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Well-known member
If an immigrant came to live next door and didn't understand a word of English would he be right in accusing me of being proud, arrogant and elite, because I can and I do speak English?
If an immigrant came to live next door to me, guess what I'd do to help him understand? I'd show him love, I'd bring him the love of God that is in my heart, and I'd care and look after him and help him until he did understand. I wouldn't call him an unsaved good for nothing, and make him feel unwanted!

That's why words mean nothing, if we're not willing to live it out!


Well-known member
You say that I don't know you, but I know the beastly spirit at work in you. The spirit of deceit, a lying spirit that despises the truth and hates the saints.

You are a very good counterfeit, but the spirit at work in you keeps manifesting.

You say that my heart is hard, but you don't understand what the word heart means. When you hear or read the word heart you get this silly little red cartoon image in your mind, but I don't, because I have a new heart*1 of flesh. I not only have it I can describe what it is and what it's function is. Unless you heard or read the description of the function, you'd be unable to use the parrot fashion theology you are so adept at.

heart1* not the blood pump.

That spirit accuses me at the beginning of your post and then does exactly what I'm being accused of at the end of the post. There is always much confusion in the mind when the lying spirit is at work. That's why people say a good liar must have a good memory...
The Spirit of deceit and lies is the one telling you the you don't have the obey the living God and do his will!

God's Truth

New member
How do you know that those of us who don't boast about our own obedience are living like sin and following the lusts of our flesh?

As I said, anyone who truly knows what it is to be saved, would know God was performing that which He began in us. They wouldn't assume He was failing. You don't seem to know that, nor do you give God the credit for doing so. Your "confidence" is in a person and their claimed "obedience", instead of in God who is conforming us into the image of the Son.

Philippians 1:6
Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:​

That is about receiving the Holy Spirit, something no one receives until they believe and obey.

God's Truth

New member
I have no desire to do all those things you have to fight so hard to avoid. :chew:

Until you undergo the operation of God, you will be fighting to resist the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, and the pride of life. Sin still has dominion over you. If it didn't, you wouldn't be having to battle it.

You sure have an active imagination. Where do you ever get that Marhig or I are fighting lusts of the flesh? Are you sure you just stopped doing that for God, or because you are so old now?


Well-known member
The words I posted didn't set me on high. In fact I wasn't mentioned. Man wasn't mentioned. Every word came from Him as is being returned to Him in praise and for His glory. Every single word was aimed at the glory of the Eternal Father and His Son The Messiah.

Anyone in whom the Holy Spirit dwells would say amen at least, but that spirit at work in you hates the fact that I have set man at nought and given the honour and the glory to Him who sits on High. You can't even bring yourself to read the post, because the spirit at work in you won't allow you to.

You always speak of works, but you completely ignore the work in true worship that is conducted in spirit and in truth. The true work that exalts the work of redemption.

All you can bring is the sacrifice of Cain and like him you hate the true sacrifice that we, like Abel, bring. A sacrifice of praise...
You go on and on about works, do you know what i mean by works?

There are works of the flesh, these are what we are to turn from.

There are works that glorify us, people praising us and saying what nice people we are, thus we're taking the credit for what we do and glorifying ourselves.

Then there are the works we do for God that glorify him. These are the works the i am on about, not the fleshly works and the self praise works but the works of God!

God's Truth

New member
Did i say you do? I'm just saying that it's wrong to do so, whether you do or don't well that's between you and God.

But you don't seem to believe the we are to obey God by what you say in your posts? And for God to conform us into the image of his son, then we have to be willing to die the death. Our lives have to be going and our flesh dying for Christ to live through us.

Others can't see the life of Christ in us, if we love our own own lives and put ourselves before God and Christ.

Something is strange about GD. She goes against us for saying we have to obey, and she says we do not have to obey what Jesus taught when he walked the earth, but she will not even tell me what Paul says to obey.


Well-known member
I think, speak and perform everything in obedience to the Spirit that lives and works in me. His yoke is light and His burden is easy. There is a yoke and I've been wearing it for 6,494 days to the praise of the glory of His grace and amen.
His yoke is easy because he is casting out our devils and giving us peace in the heart. I've never felt so at peace, even though i go through suffering. Nothing is as precious as the receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.i know that I'm truly blessed to know the living God!

God's Truth

New member
The words I posted didn't set me on high. In fact I wasn't mentioned. Man wasn't mentioned. Every word came from Him as is being returned to Him in praise and for His glory. Every single word was aimed at the glory of the Eternal Father and His Son The Messiah.

Anyone in whom the Holy Spirit dwells would say amen at least, but that spirit at work in you hates the fact that I have set man at nought and given the honour and the glory to Him who sits on High. You can't even bring yourself to read the post, because the spirit at work in you won't allow you to.

You always speak of works, but you completely ignore the work in true worship that is conducted in spirit and in truth. The true work that exalts the work of redemption.

All you can bring is the sacrifice of Cain and like him you hate the true sacrifice that we, like Abel, bring. A sacrifice of praise...

What don't you get that nothing that came out of Jesus' mouth was for naught.

What don't you get that his words are Spirit and life?

How do you ever get that God's Word would be dangerous and damning to obey if we want to be saved?

Where do you ever get that Jesus only said one word and that is 'believe'?

There is no secret salvation where the trick is to act dead and do nothing.


New member
God is love! Love is the core of the gospel.

The two greatest commandments are, to love the lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, and to love our neighbour as ourselves.

Our Lord Jesus taught us to even love our enemies, and to do this isn't to be all over everyone with a sloppy happy clappy kind of love, like you see some people doing. It's suffering ourselves to bring this love of God to others, and no matter what they do to us, we help and be there for them and do God's will. And sometimes God's love is a tough love but it's always the truth, and it's always done without malice, hatred or reviling, we are to always to do it without holding a hardness for others in our hearts, and always be ready to forgive, and God forgives us as we forgive others. And we bring God's word and his love that is in our hearts to everyone and truly follow Jesus.

This is how we glorify God.

Thanks. What do you think John's words, "God is love" mean? They're a mystery to me, but perhaps you can explain them.


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God's Truth

New member
Obeying Elohim in the mistaken belief that your obedience is accepted outside of Messiah is heaping sin upon sin.

"and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags;"

Isaiah 64:6 KJV

Repent and trust the evangelism.

What you say about the filthy rag scripture is your nutty version. God never ever tells us we are filthy for obeying Him. When the Jews would perform a righteous act like sacrificing an animal and not really be sorry for their sins, then that righteous blood offering became like a bloody rag offering. That is why God did not like their sacrifices.


New member
God is love! Love is the core of the gospel.

The two greatest commandments are, to love the lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength, and to love our neighbour as ourselves.

Our Lord Jesus taught us to even love our enemies, and to do this isn't to be all over everyone with a sloppy happy clappy kind of love, like you see some people doing. It's suffering ourselves to bring this love of God to others, and no matter what they do to us, we help and be there for them and do God's will. And sometimes God's love is a tough love but it's always the truth, and it's always done without malice, hatred or reviling, we are to always to do it without holding a hardness for others in our hearts, and always be ready to forgive, and God forgives us as we forgive others. And we bring God's word and his love that is in our hearts to everyone and truly follow Jesus.

This is how we glorify God.

The evangelism does not reveal the love of Elohim. The problem is created by the term gospel. It means you haven't got a clue as to what the word means and so you can't speak with any degree of true understanding or the authority of the revealed will.

For in the evangelism the justness of Elohim is revealed—a justness that is by trust from first to last, just as it is written: “The just will live by trust.
The wrath of Elohim is being revealed from heaven against all irreverence and injustice of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness"

If these verses of Paul declared The love of Elohim is revealed instead of justness and the love of Elohim instead of wrath then you might have a case, but they don't and they don't for a reason. He is JUST, He is HOLY and HE HATES SIN and sinners, so He is pouring out His wrath upon them.POURING OUT HIS WRATH NOT HIS LOVE. His love is unto His only begotten Son and those that are found in Him.

Your so called gospel denies Him His Sovereign Right to vengeance against His enemies, because He is constrained by love.


New member
What you say about the filthy rag scripture is your nutty version. God never ever tells us we are filthy for obeying Him. When the Jews would perform a righteous act like sacrificing an animal and not really be sorry for their sins, then that righteous blood offering became like a bloody rag offering. That is why God did not like their sacrifices.

The Jews thought they were in obedience, but they were not and neither are you. "Your just acts are as filthy rags".


New member

The word "love" is mentioned the most.

"God is love" is the whole context of the Bible, friend.

Jesus says to love God and love your neighbor as yourself. This is the epitome of Christian faith.

OK, my apologies. Please let me respond more briefly and to your point: Are you saying the commandments that Jesus said are the greatest, are also the only commandments I need obey? Or is there something else besides loving God and others that I must say, think or do to make it to heaven?

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New member
What don't you get that nothing that came out of Jesus' mouth was for naught.

What don't you get that his words are Spirit and life?

How do you ever get that God's Word would be dangerous and damning to obey if we want to be saved?

Where do you ever get that Jesus only said one word and that is 'believe'?

There is no secret salvation where the trick is to act dead and do nothing.

"The just shall live by trust".

God's Truth

New member
The spirit at work in you is also an abomination.

"according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:"

Your will is perverted, your intentions gross, your acts of obedience are in fact disobedience and are as vile as filthy rags.

In contrast, every intent, thought and deed the regenerate perform are accepted in the beloved, because our lives have been sanctified by washing in His blood.

" how much more will the blood of Messiah, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to Elohim, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?"

We serve with a clear conscience, which means we get to sleep at night, and that sleep is sweet.

If you really are obeying God, good! But Satan has ensnared you to preach against God's Truth. What you say is not scripture. The way you behave is not from God. You preach false doctrines and you preach against those who preach obedience.
So then, you really are not obeying God.


New member
His yoke is easy because he is casting out our devils and giving us peace in the heart. I've never felt so at peace, even though i go through suffering. Nothing is as precious as the receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.i know that I'm truly blessed to know the living God!

That's good marhig.

That's how Job got through, he was a great example of the lusts of the flesh trying to get at him but he did the will of God and got through all that the devil threw at him and he was at peace with himself because he knew that God was with him and the end was good.

He was going through his trials like we all have to do to get that peace, it's an everyday thing an everyday fight but the more we get through the stronger we become in God.


New member
His yoke is easy because he is casting out our devils and giving us peace in the heart. I've never felt so at peace, even though i go through suffering. Nothing is as precious as the receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit.i know that I'm truly blessed to know the living God!

Satan loves religion and once he has someone caught up in religion like you. He leaves them alone, because false worship is as easy a way to hell as any sin. False religion must have a reward and you have yours.
Satan will leave you alone until he is given free reign to destroy you and then he will come in his title, The King of Terrors.

Repent and trust in the evangelism of salvation conditioned on the atoning blood and imputed justness of the Messiah alone.


Well-known member
Thanks. What do you think John's words, "God is love" mean? They're a mystery to me, but perhaps you can explain them.


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Anything i can help you with i will, i don't know everything I'm just human, but I'll try. But also if you have questions that no-one can answer, then the best way to receive an answer is to have faith in God and go to him, as he is the author of the book. And he will let you know either in your heart through revelation, or through his people.

Ok now for your question,

Jesus said that God sends the sun and the rain on the just and the unjust, because he loves all of us. He is love, there is no bad in God only good.

And if we have that love of God within our hearts, then he will be helping us through his holy Spirit to overcome the wrong that is within our hearts. And as his love grows, the love and life of Christ is formed in our hearts, and we will care and bring God's love to everyone, even those that hate us. We will be there for others share and care for them. And no matter what we go through, we must keep our faith, trust in God and he will strengthen us pull us through. One of the hardest things to do is love our enemies, but with God, all things are possible and there's nothing that we cannot overcome as long as have faith and we ask in the name of or Lord Jesus Christ!

And Jesus said this

Luke 6

But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,*Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.*And unto him that smiteth thee on the*one*cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not*to take thy*coat also Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask*them*not again.*And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.*For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.*And if ye lend*to them*of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.*But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and*to*the evil.*Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
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