Gap theory - Gen 1-2 ??


New member
you are so wrong.

Gen 1:5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

1 rotation of the earth = 1 day


the day(light)occurred turned into evening...and it came to be evening...then into night...then into morning...and then it came to be morning...then finally completed...

Just as we count our birthdays...the year occurs first then counted...

Just as our odometers measures the distance first then numbers it...


New member
To clarify, the acts of creation took 6 days. However, what the text means before that is another thing. There is no presuppositional reason why God cannot simply speak and the thing exists.

Of course He could have just blinked His eyes and made it complete in an instant but He took the time to make it in six days and nights for a signed it with the Sabbath...

That is His seal and stamp...a signature to the finest work of creation EVER

That being said He measured these time periods for man to live by...a cadence nowhere else in the (known) week year...

Sabbath was made for man...has deeper implications now as even our biological clocks are tuned to this frequency

Now add the moon and its use to measure time and it becomes even more miraculous...

Here's a link to fantastic attempts to explain the moon without its Creator


New member
Not possible.* God tells us 6 days. You deny scripture, grammar*and science.*
Your belief allows for millions of years of suffering, death and extinctions before sin , which destroys the Gospel. Physical death entered our world because of the sin of first Adam. Jesus would not have gone to the cross defeating death if it (death) existed before sin.

That's just not the case. I say that humans were created 6000 years ago, when God said, let US create man in OUR image and in OUR likeness. So even though the Sixth day started at the 300-350 Million BC mark, man was created 6000 years ago. This is why we basically have 6000 years of recorded history. Any animal that looked like a human before was nothing more than an animal, without a God breathed Human Soul.

Here are some old arguments against those who didn't trust what God said.

What those people thought is irrelevant. The lived 100's of years ago, and had not the knowledge available unto us.


New member
If they cannot understand the evidence of the age of this earth that is staring them in the face, what makes you think they will ever understand the truths as revealed in scripture, which truths lead to eternal life?

They will understand when they get to heaven, that was my point.


New member
False...However that is a common definition of people who try add billions of years into God's Word. And, your definition is common for people who say Genesis only describes a re-do.
Tohu wa-bohu is oorrectly translated by almost every major Bible translation. The initial state of creation was formless and void since God was going to create over the course of six days. The creation account explains how He formed and filled the earth during the six day creation. It was not a re-creation or just another beginning... It was the ultimate beginning. (We know this from a study of both the Hebrew...and the Greek words Jesus used about "the beginning")

That is not what the verse without Form and Void means. There are stars forming at this very time, did you know that ? Is God still CREATING or is He resting ? Which is it ? Well He is of course resting or He has CEASED CREATING. Which means the Command that first went forth, caused all creation of the universe. The Earth was without form and void (empty space) because at the time of the command, to create the universe, it was going to take 9.2 Billion years for the Earth and Sun to come into existence. Just like stars that are created this very day, was COMMANDED INTO EXISTENCE 13.7 Billion years ago. But they were also VOID and without FORM until today. God can not have created them today, for the Holy Word stated, HE RESTED !!

You see your understanding makes God a fibber. My understanding just makes you guys people who don't grasp the word of God in total. If God created everything in SIX DAYS why is the Universe still being CREATED ?

HELLO !! Is the universe still expanding or not ? IT IS.


New member
Establishing the meaning of 'yom' from the context.

Outside of Genesis1;

The Hebrew word 'yom' occurs 359 times with a number. It always means a 24 hour day.
The Hebrew word 'yom' occurs 19 times together with either the word “morning” or “evening.” It always means a 24 hour day.
The Hebrew word 'yom' occurs 53 times together with the word “night”. It always means a 24 hour day.
The words “morning” and “evening” occur together, without “day” 38 times. They always mean a 24 hour day.

None of these modifiers are present in Gen 2:4 which you think, erroneously, we would interpret as a 24 hour day. We recognize that, in the absence of these context modifiers, it means a period other than a 24 hour day.

They are all present in Genesis 1 in reference to each of the six, consecutive days of creation.

If you cannot understand the evidence from God's Word that is staring you in the face...

All of that is not relevant. What men think doesn't move me, how the word is translated doesn't move me. Knowing the YOWM means to be hot moves me, and that it means a period of time moves me, because I have enough common sense to understand the universe is 13.7 Billion years old. Thus I understand God gave us the bare minimum, He didn't want us understanding all things at that time, as a matter of fact, he divided our tongues at Babel to keep us from gaining knowledge too fast. So don't assume God wanted mankind to know all things He knows.


New member
you are so wrong.

Gen 1:5 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

1 rotation of the earth = 1 day

There was no earth until 4.5 Billion years ago. The EVENING was first because there was 400 Million years of Darkness. Then the first stars started forming. Thus the First DAY (TOO BE HOT) was the Evening (400 Million years of Darkness (and the Morning) Trillions of Stars forming over a 9 Billion year period, until the Sun and Earth came forth on the Second Day at 4.5 Billion years B.C.

Thus the Evening is first. Darkness..........Light.


New member
That's just not the case. I say that humans were created 6000 years ago, when God said, let US create man in OUR image and in OUR likeness. So even though the Sixth day started at the 300-350 Million BC mark, man was created 6000 years ago. This is why we basically have 6000 years of recorded history. Any animal that looked like a human before was nothing more than an animal, without a God breathed Human Soul.[
Yes...We know that's what you believe. But your beliefs don't match with God's Word. Jesus placed humanity from "the beginning"...and from the foundation of the world.
What those people thought is irrelevant. The lived 100's of years ago, and had not the knowledge available unto us.
What Christ taught and believed 2,000 years ago is relevant.
You deny the plain teachings of scripture and the science which confirms God's Word.


New member
Thus the Evening is first. Darkness..........Light.
False..... again.
Jews typically measured a day from sunset one day till end of daylight the next. You can see this pattern in the NT... and even today many Jews celebrate Sabbath starting Friday evening. Thus, the evening is first. "*And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.


New member
There was no earth until 4.5 Billion years ago. The EVENING was first because there was 400 Million years of Darkness. Then the first stars started forming. Thus the First DAY (TOO BE HOT) was the Evening (400 Million years of Darkness (and the Morning) Trillions of Stars forming over a 9 Billion year period, until the Sun and Earth came forth on the Second Day at 4.5 Billion years B.C.

Thus the Evening is first. Darkness..........Light.

You really have tried to think this out eh? Lol

Except that evening needs Light...diminishing the first day began at evening?

how do you seperate the darkness that hovered over the waters from the darkness of the first evening/night of the first day? cant...darkness was not called night...darkness was only called night after there was becoming evening into darkness now called night...

You forget how easy it would be for Him to make all our calculations fail in order that we have faith in His word if He couldn't make a star appear billions of years old...

Or how easy it would be for satan to counterfeit the evidence and plant dinosaur bones or any other means to lead us away from a faith in His word alone...

You conclude He couldn't do it as He said He did...make it in six days and nights...was He a liar then?

So now how about water over everything and ALL SPECIES OF ANIMALS ON A BOAT MADE OUT OF WOOD and IN 100 YEARS...

How about raising someone from the dead...also too hard for Him? maybe symbolic of something else?

You obviously dont respect how rediculous this life of faith is...we will be mocked hated by the world...


I am not exactly a gap-theorist, but I am unaware of a different set of humans in that first order. The Gap Theory is the idea that God created a world, and thus that it was here when God created the area around the Garden of Eden and which begins the Genesis account. Such agrees with literal days but it has been accused of trying to incorporate 'geographical data' rather than Biblical data alone (the article above also gives reason why YEC is the main theology held today and the genealogy work that influenced it).

From what I understand, the Gap Theory, explains that the world was God's sandbox, and He used the happenings to create an inhabitable earth for mankind such that the earth was given to us as stewards (the switch up). So, as far as I understand the gap theory, they do not believe in two sets of men from anything I've heard or read.
Tambora's loaded question.
Anyways, the Biblical gap theory teaches that God created a mineral garden which became lucifer's realm under his authority. When Satan fell, God destroyed that Eden with a flood thus the need to separate the waters. Thus God's promise not to destroy the world "again" with a flood hinting that Noah's deluge was not the first one.
My observation is that all of those thousands of years of history were not important enough for God to have revealed it to me and dedicates a mere 11 chapters covering the era. Which is my reason for a need for a biblical isrealology. Since from Gen 12 to Revelation the Jews take center stage.
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New member
False..... again.
Jews typically measured a day from sunset one day till end of daylight the next. You can see this pattern in the NT... and even today many Jews celebrate Sabbath starting Friday evening. Thus, the evening is first. "*And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Ummm...please reconsider...the act of creation occured during the daylight portion and there WAS evening and there was morning-the Xth day of creation...finally completed...

Again...kinda like we count birthdays...the year came to be...Xth year completed

Or the as your odometer measures the time first then numbers it...

There was darkness not called night...then there was LIGHT it was called Day and it came to be evening and then it was darkness now called NIGHT as specific period of darkness until it came to be morning now it was the first day...completed

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
All of that is not relevant.

It is very relevant. It is treating God's Word with the respect that it deserves.

What men think doesn't move me, how the word is translated doesn't move me.

That shows your indifference to truth and a lack of understanding of 2Ti 2:15

Knowing the YOWM means to be hot moves me,

No it doesn't. It means day. It comes from an unused root meaning the heat of the day.
Does it also move you that layil (night) comes from an unused root meaning spiral staircase?

and that it means a period of time moves me,

Yes, it means day.

because I have enough common sense to understand the universe is 13.7 Billion years old.

That's not common sense; that's an adult fairy tale told by Jesus' enemies for which there is not one shred of credible evidence.

Thus I understand God gave us the bare minimum, He didn't want us understanding all things at that time, as a matter of fact, he divided our tongues at Babel to keep us from gaining knowledge too fast. So don't assume God wanted mankind to know all things He knows.

Please find where I said God wants us to know all things and quote it back to me so I can apologize for it.


New member
That is not what the verse without Form and Void means.
That is your belief, However, God said He created the earth formless and void (empty). Then He formed and filled the earth over the next six days.
There are stars forming at this very time, did you know that ?
No..... I don't KNOW that. It may or may not be true. In fact, some claims of star nurseries have turned out to be false where astronomers admit they made faulty conclusions. (But secularists and old earthers have no choice but to believe) But, in any case, new people are volcanic islands appear... new nebulas happen etc because of what God created during the creation week.
Is God still CREATING or is He resting ?
God rested on the 7th day. He is not creating now... He still works, as in the hearts of humanity.
God sustains His creation though is what He tell us.


New member
Yes...We know that's what you believe. But your beliefs don't match with God's Word. Jesus placed humanity from "the beginning"...and from the foundation of the world.

Humanity was on the Sixth Day, not from the beginning. Since the Sixth Day is a period of 300-350 Million years and Humans were created 6000 years ago. It matches perfectly.

What Christ taught and believed 2,000 years ago is relevant.
You deny the plain teachings of scripture and the science which confirms God's Word.

He quoted John Calvin, John Wesley and Martin Luther, not Jesus Christ. Jesus said nothing about how old the Creation was. We know the universe is 13.7 Billion years old and Man is 6000 years old. We know these things.


New member
My observation is that all of those thousands of years of history were not important enough for God to have revealed it to me and dedicates a mere 11 chapters covering the era.
However those 11 chapters are the very foundation of the Gospel prophesying of Christ and explaining our lost condition without Him. Those 11 chapters also are the foundation of every Christian doctrine.


New member
False..... again.
Jews typically measured a day from sunset one day till end of daylight the next. You can see this pattern in the NT... and even today many Jews celebrate Sabbath starting Friday evening. Thus, the evening is first. "*And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

That is what I stated.......The Evening and the Morning. God named it that. That is because the Darkness was first, as is proved by the WMAP and Scriptures. I am right because I hear God......

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

NOW.......Which one was first ? The Darkness, like I stated, hence the evening, then the morning.


New member
Humanity was on the Sixth Day, not from the beginning.
You keep denying what God tells us. God tells of the beginning" in Genesis 1. It is an account of Him creating over the course of six days. Jesus connects humanity "from the beginning" and from the foundations of the world.
He quoted John Calvin, John Wesley and Martin Luther, not Jesus Christ. Jesus said nothing about how old the Creation was.
Jesus did confirm the creation account and the young universe. That is why so many of the early church fathers and great theologians like Wesley preached against compromise in Genesis


New member
NOW.......Which one was first ? The Darkness, like I stated, hence the evening, then the morning.
You keep arguing what you stated. (Your spin on scripture)
I trust what God stated. "*And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day."


New member
It is very relevant. It is treating God's Word with the respect that it deserves.

They have an excuse of not knowing the truths we know, that is why their thoughts are irrelevant, those men with the info we have would not agree with you, whatever it us they said.

That shows your indifference to truth and a lack of understanding of 2Ti 2:15

No it shows me being no respecter of men..........I listen to the Holy Spirit. If a man is guided by the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will tell me this. Men 500 years ago can't tell me anything about how the universe works, we have so much more knowledge, if they were here today, they would agree with me.

Yes, it means day.

Think of how many other things you are missing the understanding of, if you can't follow simple logic. The universe is not 6000 years old, it took 700,000 years for the earths surface to get past the lava stage and to be hospitable for life.

That's not common sense; that's an adult fairy tale told by Jesus' enemies for which there is not one shred of credible evidence.

The 6000 year people are less than 1 percent, probably more like .00001 percent.

Please find where I said God wants us to know all things and quote it back to me so I can apologize for it.

You not saying that has nothing to do with me pointing it out. Its called a winning argumentative point.