God's law in the Bible



Today is Rishon, Ziv 25, day. I am a Jew, of Israel. I live in the United States of America, where I am a citizen. I have never been to Israel. I used to be a Christian. I am a proselyte and convert to Judaism. I accept the TaNaKh and Matthew through Revelation. I believe Yeshua to be the Messiah, and I believe that the new covenant has already come in Him. I observe Torah. There are 613 Commandments. From Matthew to Revelation there are 1050 more Commandments. I do not know how many Commandments are in the Prophets and the Writings of the TaNaKh.

Where do you see God's law in the Bible? What is God's law in the Bible? What is God's law?

We can start with Torah, which is the first five books of the TaNaKh (the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings), which means Instruction or Direction. There are many covenants in the Bible. Even before Moses and Israel at Mount Sinai there were covenants. So what is God's Law? What is God's law?

In Jeremiah we read of God's law written on minds and hearts, which is for the house of Israel and the house of Judah, and which covenant is not like the old which the people broke. We know this covenant to have come in Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus the Christ.

What are the Hebrew words for law, where are they found, and what do they mean? Also with the Greek (though I do not know Greek). What is God's law, instruction, or even His laws?




New member
Only two commands ever really come to mind; I believe all other law to be fulfilled by the fulfilment of those two commands.
I also believe that the law is written on the heart and mind and can be known through negating wants of self and listening to the selfless conscience. The Holy Spirit brings about the hearing of the Word of GOD. The teachings and example of the Christ of GOD verify what is known through the Holy Spirit.

peace friend

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Only two commands ever really come to mind; I believe all other law to be fulfilled by the fulfilment of those two commands.
I also believe that the law is written on the heart and mind and can be known through negating wants of self and listening to the selfless conscience. The Holy Spirit brings about the hearing of the Word of GOD. The teachings and example of the Christ of GOD verify what is known through the Holy Spirit.

peace friend


I am sorry, but you have been misled. How can I help you?




Well-known member

I am sorry, but you have been misled. How can I help you?



You're rude.

How many of these threads do you plan on starting so you can tell people they are wrong?


Now, from the OP, don't you notice something odd? You are not a Jew of Israel if you have never been to Israel. And how is this thread any different than the link above? You offer to "help", but you have no answers because you aren't really a Jew. :popcorn:

"I am a Jew, of Israel. I live in the United States of America, where I am a citizen. I have never been to Israel."


You're rude.

How many of these threads do you plan on starting so you can tell people they are wrong?


Now, from the OP, don't you notice something odd? You are not a Jew of Israel if you have never been to Israel. And how is this thread any different than the link above? You offer to "help", but you have no answers because you aren't really a Jew. :popcorn:

"I am a Jew, of Israel. I live in the United States of America, where I am a citizen. I have never been to Israel."


I have read Hebrew from the Bema at the congregation I attend. I observe Torah. I may be Jewish by more than my observance. You wanted to know how I am of Israel if I have never been to Israel. That is a great question. If I were not of Israel I would not be observing Passover each year here in the United States of America as God has allowed me to do. But we are to observe three annual feasts in Jerusalem each year. I observe here in the United States of America.

It is not rude to ask to serve, or to ask if I can serve, someone. Please do not interrupt.




New member
Wherefore THE LAW was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster [THE LAW]. - Galatians 2:16-17


Wherefore THE LAW was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster [THE LAW]. - Galatians 2:16-17

Being under the Law and obeying God's commands might here be two different things.




We aren't interrupting when we post on an open forum. :carryon:

You can tell someone they have been "mislead"...even if it is rude to do so, and I can tell you when you're being rude. Isn't free speech a wonderful thing?

Free speech is fine so long as you are obedient to God. I have been following thread etiquette.




I'm sorry but you can help by verifying your claim in some fashion.


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Are you wanting to defend your statements? It is okay if not. You can change what you believe. You referred to two commandments in your own way and added your own thoughts that are not in scripture. I would love to help.




New member

Are you wanting to defend your statements? It is okay if not. You can change what you believe. You referred to two commandments in your own way and added your own thoughts that are not in scripture. I would love to help.


I stated the two commands and explain them as I understand them. What use is reciting scripture if we do not understand it?

peace friend

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I stated the two commands and explain them as I understand them. What use is reciting scripture if we do not understand it?

peace friend

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But your ideas are not found in the Bible, the scriptures, or the Torah. Do you know about the Holy or Sacred Scriptures? Do you accept the TaNaKh, the Hebrew Scriptures, and Matthew through Revelation?




Well-known member

God's Law is His Instruction to us, how He wants us to live (as Jews).



The Torah, as I understand it, contains somewhere around 613 laws. You've now said that you seek to follow all 1050 laws as found in the entirety of the Christian Scriptures (Genesis through Revelation). Did the Messiah come to multiply the Law? To add commandments to be followed?


New member

But your ideas are not found in the Bible, the scriptures, or the Torah. Do you know about the Holy or Sacred Scriptures? Do you accept the TaNaKh, the Hebrew Scriptures, and Matthew through Revelation?


They aren't my ideas friend. If you would like me to show the scripture then I will.

To answer your question about sacred texts; I consider the Torah, new covenant, Quran, Zend Avesta, and other texts to be inspired by GOD.

You said yourself that the law is written on the hearts and minds as per Jeremiah.

peace friend.

Sent from my Z983 using Tapatalk


The Torah, as I understand it, contains somewhere around 613 laws. You've now said that you seek to follow all 1050 laws as found in the entirety of the Christian Scriptures (Genesis through Revelation). Did the Messiah come to multiply the Law? To add commandments to be followed?

I do not believe what you are saying. Yeshua observed and taught the Law.

