how to do that. Can you imagine being able to hit an object that's about six inches in diameter from a distance of 25 yards (75 feet!) with eight rounds of .45 ammunition (230 grain!) in under five seconds?

If the Ukrainians can learn to shoot, they are going to continue to give Russia an enormous headache, no matter how much armor and materiel and basically no matter how many troops.

And they can learn how to shoot on the internet, by learning about the 'site picture', and by watching Mr. Miculek's videos.

(Incidentally, you can also watch another great Texan, Mr. Mark Rippetoe, teach you how to lift weights if you realize that you really do want to be basically as strong as your DNA will allow you to get, while you're still young and able. Which means, basically, that you can still walk----even if it's with a 'walker'.)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The 'site picture'

This is what you call it when you're looking down the barrel of your gun. Your gun is always pointed at something, when you look down the barrel, aligning the rear site with the front site, and looking right down that alignment between the rear and front sites, you are looking at what the gun is currently pointed at.

I can put eight rounds of .45 ammunition on a six inch target at 25 yards in under five seconds. With a handgun.

That's because a great Texan, Mr. "Jerry" Miculek teaches people how to shoot, for free on the internet. I learned from him how to do that. Can you imagine being able to hit an object that's about six inches in diameter from a distance of 25 yards (75 feet!) with eight rounds of .45 ammunition (230 grain!) in under five seconds?

If the Ukrainians can learn to shoot, they are going to continue to give Russia an enormous headache, no matter how much armor and materiel and basically no matter how many troops.

And they can learn how to shoot on the internet, by learning about the 'site picture', and by watching Mr. Miculek's videos.

(Incidentally, you can also watch another great Texan, Mr. Mark Rippetoe, teach you how to lift weights if you realize that you really do want to be basically as strong as your DNA will allow you to get, while you're still young and able. Which means, basically, that you can still walk----even if it's with a 'walker'.)
That's some pretty good shoot'n there Tex!


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That's some pretty good shoot'n there Tex!
You're darn right it's good shootin. Now imagine if instead of a .45 it's a Kalashnikov or M16 in the hands of a whole bunch of Ukrainians who can put eight rounds on target from 100 or even 125 yards quickly. Russian troops will have their hands full, even more than they already do.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You're darn right it's good shootin. Now imagine if instead of a .45 it's a Kalashnikov or M16 in the hands of a whole bunch of Ukrainians who can put eight rounds on target from 100 or even 125 yards quickly. Russian troops will have their hands full, even more than they already do.
That's true. But it's looking like Kyiv is the only place to test that theory, as it seems to be one of the few places left that might see house to house fighting. Actually, I hope the peace talks resume and we don't see that theory tested at all.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That's true. But it's looking like Kyiv is the only place to test that theory, as it seems to be one of the few places left that might see house to house fighting. Actually, I hope the peace talks resume and we don't see that theory tested at all.
That was the city where they were 'handing out' rifles to civilians. Now all they need is a site picture and Mr. Miculek.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
idk. I trust Senator McConnell. Basically. He's not facing reelection until 2026 it looks like? I didn't check any of the others' reelection schedule.

There are also Dems who vote against gun control.


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Ohio Becomes Latest State to Allow Concealed Gun Carry Without a Permit

Ohioans are no longer required to have a concealed carry permit for their firearms or undergo background checks, following the governor signing Republican-backed legislation.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed a bill that eliminates a concealed carry permit requirement for Ohioans ages 21 and over who are legally eligible to own and carry a firearm in the state.

Senate Bill 215 will go into effect in 90 days and will remove permitting, training and background check requirements to carry a concealed weapon. Prior law required citizens to have eight hours of training, a background check and an application through their local sheriff.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
idk. I trust Senator McConnell. Basically. He's not facing reelection until 2026 it looks like? I didn't check any of the others' reelection schedule.

There are also Dems who vote against gun control.
It's always good to right away consider their reelection plans and prospects. Senator Manchin for example recently couldn't go along with the whole rest of his party because he needs to secure his reelection and he knew his constituency and he knew they would kick him out on his backside if he went along with the whole rest of his party so he didn't.

The whole country's fate was basically decided by the people of West Virginia. People of West Virginia, we Republicans thank you for your service. And this was a remarkable display of the power that the people living in just one state in the whole Union has over all the rest of us, at times, and under certain circumstances. This was one of those rare events, and it speaks volumes to the strength of our Constitution right now, far more in favor of its health and vitality than "January 6th" could ever hope to say in its detraction. That was a 'high school prank'.

Winning elections is how 'career' politicians succeed and thrive in our Constitution, and this rightly puts a ton of power in the hands of the people, right where it belongs.

And it's not as if our representatives are only acting on behalf of their constituents in 'election season', it's all the time. The successful career politicians (I'm repeating myself) always 'have their finger on the pulse' of their people, whom they represent. They are always negotiating with their people's best interests in mind, whether they're 'up for' reelection or not.

'Lame ducks' are truly a 'rare breed.'

So like I said, I basically trust Senator McConnell, because I think me and his constituents (Kentuckians) are ideologically similar, and I trust that our Constitution is working fine, and so, given an opportunity with perhaps very little impact on his next election, I basically trust that he will vote well.

"I'm not a pessimist----I'm an optometrist."


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Never had the pleasure of firing one. They're economical.
I'm a gun snob I admit it. You got me. I said "the pleasure of firing one" to be polite. The reality is that there are certain guns that I do not prefer and that I would not recommend. Some examples are Mossberg, Sig, Beretta (these last two won military contracts over the past three or four decades, which only underscores my bias), Walther and lots of others, including Russian guns like SKSs and AK patterns.

But what's not fair and not right, is to conceive of the brands and patterns that I do not prefer as categorically inferior to others like 1911s, M16 (aka AR), M14 (aka M1A), Glocks, Remingtons, Benelli, Smiths, Springfields, Karr, Desert Eagles ("Agents" in the movie The Matrix used Desert Eagles), Rugers and Kimbers, and many other European rifles and pistols, all of which I basically prefer and recommend, with particular attention on the first one, as a civilian pattern pistol.

There are patterns of handgun which "stovepipe" after one shot, rendering the thing useless and you unarmed, until you can clear the casing that failed to eject. These guns and others like them are actually categorically inferior to all the other guns. They are unreliable. When it comes to civilian guns, reliability has to be top priority because without reliability it's actually arguable that it's more important than that a troop's gun is reliable, because the troop has a better chance of quickly getting a replacement reliable gun if he or she or neither he nor she experiences some sort of failure (meaning at least a failure to extract, eject, feed, fire, whatever failure that renders the gun inoperable). All other things being equal.

And I admit I 'look down my nose' at Russian guns, even though, they are reliable 'as all get out'. Russian guns are good guns. I shouldn't 'look down my nose' at them, I just want something more accurate. So if I can get Russian reliability with better accuracy, that's what I prefer. And that's why I prefer the rifles I mentioned above and others which are more accurate than the Russian patterns. But that's not a categorical distinction, not like reliability is categorical. An unreliable gun is almost equal to no gun, not exactly, but it's pretty bad. A Russian gun equals a full Kel-tec iow.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ

10-round magazine, semiauto, .50 BMG

But: "
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Not currently accepting new orders because of a 3 year backlog.

No banana, Jim.
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