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God's Truth

New member
She's the queen of misreading Paul. That's because she's still on the wrong side of the cross.

There isn't a wrong side of the cross. Is that a mantra from one of your false teachers? Can you show me a scripture that says there is a wrong side of the cross?


New member
Thanks for explaining. It wasn't just the Tapatalk, he used a scripture site that you have used before. Is that scripture site from Tapatalk? Don't bother answering anymore about this, I was just wondering.
I saw that scripture they posted. It may have been the same app I use for an Interlinear. There are a few available I think, but either mine nor his has a copy function, or it is the same app, or they just felt the need to use the screenshot function on their phone.

I figured you'd like to know regardless.


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Hall of Fame
It in no way destroys the fact that there is only one true gospel.

I don't think either of us deny scripture. We just see it with different perspectives.

Isaiah: 66. 1. Thus saith the LORD, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest? 2. For all those things hath mine hand made, and those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, ..............

Keep your posts shorter, about like this ^. Otherwise ask the staff if you may have a 'one on one'

God's Truth

New member
I saw that scripture they posted. It may have been the same app I use for an Interlinear. There are a few available I think, but either mine nor his has a copy function, or it is the same app, or they just felt the need to use the screenshot function on their phone.

I figured you'd like to know regardless.


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When I saw that same scripture app, you can see why I thought it might be you. There are people here who have made themselves other accounts; didn't mean to offend you.

God's Truth

New member
It's very simple. Law on one side and Grace on the other....the Cross of Christ between them.

You preach man's obedience/Law. And we preach Christ's obedience unto death/Grace.

There isn't a wrong way and time to obey God. There isn't a wrong side of the cross.

Moses came with the law. Jesus came with grace.


New member
No friend; his railing of the other shows it's invalidity, leaving only one Gospel.

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Perhaps the one he is railing against was a remnant of the Jewish religion practiced in the times of Jesus? They had perverted things nevertheless the basic structure was the law at that time.


Well-known member
There isn't a wrong way and time to obey God. There isn't a wrong side of the cross.

Moses came with the law. Jesus came with grace.

You're stuck on the law side, the commandments side, Moses' side. That's the wrong side.

You haven't yet been saved by Grace.

Saved by Grace through faith....not of yourself. You can't slip your obedience over that fence between law and grace. You just get high-centered. :chuckle:


New member
You're stuck on the law side, the commandments side, Moses' side. That's the wrong side.

You haven't yet been saved by Grace.

Saved by Grace through faith....not of yourself. You can't slip your obedience over that fence between law and grace. You just get high-centered. :chuckle:
Saved by grace....... Not man's attempt at obedience.

One mechanism, not two.

God's Truth

New member
You're stuck on the law side, the commandments side, Moses' side. That's the wrong side.
The scripture says Moses came with the law, not Jesus.

You haven't yet been saved by Grace.

Grace is that we do not have to do the ceremonial works to make ourselves clean, for now we all only need to have faith that Jesus' blood makes us clean of the sins we repent of doing.

God did not like it that the Jews would sin, give a sin offering, but not really be sorry for their sins.

Now the only way to be made clean is to actually have faith when you repent.

Saved by Grace through faith....not of yourself. You can't slip your obedience over that fence between law and grace. You just get high-centered. :chuckle:

It isn't ever wrong to obey God.


Well-known member
Grace is that we do not have to do the ceremonial works to make ourselves clean, for now we all only need to have faith that Jesus' blood makes us clean of the sins we repent of doing.

I know, you're quite hung up on the ceremonial law, but it was the commandments written and engraven in stones that Paul called the ministration of death.

Until you let go of that silly notion, you won't be able to move on to salvation by grace.


New member
The scripture says Moses came with the law, not Jesus.

Grace is that we do not have to do the ceremonial works to make ourselves clean, for now we all only need to have faith that Jesus' blood makes us clean of the sins we repent of doing.

God did not like it that the Jews would sin, give a sin offering, but not really be sorry for their sins.

Now the only way to be made clean is to actually have faith when you repent.

It isn't ever wrong to obey God.
And she didn't say it was.....but you will be sorry if you depend upon law keeping to keep you out of hell .

God's Truth

New member
I know, you're quite hung up on the ceremonial law, but it was the commandments written and engraven in stones that Paul called the ministration of death.

Until you let go of that silly notion, you won't be able to move on to salvation by grace.
Let go of what?
Grace is that we do not have to do the ceremonial works to make ourselves clean, for now we all only need to have faith that Jesus' blood makes us clean of the sins we repent of doing.
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