Before i knew God, i was a completely different person, i loved drinking and socialising, i loved the things of the world and building up in it, my heart he was full of wrong things, I'd hold grudges, i could be spiteful, i could backbite, I'd be envious. Etc. And even though i said that i believed in God, i still had these things in me, i wasn't a nice person but i thought? i was fine,. I couldn't see myself for what i was really like. I had an uncle who was a strong man of God, and he would teach me and live it out on front of me, but I'd still carrying on living my life to please me, i was a disgrace.
Then i started going to our little house meetings, that my uncle went to, and they taught us to turn away from doing wrong, obey Gods commandments and do what's right before him, they said that if i had faith and truly believed in God and Christ, that God would strengthen me to overcome. So i started going with my husband more often to our house meetings, and God's people there would help me and strengthen me until i got it for myself, and i started to try and obey God and turn away from the things i did wrong, i couldn't do it in my own, but eventually i did start to overcome them, i started feeling this strength and power from within that would help me to stop doing what i was about to do, my conscience was getting stronger and i knew then the this was the Holy Spirit. I also started to understand things in the Bible that i couldn't understand before, and God was giving me a mouth to speak. It was like standing in a dark room and the day starting to dawn and i started to see, not only the things of God, but the dirt that was inside my heart also.
My whole life changed upside down, all the things that meant so much to me left me, the devil's that had a hold of me were going, i was able to turn from doing wrong, and any wrong thoughts that were coming into my mind, i was nipping them in the bud and before they could get worse and grow. I know that Christ by the Spirit was helping me to overcome. As i said, I'm a totally different person now, I've never felt peace like i do now, God is amazing and by his grace I'm saved from my old Life and I'm dead to it, and I'm born again to a new life in God, and through Christ Jesus I'm being saved daily and I'm being helped to overcome and i die daily so that Christ can live through me
I hope that i have written that so that you can understand me