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Those two are the greatest commandments and all Jesus' teachings are based on those principles.

If what we do or say does not fit to those, we need to examine our faith. And I know it is we are not perfect and no one can keep up with Jesus' standards.

But if we don't try to please Them, we never get to close to God and Jesus.

And God is love and Merciful, He takes our effort in consideration, and the Holy Spirit will fill our imperfection to perfect to God and fit to be in His kingdom.

thank you for your questions.

blessings in Christ.

Yeah, yeah! Makes sense to me. Thanks!

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Before i knew God, i was a completely different person, i loved drinking and socialising, i loved the things of the world and building up in it, my heart he was full of wrong things, I'd hold grudges, i could be spiteful, i could backbite, I'd be envious. Etc. And even though i said that i believed in God, i still had these things in me, i wasn't a nice person but i thought? i was fine,. I couldn't see myself for what i was really like. I had an uncle who was a strong man of God, and he would teach me and live it out on front of me, but I'd still carrying on living my life to please me, i was a disgrace.

Then i started going to our little house meetings, that my uncle went to, and they taught us to turn away from doing wrong, obey Gods commandments and do what's right before him, they said that if i had faith and truly believed in God and Christ, that God would strengthen me to overcome. So i started going with my husband more often to our house meetings, and God's people there would help me and strengthen me until i got it for myself, and i started to try and obey God and turn away from the things i did wrong, i couldn't do it in my own, but eventually i did start to overcome them, i started feeling this strength and power from within that would help me to stop doing what i was about to do, my conscience was getting stronger and i knew then the this was the Holy Spirit. I also started to understand things in the Bible that i couldn't understand before, and God was giving me a mouth to speak. It was like standing in a dark room and the day starting to dawn and i started to see, not only the things of God, but the dirt that was inside my heart also.

My whole life changed upside down, all the things that meant so much to me left me, the devil's that had a hold of me were going, i was able to turn from doing wrong, and any wrong thoughts that were coming into my mind, i was nipping them in the bud and before they could get worse and grow. I know that Christ by the Spirit was helping me to overcome. As i said, I'm a totally different person now, I've never felt peace like i do now, God is amazing and by his grace I'm saved from my old Life and I'm dead to it, and I'm born again to a new life in God, and through Christ Jesus I'm being saved daily and I'm being helped to overcome and i die daily so that Christ can live through me

I hope that i have written that so that you can understand me :)

Thanks for sharing your testimony. :)

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Two sons. One studying Computer Science at Perdue University and one a recovering addict living in our home.

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I was an addict for 30 years. From the age of 13 to 43. I have been set at liberty from sin, judgment and therefore addiction.

To the praise of the glory of His grace.

I shall admit that I thought you were the age your sons must be, if not younger. My humble apologies for treating you as such.


Hi! Thanks for asking. It means I'm not into partisan religion. The partisan who discusses something cares nothing about the possibility that what she says might be untrue, but only cares about convincing those she speaks to. Me, I'm not trying to convince anyone, but only trying to convince myself!

So when I do question why someone believes, I'm not questioning what they believe. I'm only wondering if their reasons for believing something are good reasons for me to believe it, too. One can believe something for all the wrong reasons. Doesn't make what they believe untrue. Might mean they only need to find some better reasons.

Why do you ask? Or are there any other questions I may answer for you?
Do you have any memories of previous lives?


New member
Says the false prophet who doesn't even believe that it's right to obey God!

I walk in obedience. I can do nought else. Not in the presumptuous obedience you rely on, but true spiritual obedience. Not according the the letter of the law, but according the the law of liberty. Halalu Yah and amen.


New member
Ok, well that love you have for your children, even to the point that you would still love your son and look after him even though he is a recovering addict, this is what God's love is like for us every single one of us, he loves all of us no matter what, and all he wants is for is to love him back. Look at the parable of the prodigal son, the father never turned his back on the son, it was the son that walked away and wasted his inheritance, the father always wanted him back.

That's why God sent Jesus, Jesus came and bore witness to the truth, he brought that love of God to all and he preached the gospel hoping to bring back as many to God as possible, and no matter how bad others saw many people, Jesus was among them, he would be among drug addicts, alcoholics, people on the streets, people with diseases all those that many in society looks down on. And if we have the love of God within our hearts, then we will love everyone too. Regardless of who they are, and we will help them when we are needed, to bring the love of God and life of Christ to them and let Christ do his work through us. This is something that I would never have done without God, i couldn't have done it as i was so full of myself. God has changed my heart, and that love i have has grown stronger, so much so that i care for others more than i ever thought i could. And it's all because Christ came in a man, and he helped me and opened my eyes to the truth.

So are you saying John's words, "God is love" actually mean God is loving (like a father who loves his kids no matter what is loving) and they don't mean love is God?

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Well-known member
I walk in obedience. I can do nought else. Not in the presumptuous obedience you rely on, but true spiritual obedience. Not according the the letter of the law, but according the the law of liberty. Halalu Yah and amen.
If you walk in obedience, then you would be agreeing that it's right to obey the living God and do his will. But instead you hound those who speak about this and say that they are living by works works works, no, were living by the will of God as Jesus peached we are to do!


Well-known member
So are you saying John's words, "God is love" actually mean God is loving (like a father who loves his kids no matter what is loving) and they don't mean love is God?

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God is love, all the love in this world comes from God, and the love that is within our hearts is of God, he is love! But once we are born of God, that love becomes overflowing and we care for everyone and not just our own!

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New member
God is love, all the love in this world comes from God, and the love that is within our hearts is of God, he is love! But once we are born of God, that love becomes overflowing and we care for everyone and not just our own!

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You just don't care for, nor love, the truth and the saints.


New member
Posting a bunch of texts without any comment is something easily done, but profits no one. We all read the Bible all the time, and we're here to discuss it. If you have something in mind more than just trying use the word to lecture, then it's best you read it yourself and learn from it...since that's undoubtedly who needs it the most.
You didn't read it.....Sad....Oh well.

There was a minute amount of commentary in reference to people calling themselves regenerate or saints or apostles or Christ.

I didn't put a lot of commentary since some people think I am not spreading truth. Then you knock me for that. Read it again for the first time. You might actually learn something.

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holy (one) qadosh qaddish is an adjective meaning spiritually whole and set apart unto Elohim. We* are set apart and made holy when we are converted. Prior to that we are vile and enemies of Elohim.

holy (the) noun hagios that which has been hallowed-set apart unto Elohim. Many translations interchange the term holy and saint.

we* the redeemed, regenerate, repentant sinners.
Only a puffed up pride would quote itself over and over

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New member
God is love, all the love in this world comes from God, and the love that is within our hearts is of God, he is love! But once we are born of God, that love becomes overflowing and we care for everyone and not just our own!

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So given

g = God
l = love


g = l


l = g

That is, the emotion I feel, which I call love, is God.

Is this what you mean?

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New member
It is blatantly obvious that you are repeating parrot fashion things you have read or heard. You are not a partaker in anything you so boldly proclaim.
Lies lies lies.

I thumbed this to get your attention. Now say the same nonsense to me.

Marig is faithful towards GOD. It would behoove you to not falsely accuse them as you repeatedly do.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

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New member
Pharisees were firmly under law, as you are, and hated the liberty being enjoyed by the saints, as you do.

I am under, and wholeheartedly submit to*, the perfect law of liberty. I serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.

and wholeheartedly submit to* I was brought into submission and made willing in the day of His power.

To the praise of the glory of His grace.

I am a scheming liar, a fraud, an idiot, I don't follow Jesus, I don't obey and I'm a useless hateful and vile man. ( That means someone can have a day off)
I won't be taking the day off. And I don't think marhig will be either.

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