Glenn Beck On Trump’s Christian Faith: ‘Biggest Crock Of Bullcrap


Well-known member
:eek:linger: Again--the Vatican.
She birthed many hoes (Re 17:5).

Anyone who knows the history of Freemasonry knows the antipathy between the Lodge and the Catholic Church is both historic and codified in the degrees of Freemasonry. Scottish Rite Freemasonry that is.


Beck On Trump’s Christian Faith: ‘Biggest Crock Of Bullcrap

How dare Glenn Beck assume the role of God's "gatekeeper" in American politics when we all know that position has already been filled by "ä CultureWarrior!"


Anyone who knows the history of Freemasonry knows the antipathy between the Lodge and the Catholic Church is both historic and codified in the degrees of Freemasonry. Scottish Rite Freemasonry that is.

The Vatican :eek:linger: has always controlled the monarchies and the presidents. The Jesuit general controls: Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, witchcraft, Satanism, illuminate, the New World Order, etc.--all of it.


Well-known member
The Vatican :eek:linger: has always controlled the monarchies and the presidents. The Jesuit general controls: Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, witchcraft, Satanism, illuminate, the New World Order, etc.--all of it.

Where does the Inquisition fit in?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
A Mormon complaining about someone not a Mormon...

...must resist, resist... ;)


Why resist, I was thinking the same thing while I read the OP. I was thinking more on the lines of "a mormon declaring himself a christian?" but, yours works just as well. :chuckle:


Originally Posted by Ask Mr. Religion
A Mormon complaining about someone not a Mormon...

...must resist, resist...


Why resist, I was thinking the same thing while I read the OP. I was thinking more on the lines of "a mormon declaring himself a christian?" but, yours works just as well. :chuckle:

In all fairness to the Mormons, can the Presbyterians whose church Donald Trump attended prior to the Iowa caucuses call themselves Christian?

Donald Trump Attends ‘Gay-Affirming’ Presbyterian ‘Church’ in Iowa Days Before Caucus

Maybe it's just me, but if the Presbyterians can't get something as simple as human sexuality right, what makes them think that their other doctrine is approved by God?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
In all fairness to the Mormons, can the Presbyterians whose church Donald Trump attended prior to the Iowa caucuses call themselves Christian?

Maybe it's just me, but if the Presbyterians can't get something as simple as human sexuality right, what makes them think that their other doctrine is approved by God?

Maybe you should quiz AMR which faction of Presbyterianism he adheres to because you obviously are ignorant to the fact that there are two factions of presbyterians, there is the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) which does Biblically uphold that homosexuality is sin, and there is the Presbyterian Church USA (PC(USA)) which is quite liberal on the matter. I think you will find AMR is a PCA subscriber (if you ask) but, I will not speak for him. What fairness do want to extend to the mormon cult that poses as christianity? Help me out here...:confused:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
In all fairness to the Mormons, can the Presbyterians whose church Donald Trump attended prior to the Iowa caucuses call themselves Christian?

Maybe it's just me, but if the Presbyterians can't get something as simple as human sexuality right, what makes them think that their other doctrine is approved by God?

Maybe you should quiz AMR which faction of Presbyterianism he adheres to because you obviously are ignorant to the fact that there are two factions of presbyterians, there is the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) which does Biblically uphold that homosexuality is sin, and there is the Presbyterian Church USA (PC(USA)) which is quite liberal on the matter. I think you will find AMR is a PCA subscriber (if you ask) but, I will not speak for him.

You're the 2nd person that allegedly isn't speaking for AMR. Based on his avatar, I'm assuming he's a big boy and can speak for himself, and when he was speaking for himself, here is what I saw:

He was putting down a man (Glenn Beck) who is backing a devoutly Christian Presidential candidate (Ted Cruz) who knows the Constitution of the United States perhaps better than the back of his own hand. In the eyes of AMR, Mormonism is bad, but a church that resembles the one that he goes to (Presbyterian) gets a pass even though a secular humanist Presidential candidate (Donald Trump) attended the "gay affirming" church recently in Iowa.

That's rings a big bad suspicion bell in my head when it comes to AMR's silence.

Now unless there was a typo in 1 Corinthians 6:9 and it meant to say "...wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God...", then the sodomites at the Presbyterian church that secular humanist Presidential candidate Donald Trump attended will be spending eternity in damnation.

What fairness do want to extend to the mormon cult that poses as christianity? Help me out here...:confused:

This is a political thread not one of the famous "My church is better than your church!" threads here on TOL. The Mormon Church has been politically active and took the brunt of the HATE by the LGBTQueer movement when Prop 8 was being fought in California.

The Price of Prop 8

Supporters of Proposition 8 in California have been subjected to harassment, intimidation, vandalism, racial scapegoating, blacklisting, loss of employment, economic hardships, angry protests, violence, at least one death threat, and gross expressions of anti-religious bigotry. Arguments for same-sex marriage are based fundamentally on the idea that limiting marriage to the union of husband and wife is a form of bigotry, irrational prejudice, and even hatred against homosexual persons. As this ideology seeps into the culture more generally, individuals and institutions that support marriage as the union of husband and wife risk paying a price for that belief in many legal, social, economic, and cultural contexts...Mormons were particularly and systematically targeted for supporting Prop 8.

Let's hope that the Mormon's will back Ted Cruz, as I'm sure when it comes to votes, any candidate doesn't care what a person's religious affiliation is.


New member
He was putting down a man (Glenn Beck) who is backing a devoutly Christian Presidential candidate (Ted Cruz)

Alan Keyes slams (the worthless Libertarian) Glenn Beck in this WND article entitled

Glenn Beck had already 'surrendered'
Yeah, Glenn Beck and Wizard of Oz are probably two of the biggest idiots I've ever heard.

aCW vs aCW...yet again


New member
Hall of Fame
A lot of good people have been fooled by Trump's message. I was listening to Trump briefly on Hannity just last night and had I not known what he really is, I would have jumped on the Trump bandwagon right there.

If people are going to get involved in the political spectrum (i.e. voting), first do your homework. It's very simple these days with the internet.

Liking his message and claiming he has a mantle of God on him, are far crys apart.


aCW vs aCW...yet again

(Nope, Aaron is not the least bit obsessed with me).

There have been different sides to Glen Beck. He' a good friend of Christian/Founding Father's/constitutional scholar David Barton and had him on his television show. Now Beck is backing devout Christian/constitutional scholar Ted Cruz for President. In the past Beck would start talking crazy on occasion, like you Libertarians so often do.

What do you make of it Aaron?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
A lot of good people have been fooled by Trump's message. I was listening to Trump briefly on Hannity just last night and had I not known what he really is, I would have jumped on the Trump bandwagon right there.

If people are going to get involved in the political spectrum (i.e. voting), first do your homework. It's very simple these days with the internet.

Liking his message and claiming he has a mantle of God on him, are far crys apart.

What are the odds that Donald Trump told them that?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What do you make of it Aaron?

That you talk out of both sides of your mouth because of your man crush on Ted Cruz

You've been flip flopping left and right lately

Your obsession with me is downright creeeeepy Aaron.

Seek help.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What do you make of it Aaron?

Your obsession with me is downright creeeeepy Aaron.

Seek help.

Which is typical of what you say when your own words have again painted you into a corner...

Bump for WizardofOz

How about you do your best to represent the Libertarian nutcase Ron Paul and I do my best to represent Senator Ted Cruz?

Tell us what you'd foresee had Ron Paul been elected President (besides one huge dope fest at Libertarian Party Headquarters).

This thread is getting really bumpy waiting for it's author to come back and defend Ron Paul.

Is a 3rd bump a charm?
All in the past week or so...

A triple bump? Really? Who does that?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
Maybe you should quiz AMR which faction of Presbyterianism he adheres to because you obviously are ignorant to the fact that there are two factions of presbyterians, there is the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) which does Biblically uphold that homosexuality is sin, and there is the Presbyterian Church USA (PC(USA)) which is quite liberal on the matter. I think you will find AMR is a PCA subscriber (if you ask) but, I will not speak for him. What fairness do want to extend to the mormon cult that poses as christianity? Help me out here...:confused:

Thanks. You covered it nicely.

Not hard to see my denominational status. Right above my avatar to the left. ;)
There is also a prominent (PCA) link in my signature below to the left. :) :)

PCA is but one of several conservative Presbyterian denominations:

For the distinctives between the liberal PC(USA) and my denomination, see also:

The mainline PC(USA) is well on its way towards full apostacy, save but a few churches that still adhere to their confessional basis. The PC(USA)'s liberal views led to the creation of the ECO, which is comprised of quite a few former PC(USA) churches that have managed to come up with the money to pay off the PC(USA) and keep their church properties.

Last edited:


Now that AMR has gone to great lengths to show that Presidential candidate Donald Trump went to a Presbyterian Church that doesn't adhere to Biblical principles, I guess we can return to our regularly scheduled program of Mormon bashing.

Of course I would like to know why AMR and his fellow Presbyters allowed the takeover of their church, but that's a subject for another time and place.

Maybe AMR can tell us why in another thread he likes Marco Rubio and Donald Trump?

My top results were 85% for Rubio and 83% for Trump. Sanders was at the bottom of my results


Well-known member
He was putting down a man (Glenn Beck) who is backing a devoutly Christian Presidential candidate (Ted Cruz) who knows the Constitution of the United States perhaps better than the back of his own hand.

:rotfl: Thanks, I needed that laugh out loud moment..