Unregenrates reason with men only. They don't know God exists.That's because he is trying to reason with men rather than God.
Unregenrates reason with men only. They don't know God exists.That's because he is trying to reason with men rather than God.
No.Fruit perhaps.
He lied.
He studies error.
AKA hearsay.
Satan making a pact with Israel in the middle of a supposed lost week is a lie straight outta hell.
I've looked at Calvin's doctrines. What I meant was I'm not going to go thru it all any more than I'd go thru the Book of Mormon .
Because I see their errors. I am too busy studying the truth. Ain't got no time fo dat
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Right. Just look at his avatar. I believe him. Let's go to the branch Davidian
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Yeah, I'll listen to yer copy paste jobs from yer pet web site.
No prob.
I wouldn't know if it was wrong if I didn't listen.
Why did they need a cure?
No. I've clearly illustrated that the original creation is Monergistic, and from that original creation would have to come what you refer to as Synergism.
There is only Monergism, even if it included what you perceive as Synergism. You're just playing games. I think you know it. Maybe you don't. Either way, you're beating the air.
Tell me... What is it that man has for Synergism that wasn't originally created by God within man in some manner?
Faith, the noun, is not about others and their doctrines, etc. You find faith difficult because the thing thought and spoken about as the means of the thing heard has not had the thing believed come out of it as the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
You're using Christians as the excuse for the alleged difficulty of a noun you insist is a verb. You have no idea how ridiculous this is.
Let's get right down to it, Sonnet...
What is the source of alleged Synergism?
Is it from man apart from God who created him?
Or is it from the original Monergistic creation, to which (and beyond) we are resurrected?
What is it within man that is uncreated by God for Synergism?
Let's get right down to it, Sonnet...
What is the source of alleged Synergism?
Is it from man apart from God who created him?
Or is it from the original Monergistic creation, to which (and beyond) we are resurrected?
What is it within man that is uncreated by God for Synergism?
Hope you read this through for an understanding of the Doctrines of Grace.
TULIP: Faith of Our Fathers
By Gritters, Barrett L.
The Calvinists came up with a beautiful acronymn (TULIP) to explain the doctrines of grace.
Is the faith of our fathers living in your life? In your church? We sing the song: 'Faith of our fathers living still ...' and no doubt the faith is living. But the question is, 'Where is that faith living and confessed?' And, 'What is the faith of our fathers?'
It was expressed over 350 years ago by our church fathers at the Synod of Dordt (in the Netherlands). We use the familiar acrostic: TULIP to help us remember what our fathers said the Bible teaches:
Dead in Sin?
T - Total Depravity
That means simply MAN is DEAD. The Bible says that you and I are dead in trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1-6) unless we are born again. DEAD!!! More than that, the man or woman who is dead in sin hates God, and his 'carnal mind' is 'enmity against God' (Rom. 8:7). His will is stubbornly steeled against God. This Biblical idea changes a lot of modern talk about salvation.
Consider what that means:
1.Can a man do good works then, if he is not a Christian who is born again? No. 'Whatsoever is not of faith is sin' (Rom. 14:23).
2.Can a man want to be born again and follow instructions on 'how to do it?' No, for that would be like saying that a man in a grave can desire to come out of the grave, or follow instructions on how to be made alive. It would be like trying to lure him out of the grave. 'It is the Spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing' (John 6:63).
3.Can any man 'accept Christ' as his personal Savior, so that he becomes saved after that? Of course not. Accepting Christ is a good work done only by a Christian. Only AFTER God makes a person alive, can he and will he accept Christ. 'No man can come unto me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him' (John 6:44).
4.Can you 'offer salvation' to anyone? That is surely impossible. One might as well offer food to a dead man than salvation to a dead sinner (Eph. 2:1-2).
ONLY GOD CAN MAKE US ALIVE. AND GOD DOES THAT SOVEREIGNLY - WITHOUT OUR AID, WITHOUT OUR ASKING. From beginning to end, 'Salvation is of the Lord' (Jonah 2:9). This is the faith that we preach, because it is Biblical, because it is the FAITH of our fathers, which we love, still living in our hearts, and because it gives God all the glory!
Not My Choice
L - Limited Atonement
The great gospel message that so many today are urgently carrying to distant lands is that Christ made atonement with His death. But there are two critical points at which this message is so severely distorted that it no longer carries the gospel message.
THE FIRST DISTORTION concerns what Christ's death did. The Biblical truth of the Atonement is that His death paid for sins. Yet so many today teach that Christ's death was only an example for us to follow, and if one merely follows His example he will be saved. Or it is taught that Christ's death did not actually pay for any specific sins, but made it possible for all sins to be paid for.
But the Bible says that Christ's death on the cross actually paid for sins. Acts 20:28 says that God bought the church with His own blood. See also Matthew 26:28, Hebrews 7:26-27.
THE SECOND DISTORTION of this biblical truth is that Christ died for all men.
Some teach that Christ made it possible for all men to be saved. But the questions that must be asked are: 'If Christ died for all men, why are not all men saved?' 'Can not God do what He desires to do?' 'Is there something defective in Christ's death?' 'Must man desire to be saved first?' But a man who is totally depraved can not will to be saved. He hates God and wants nothing to do with Christ's death. So it must not be said that Christ died for all men.
The Bible says that Christ laid down His life for His sheep,
and only them (John 10:11).
The ATONEMENT is LIMITED to the elect of God. Every sin of every one of Christ's sheep is paid for. Those sins and those alone have been paid for. That is the only gospel because that is the Bible.