God is Jesus vs. Jesus is God

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You said I am not Christ.
You're not.
And yet all Christians are said to be one with Christ.

Why use such an argument?
Because you argued that the person of the Son being one with the Father made the Son the Father.
It doesn't make the Son be the Father anymore that a Christian being one with Christ makes the Christian Christ.

I never said I thought I was Christ.
I never said you did say you thought you were Christ.

God's Truth

New member
I have not changed the way scripture uses words.

You have changed the one gospel into two.

You have changed the kingdom into two.

You have changed repent of your sins to change your mind about God.

You changed the word 'God' to be more than one.

Scripture reveals GOD as a triune unity consisting of 3 distinct persons that interact with one another, not 1 confused schizophrenic person thinking He is 3 persons.

You are the one who does that. I can prove it to you easily.

I say it is the same God speaking; when the Father speaks so does the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I ask who was speaking in the Old Testament. You say it is Jesus speaking. So then I say it is Jesus saying in the Old Testament "He will be my Son". You then say oh no that was God the Father speaking.
I give the scripture that says you will see me the one you pierced. You say oh no that is now Jesus.

NO WAY, insane.

God's Truth

New member
Tambora, you said I make a schizophrenic God.

Let's debate.

Who is speaking in the Old Testament?

Go on say it.

Let's take it slowly.

Who is speaking in the Old Testament?


Get your armor ready!
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You have changed the one gospel into two.

You have changed the kingdom into two.

You have changed repent of your sins to change your mind about God.

You changed the word 'God' to be more than one.

You are the one who does that. I can prove it to your easily.

I say it is the same God speaking; when the Father speaks so does the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I ask who was speaking in the Old Testament. You say it is Jesus speaking. So then I say it is Jesus saying in the Old Testament "He will be my Son". You then say oh no that was God the Father speaking.
I give the scripture that says you will see me the one you pierced. You say oh no that is now Jesus.

NO WAY, insane.
You are confused because you do not comprehend what folks say.
You are only interested in what you have to say.
Debate what is being discussed in this thread right now between us, GT, and stop your usual tactic of presenting rabbit holes.

GOD is one triune unity consisting of 3 distinct persons that interact with one another.
Just as a family is one unity consisting of distinct persons that interact with one another.

God's Truth

New member
I have not changed the way scripture uses words.
Scripture reveals GOD as a triune unity consisting of 3 distinct persons that interact with one another, not 1 confused schizophrenic person thinking He is 3 persons.

Just listen to what you accused me of doing, of making a schizophrenic God.

You are the one who says there is one God speaking to three individuals!

God's Truth

New member
You are confused because you do not comprehend what folks say.
You are only interested in what you have to say.
Debate what is being discussed in this thread right now between us, GT, and stop your usual tactic of presenting rabbit holes.

GOD is one triune unity consisting of 3 distinct persons that interact with one another.
Just as a family is one unity consisting of distinct persons that interact with one another.

Oh I want to debate you seriously on this.

Start by stop saying I make rabbit holes and any other unbecoming accusations.

How about the fact is that you don't understand me? Can you just say that instead of saying I am doing something that I am not doing?

God is not three different Persons making one God. That would mean the Father is not God unless the other two are with Him---if that is the case, the YOU CANNOT say oh no it is now only Jesus speaking. AND THAT IS WHAT YOU DO.

God's Truth

New member

Let's start with the question from me:

Who was speaking in the Old Testament.

The Bible says God/LORD.

Now I ask you:

Who was speaking the Father or the Son?


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Tambora, you said I make a schizophrenic God.

Let's debate.

Who is speaking in the Old Testament?

Go on say it.

Let's take it slowly.

Who is speaking in the Old Testament?
Rabbit trail, as GOD did not cease being a triune unity of 3 distinct persons.
It's not going to change the NT where it clearly says a distinct person, the Father, sent another distinct person, the Son.
The NT clearly says a distinct person, the Son, cried out to another distinct person, the Father.
The NT clearly says that a distinct person, the Son, sat down with another distinct person, the Father.
GOD has existed as a triune unity consisting of 3 distinct persons from the beginning of scripture ------ Let us create.

God's Truth

New member
Rabbit trail, as GOD did not cease being a triune unity of 3 distinct persons.
It's not going to change the NT where it clearly says a distinct person, the Father, sent another distinct person, the Son.
The NT clearly says a distinct person, the Son, cried out to another distinct person, the Father.
The NT clearly says that a distinct person, the Son, sat down with another distinct person, the Father.
GOD has existed as a triune unity consisting of 3 distinct persons from the beginning of scripture ------ Let us create.

First off, Jesus was NOT revealed in the Old Testament.

Secondly, go ahead, pick whomever you want to say the Speaker was in the Old Testament.

I am waiting for your answer.


Get your armor ready!
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Oh I want to debate you seriously on this.
You can start any time.

Start by stop saying I make rabbit holes and any other unbecoming accusations.
Then stop bringing up rabbit trails to go down when you have not dealt properly with the fact that the 3 distinct persons of the triune GOD interact with one another as distinct persons.

How about the fact is that you don't understand me? Can you just say that instead of saying I am doing something that I am not doing?
Filler-buster squabble.

God is not three different Persons making one God.
Scripture reveals GOD as a triune unity consisting of 3 distinct persons (Father, Son Holy Spirit) that interact with one another as distinct persons.

That would mean the Father is not God unless the other two are with Him
No it doesn't.
Me, my husband, and my son are one unity (family) consisting of 3 distinct persons that interact with one another.
I can be in another town and I am still of that one unity.

---if that is the case, the YOU CANNOT say oh no it is now only Jesus speaking. AND THAT IS WHAT YOU DO.
That is what scripture does.
Scripture clearly says the Father and the Son interact with each other as distinct persons.


Get your armor ready!
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Let's start with the question from me:

Who was speaking in the Old Testament.

The Bible says God/LORD.

Now I ask you:

Who was speaking the Father or the Son?
No, we are not going to start with a new question, GT.
A new question is not going to make the GOD in the NT change from the GOD in the OT, now is it GT?
We have clear indication of the Father and the Son being 2 distinct persons interacting with each other.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
First off, Jesus was NOT revealed in the Old Testament.

Secondly, go ahead, pick whomever you want to say the Speaker was in the Old Testament.

I am waiting for your answer.

Jesus is revealed in every book of the Old Testament. Better get out that Book and study.

2 Timothy 2:15King James Version (KJV)

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

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