God is Jesus vs. Jesus is God

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God's Truth

New member
Perhaps Hebrews 1 will help:q

Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways by the prophets, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, through whom he also created the worlds. 3 He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word.

No, it doesn't help.

I know that scripture and it is proof of what I preach.

Tambora needs to just answer the question I asked.

If He is God’s reflection, “mirror” is not an unreasonable term.

Who do you say is speaking in the Old Testament?


Well-known member

Now stay on that line, and I hope you will discuss further with me.

So who was speaking in the Old Testament, the Father or the Son?

Who was speaking in the Old testament? As in when God told Moses "tell them'I AM' sent you? Jesus said that


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Hall of Fame
Who was said to be speaking in the Old Testament? I can ask it in any way I can to appease you.

Now please just answer.
You still don't see through your blinders, GT.

Does the NT reveal that the Father and the Son are 2 distinct persons that interact with each other, and have done so since before the world was?
Does the NT contradict the OT?

Nothing in the OT can dispute what is in the NT.
And the NT, which is just as much the word of GOD as the OT, cannot be contradicted by the OT.

So take a good hard look at the truth of scripture, GT.

John 17
(5) And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

That is 2 distinct persons interacting with each other,
Along with several other scriptures showing the interaction between the Father and the Son.

If you think any other scripture can contradict that, then you haven't even left the starting gate.


Well-known member
I merely found it impossible to believe your statement in light of what Paul said. :idunno:

Your right, you don't know. You throw 1 Cor 2:8 at me and think it proves your point. I'm not sure you fully understand....shoot maybe I don't.

Bottom line is I believe if God wanted you to know Jesus as God or the other way around or even if Jesus wasn't God at all, He would make sure you or I know without a doubt. I have no doubts as you probably don't either arguing for the alternative. So all we will do is argue past one another.


Well-known member
You still don't see through your blinders, GT.

Does the NT reveal that the Father and the Son are 2 distinct persons that interact with each other, and have done so since before the world was?
Does the NT contradict the OT?

Nothing in the OT can dispute what is in the NT.
And the NT, which is just as much the word of GOD as the OT, cannot be contradicted by the OT.

So take a good hard look at the truth of scripture, GT.

John 17
(5) And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

That is 2 distinct persons interacting with each other,
Along with several other scriptures showing the interaction between the Father and the Son.

If you think any other scripture can contradict that, then you haven't even left the starting gate.

Its my belief one cannot interpret the Old without the New.


New member
Rabbit trail, as GOD did not cease being a triune unity of 3 distinct persons.
It's not going to change the NT where it clearly says a distinct person, the Father, sent another distinct person, the Son.
The NT clearly says a distinct person, the Son, cried out to another distinct person, the Father.
The NT clearly says that a distinct person, the Son, sat down with another distinct person, the Father.

GOD has existed as a triune unity consisting of 3 distinct persons from the beginning of scripture ------ Let us create.
The points in bold are helpful.


New member
Jesus is revealed in every book of the Old Testament. Better get out that Book and study.

2 Timothy 2:15King James Version (KJV)

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


Every book?

Can you point out where Jesus is revealed in Esther?


Literal lunatic
Your right, you don't know. You throw 1 Cor 2:8 at me and think it proves your point. I'm not sure you fully understand....shoot maybe I don't.

Bottom line is I believe if God wanted you to know Jesus as God or the other way around or even if Jesus wasn't God at all, He would make sure you or I know without a doubt. I have no doubts as you probably don't either arguing for the alternative. So all we will do is argue past one another.

I don't have an argument.

You on the other hand just admitted that you do.

Perhaps you can explain why Paul was wrong when he said they didn't understand.

Or Peter for that matter when he said they did it in ignorance.
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