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She doesn't ignore it, it hasn't been made manifest in you, and it is extremely obvious to those with eyes.The words I posted didn't set me on high. In fact I wasn't mentioned. Man wasn't mentioned. Every word came from Him as is being returned to Him in praise and for His glory. Every single word was aimed at the glory of the Eternal Father and His Son The Messiah.
Anyone in whom the Holy Spirit dwells would say amen at least, but that spirit at work in you hates the fact that I have set man at nought and given the honour and the glory to Him who sits on High. You can't even bring yourself to read the post, because the spirit at work in you won't allow you to.
You always speak of works, but you completely ignore the work in true worship that is conducted in spirit and in truth. The true work that exalts the work of redemption.
All you can bring is the sacrifice of Cain and like him you hate the true sacrifice that we, like Abel, bring. A sacrifice of praise...
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