God is Jesus vs. Jesus is God

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God's Truth

New member
You still don't see through your blinders, GT.

Does the NT reveal that the Father and the Son are 2 distinct persons that interact with each other, and have done so since before the world was?
Does the NT contradict the OT?

Nothing in the OT can dispute what is in the NT.
And the NT, which is just as much the word of GOD as the OT, cannot be contradicted by the OT.

So take a good hard look at the truth of scripture, GT.

John 17
(5) And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

That is 2 distinct persons interacting with each other,
Along with several other scriptures showing the interaction between the Father and the Son.

If you think any other scripture can contradict that, then you haven't even left the starting gate.

You are speaking around everything.

Drdrumley answered plainly. Why can't you?

Who was speaking in the Old Testament?


New member
I just posted SCRIPTURE, GT.
SCRIPTURE includes OT and NT together, not separate.
Scripture does not contradict scripture.
In the above scripture it is CLEAR that the distinct person (the Son) is speaking to another distinct person (the Father), and the 2 distinct persons have always interacted with each other.
It seems to present the case that the Son was presented in the OT, you should be presenting passages from the OT.

I expect, Tambora, that my understanding of the Son is more in line with your view, but we must take care in not overstating the situation.

God's Truth

New member
Yes, I can see that he or she is not answering plainly.

Thank you, 2003cobra.

I can't tell you how good it is to meet someone else able to see and say what you did.

I think it is the Father speaking in the OT, and in the NT we learn that the Son was there from the beginning.

Okay. Now it is good to take this slow. You said you think it is the Father speaking in the OT, and He is.

You say that in the NT we learn that the Son was there from the beginning.

Are you saying that the Father was speaking and Jesus was not speaking?


Well-known member
Well, I can’t agree with that.

Jesus is God.

But thank,you for clearly answering. I always find that refreshing.

May God bless you.

Just facts friend, the Son of God is not God.
God is not the Son.
There is only one true God as Jesus told us in John 17:3.
The God he taught us to pray to.
His God he went back to.
His God and creator who sent him.

Sorry to question your traditions.

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New member
Jehovah of the OLD is the same as Jesus is in the New...does that answer the question?

Thank you, 2003cobra.

I can't tell you how good it is to meet someone else able to see and say what you did.

Okay. Now it is good to take this slow. You said you think it is the Father speaking in the OT, and He is.

You say that in the NT we learn that the Son was there from the beginning.

Are you saying that the Father was speaking and Jesus was not speaking?
I said that I think it is the Father speaking in the OT.

I am not willing to say that Jesus was not speaking. I don’t know and I don’t think we can know.

One of the problems that I see is people thinking they have to have an answer for everything. There is a great deal that we don’t know.

Jesus was a shock to those who knew the OT best. They were not expecting the Messiah to be what He was when He came.


Literal lunatic
God tempts no man....

James 1:13

“Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:”

So who tempted Abraham?....

Gen 22:1

And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham, and said unto him, Abraham: and he said, Behold, here I am.
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