This particular is a difficult discussion because we are wading through the very nature of God.
Yes, Jesus has the very nature of God, I agree.
The RC calls the trinity a mystery and rightly so for there are aspects that seem beyond our comprehension to attain when we get right down to it.
And that is why acknowledging that Jesus is God, the Father is God, and the Holy Spirit is God is sufficient.
When we are looking at Christ's nature, it can be a confusing subject as well so, for me, any discussion on this particular is win-win.
Anyone who reads their Bible knows that Jesus has the nature of God. It is apparent. The difficulty comes for those who want to prove that Jesus has the nature of man. We know that Jesus has a real human body, born of a woman, so the debate about what the "nature" is might be more appropriate.
If one is corrected in their thinking, no problem. If one is better able to express their thoughts so that others grasp the matter more clearly, it's a win as well.
:up: I think that's possible so that a child can understand it. I am a simple, narrow minded, person. I prefer to strip away all of the unnecessary supposed intellectual chatter, and get to the point.
I had adopted a faulty view of Christ's nature from a Professor and was corrected by Nang and AMR. I initially held that God died on the cross because Jesus was God. Here is the thinking behind my correction:
Q1: What is death?
A1: It is separation from life
Q2: Can God die?
A1: If so, He ceases to exist, is separated from life. Logically, it is impossible for God to die. Man's soul is destroyable, God's is not.
:. (therefore) When Christ died on the cross, whatever was human died, whatever was divine could not.
Hence, I came to the correct understanding that the second person in the Trinity could not die. A cross could not kill God.
Lon, no one ceases to exist. Death is separation from the body. It can also be separation from God. God tasted death through the body of Jesus.
"But we do see
Him who was made for a little while lower than the angels, namely, Jesus, because of the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, so that by the grace of God He might taste death for everyone." Heb 2:9
If God did not taste death through His human body, then you have God (who has a mind) departing to leave the Man Jesus to taste death with his mind (a double-minded being). Jesus said that those who believe in Him will never die John 11:26. Are you going to suggest that this was not true for Jesus?
1. Do you believe that when Jesus was resurrected that He was not God in the flesh?
2. If you think Jesus has two natures, where was Jesus (the Man) during those 3 days?
3. Paul says to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Was this not true of Jesus?
4. Was God the Son sitting in heaven waiting for Jesus (the Man) to die so that the two of them would be one again?
5. Does the Man, Jesus, still have his own mind, nature, spirit/soul as he sits at the right hand of God?
I have many more questions to ask, but that's a good start.
I'm unsure if that helps, but I would say I could have been accused accordingly by my misheld belief prior to the particular discussion. I don't really look at labels of heresy as much as trying to ascertain specifically what I may hold incorrectly because I'm seeking to be orthodox (correct) and am open to these corrections in light of scriptural truth (not saying you aren't, just how I handle these particulars).
At least between you and AMR you admit you're still learning. :up: