
User Name

Greatest poster ever
The people have a right to bear arms within the context of "a well-regulated militia." This tells us two things: 1) Militias are to be well-regulated, and 2) You are not a militia unto yourself.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The people have a right to bear arms within the context of "a well-regulated militia." This tells us two things: 1) Militias are to be well-regulated, and 2) You are not a militia unto yourself.
[Scans Heller.]


way 2 go

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User Name

Greatest poster ever
Hmm. So ... not what you said then. Curious.
According to the current Supreme Court. But even with this decision, they admit that the right to bear arms is not unlimited and that guns and gun ownership would continue to be regulated. This leaves the waters murky as to where an individual's right to bear arms ends and regulation begins. They're just making this up as they go along, which is fine. And a future Supreme Court can reverse itself on this issue, which is also fine.


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My right to bear arms does not come from the Constitution.

It comes from God.

That the Constitution happens to enforce my right is a blessing. That the Constitution does not unilaterally enforce my right is a curse.


Well-known member
The people have a right to bear arms within the context of "a well-regulated militia." This tells us two things: 1) Militias are to be well-regulated, and 2) You are not a militia unto yourself.
Guns have been legal in the US for more than 200 years, with or without the Constitution. Lefty gun-grabbing commies will never change that.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Worth noting that this is why you are trained, if you are trained, to keep firing until the target drops. He took three head shots before he hit the ground.
He had ill intent and had drawn a gun. If he doesn't neutralize him immediately he could have turned the gun on him and fired. At that close? Can't blame him for going for the head. How else could he guarantee that gun's not getting turned on him? It was in his hand. He was right next to him. I think a competent defense attorney gets him acquitted of any charges if he was arrested for this.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He had ill intent and had drawn a gun. If he doesn't neutralize him immediately he could have turned the gun on him and fired. At that close? Can't blame him for going for the head. How else could he guarantee that gun's not getting turned on him? It was in his hand. He was right next to him. I think a competent defense attorney gets him acquitted of any charges if he was arrested for this.
Did you notice that his buddies scattered at the door before the bystander drew his gun?

Did you notice how the other bystander probably is suffering permanent hearing loss now?