I am rooting for Ghost. I do not believe that Jesus had two natures. I just cannot find any scriptural support for that view. Jesus is God the Son, God incarnate.
It's a creed. Show where in the scripture it is.
Why do we need artificial creeds when we have the written Word?
'Orthodox' also includes classical theism (Calvinism) which I reject because I cannot find enough support for it in the scripture. This Dual natures creed makes Jesus sound like He has two spirits. It says the same thing about humans as well--they have a soul and a spirit. This concept when applied to Jesus states that God took the place of the human soul when He assumed a human body. He still had a human spirit with Him in that body. I can find this no place in scripture.
My theology is just simply what you find in the first chapter of John--->In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.......And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.
:rotfl: Spoken like a true Roman Catholic :loser:Anyone who deviates from the orthodox creeds, also deviates from Holy Scripture.
I doubt your assessment. However, no one does a better job of trashing your views than you do, so I'll leave you to your own stupidity.Ghost,
This thread is provided to accommodate members' opinions as to the debate of your views, not for you to trash my views.
:rotfl: There you go again. :chuckle:In fact, I do not even know if you and AMR are allowed to post here during your One on One.