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OK, my apologies. Please let me respond more briefly and to your point: Are you saying the greatest commandments are the only commandments I need obey? Or is there something else I must say, think or do to make it to heaven?

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You ask excellent questions. Does this mean you are using your knowledge to assist others and your wisdom is setting the course or does it mean that you are searching for an understanding of principles which might guide you to knowledge?


Well-known member
The evangelism does not reveal the love of Elohim. The problem is created by the term gospel. It means you haven't got a clue as to what the word means and so you can't speak with any degree of true understanding or the authority of the revealed will.

For in the evangelism the justness of Elohim is revealed—a justness that is by trust from first to last, just as it is written: “The just will live by trust.
The wrath of Elohim is being revealed from heaven against all irreverence and injustice of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness"

If these verses of Paul declared The love of Elohim is revealed instead of justness and the love of Elohim instead of wrath then you might have a case, but they don't and they don't for a reason. He is JUST, He is HOLY and HE HATES SIN and sinners, so He is pouring out His wrath upon them.POURING OUT HIS WRATH NOT HIS LOVE. His love is unto His only begotten Son and those that are found in Him.

Your so called gospel denies Him His Sovereign Right to vengeance against His enemies, because He is constrained by love.
Jesus loves sinners, that's who he came to save, he was out amongst them all, and he was among all who had diseases too, all those who many wouldn't look at, and those who belong to God should have the same heart.

What God hates is those who know him to carry on wilfully sinning.


Well-known member
That's good marhig.

That's how Job got through, he was a great example of the lusts of the flesh trying to get at him but he did the will of God and got through all that the devil threw at him and he was at peace with himself because he knew that God was with him and the end was good.

He was going through his trials like we all have to do to get that peace, it's an everyday thing an everyday fight but the more we get through the stronger we become in God.
Great post :)


holy (one) qadosh qaddish is an adjective meaning spiritually whole and set apart unto Elohim. We* are set apart and made holy when we are converted. Prior to that we are vile and enemies of Elohim.

holy (the) noun hagios that which has been hallowed-set apart unto Elohim. Many translations interchange the term holy and saint.

we* the redeemed, regenerate, repentant sinners.

You are following worldly wisdom, and making excuse to equate yourself with God and Jesus.

shame on you.


Well-known member
Satan loves religion and once he has someone caught up in religion like you. He leaves them alone, because false worship is as easy a way to hell as any sin. False religion must have a reward and you have yours.
Satan will leave you alone until he is given free reign to destroy you and then he will come in his title, The King of Terrors.

Repent and trust in the evangelism of salvation conditioned on the atoning blood and imputed justness of the Messiah alone.
That's strange, because i don't belong to any religion, and I've never been a member of a denomination, I just follow Jesus :)


New member
You go on and on about works, do you know what i mean by works?

There are works of the flesh, these are what we are to turn from.

There are works that glorify us, people praising us and saying what nice people we are, thus we're taking the credit for what we do and glorifying ourselves.

Then there are the works we do for God that glorify him. These are the works the i am on about, not the fleshly works and the self praise works but the works of God!

The works you speak of are of man. Are empowered by the will of man and therefore by default Satan. You are both blind to and ignorant of rest, trust and the law of liberty. It is apparent in what you say. I'm not the only one who recognises this.

I was speaking to a yachtswoman a few years ago on the same subject. She, like you, had been denying everything I said as she was assured that all she had been taught was right. She even asked why was I pestering her?

She'd told me she was off to participate in a race so I asked if she would be wearing a life jacket and she replied in the affirmative.

I mentioned the fact that if the yacht went down or she was thrown overboard she would immediately pull the handle on the life jacket? She agreed. I then suggested that if I had discovered that the particular inflation device on that jacket had a manufacturing default, so that when she pulled the handle on which her life depended, nothing would happen. Would she want me to inform her...nothing further needed to be said.

God's Truth

New member
The Jews thought they were in obedience, but they were not and neither are you. "Your just acts are as filthy rags".

You are not making sense, you are speaking from a confused state of entrapment.

There were Jews who obeyed God and had faith, and then there were Jews who did not have faith that Jesus' blood cleans them. I believe Jesus' blood cleans me and I obey God.


OK, my apologies. Please let me respond more briefly and to your point: Are you saying the commandments that Jesus said are the greatest, are also the only commandments I need obey? Or is there something else besides loving God and others that I must say, think or do to make it to heaven?

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Those two are the greatest commandments and all Jesus' teachings are based on those principles.

If what we do or say does not fit to those, we need to examine our faith. And I know it is we are not perfect and no one can keep up with Jesus' standards.

But if we don't try to please Them, we never get to close to God and Jesus.

And God is love and Merciful, He takes our effort in consideration, and the Holy Spirit will fill our imperfection to perfect to God and fit to be in His kingdom.

thank you for your questions.

blessings in Christ.


New member
You argue about things that do not matter.

Denominations are a religion, supposedly Christian. Stop arguing about thing that do not really matter at all.

Religion appears five times in the scriptures and religious twice. It obviously pleased the Holy Spirit to use the terms and I consider it my duty to discover what He meant by the words. You obviously don't care what the Holy Spirit means, because you have a multitude of opinions or opsinions.


New member

Anything i can help you with i will, i don't know everything I'm just human, but I'll try. But also if you have questions that no-one can answer, then the best way to receive an answer is to have faith in God and go to him, as he is the author of the book. And he will let you know either in your heart through revelation, or through his people.


Ok now for your question,

Jesus said that God sends the sun and the rain on the just and the unjust, because he loves all of us. He is love, there is no bad in God only good.

I'm afraid you're getting into some deep waters, here. So before you swim out too far ahead of me, please pause and tread water for a moment, so I can catch my breath! After that you can lead me to the depths of Luke 6.

I asked what the words, "God is love" mean. You see, I think of love as a feeling, or perhaps an action. So when John tells me God is love, I ask him, "Are you saying, John the love I feel is God? Are you saying God is a feeling?"

Well, John's epistle really can't answer my question. Every time I ask, it simply repeats, "God is love" and never explains what John meant.

So I did as you said and asked God what John meant, and He didn't tell me, but He did compel me to do as you recommended and ask His people, which is why I'm asking you.

Let me then be sure I understand you. Are you saying this?

God is love means God is only good.

Or do you think John's words mean something else?

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God's Truth

New member
Religion appears five times in the scriptures and religious twice. It obviously pleased the Holy Spirit to use the terms and I consider it my duty to discover what He meant by the words. You obviously don't care what the Holy Spirit means, because you have a multitude of opinions or opsinions.

Your negative hateful way of speaking means you obviously do not care about God at all.


Well-known member
Yes, please explain what the words, "born of the Spirit" mean to you.

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Before i knew God, i was a completely different person, i loved drinking and socialising, i loved the things of the world and building up in it, my heart he was full of wrong things, I'd hold grudges, i could be spiteful, i could backbite, I'd be envious. Etc. And even though i said that i believed in God, i still had these things in me, i wasn't a nice person but i thought? i was fine,. I couldn't see myself for what i was really like. I had an uncle who was a strong man of God, and he would teach me and live it out on front of me, but I'd still carrying on living my life to please me, i was a disgrace.

Then i started going to our little house meetings, that my uncle went to, and they taught us to turn away from doing wrong, obey Gods commandments and do what's right before him, they said that if i had faith and truly believed in God and Christ, that God would strengthen me to overcome. So i started going with my husband more often to our house meetings, and God's people there would help me and strengthen me until i got it for myself, and i started to try and obey God and turn away from the things i did wrong, i couldn't do it in my own, but eventually i did start to overcome them, i started feeling this strength and power from within that would help me to stop doing what i was about to do, my conscience was getting stronger and i knew then the this was the Holy Spirit. I also started to understand things in the Bible that i couldn't understand before, and God was giving me a mouth to speak. It was like standing in a dark room and the day starting to dawn and i started to see, not only the things of God, but the dirt that was inside my heart also.

My whole life changed upside down, all the things that meant so much to me left me, the devil's that had a hold of me were going, i was able to turn from doing wrong, and any wrong thoughts that were coming into my mind, i was nipping them in the bud and before they could get worse and grow. I know that Christ by the Spirit was helping me to overcome. As i said, I'm a totally different person now, I've never felt peace like i do now, God is amazing and by his grace I'm saved from my old Life and I'm dead to it, and I'm born again to a new life in God, and through Christ Jesus I'm being saved daily and I'm being helped to overcome and i die daily so that Christ can live through me

I hope that i have written that so that you can understand me :)
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