A Mormon complaining about someone not a Mormon...
...must resist, resist...
Yea verily.
A Mormon complaining about someone not a Mormon...
...must resist, resist...
As a Christian, how important is integrity to you when engaging in the Culture War?
This coming from a Ron Paul* Libertarian?
*Amongst other things, Libertarian (and pretend Christian) Ron Paul voted in Congress to allow openly homosexual people to enlist in the US Armed Forces.
You can say it. Romelinger: created Mormonism. Daughter hoes
will return home to mama (Re 17:5).![]()
The end doesn't justify the means. In other words if I were a Presidential candidate I wouldn't belittle women as Donald Trump has done nor would I make fun of the physically disabled.
Oh wait, you're still obsessed with me and couldn't care less who the next President of the United States is.
Mormonism was birthed by a Freemason and many of their rituals reflect this. If you want a Mormon to shut up just ask them about that. The Roman Catholic church had nothing whatsoever to do with the creation of Mormonism.
It is not necessary to study before you open your mouth to opine but it sure helps with the old credibility issue.
How about I just say that "The Donald's" Christianity is a lot like yours:
As queer as a 3 dollar Bill.
Again: The "My church is better than your church!" threads can be found anywhere that heir or musterion slither. Glen Beck is NOT a Presidential candidate, Donald Trump is. If you want to defend Donald Trump's supposed Christianity, then this is the place to do it, if not, go troll somewhere else.
Okay...what about slander of a fellow believer on something critically important?
Obsessed? No. Unless responding with valid criticism is obsession. And I absolutely do care who the next President is. But if we get the right president by the wrong means, there's a Higher Authority that won't let us get away with it.
So what do you think now about all the pastors claiming he has a mantle of God on him?
Potential GOP presidential contender Donald Trump opened about his faith during an interview with a Christian network, saying he is a Christian and that he's a "Sunday church person."
“I believe in God. I am Christian. I think The Bible is certainly, it is THE book. It is the thing," Trump told Christian Broadcasting Network's David Brody.
In the six-minute interview clip, which will air nationwide Tuesday at 10 a.m. on "The 700 Club," Trump shared that he used to attend First Presbyterian Church in Jamaica Queens.
"I'm a Protestant, I'm a Presbyterian. And you know I've had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”
Glenn Beck is the biggest crock
on the planet.
He / she is what happens when
estrogen takes over and all sense
of reason disappears.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The end doesn't justify the means. In other words if I were a Presidential candidate I wouldn't belittle women as Donald Trump has done nor would I make fun of the physically disabled.
Donald Trump has said many slanderous things about Christian and Presidential candidate Ted Cruz. Granted, Trump isn't a Christian so he can't be considered a "believer".
Oh wait, you're still obsessed with me. I'll tell you what: When I run for POTUS, then it's open season on me, until then...
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Oh wait, you're still obsessed with me and couldn't care less who the next President of the United States is.
Why are you not concerned that Donald Trump (who can't even quote verses out of the Bible correctly) attended a 'gay' (i.e. homosexual) church in his quest to try and get the Christian vote?
Again: The "My church is better than your church!" threads can be found anywhere that heir or musterion slither...
Mormons.I realize that your church is better than anyone else's church in the whoooole wide world, but this thread isn't about a Mormon who isn't running for President, it's about a secular humanist (with a really bad hairdo) that is hugely popular amongst the uninformed (being that you're uninformed when it comes to politics, you're probably a Donald Trump fan, although I've always figured you for a Mrs. Bill Clinton supporter).
So why don't you be a good little Presbyterian and go attend a 'gay' wedding like your denomination is doing these days, or stick to the topic of Donald Trump's fake Christianity?
Here, we can talk about this:
Donald Trump Attends ‘Gay-Affirming’ Presbyterian ‘Church’ in Iowa Days Before Caucus
[Glenn Beck On Trump’s Christian Faith: ‘Biggest Crock Of Bullcrap I’ve Ever Heard’ by Michelle Fields] "TV host Glenn Beckattacked Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump Thursday, saying “too many people are looking at Trump and believing that man has ever opened a Bible … that’s the biggest crock of bullcrap I’ve ever heard.”![]()
Beck, founder of TheBlaze.com, spoke at a rally in South Carolina for Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)
“I’m going to be very blunt with you tonight,” Beck said. “Donald Trump is very dangerous in my opinion.”
Beck criticized those who believe that this country can be saved by a man who creates “gaudy buildings.”
He argued that Trump can’t just “come in and magically fix us.”
“He’s gone bankrupt four times,” Beck added. “You can’t declare bankruptcy as a country.” Glenn Beck On Trump’s Christian Faith: ‘Biggest Crock Of Bullcrap I’ve Ever Heard’
Again: The "My church is better than your church!" threads can be found anywhere that heir or musterion slither. Glen Beck is NOT a Presidential candidate, Donald Trump is. If you want to defend Donald Trump's supposed Christianity, then this is the place to do it, if not, go troll somewhere else.