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New member
I speak in love and in love only.

My love for the Father and His Son Messiah Yah Shua.

I speak in love of the truth and the trust.

I speak in the love of the evangelism.

I speak in love and awe of the sovereignty of the Eternal Almighty.

I speak in love for people that will read these posts, so that, they will know for a certainty what the truth is when it works in them. Then they will know for an absolute certainty what truths have been spoken here and what lies have been brought down.

I knew before I started what I would face, but love constrains me. I am in awe of the responsibilities and in weakness and love I say what needs to be said.

Here I stand Elohim help me.
You....uhm...missed something.

Pretty important in this blind mans sight.


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New member
You can't reach nor affect me in any way. There is a gulf between us and there always has been. You bring the sacrifice of Cain.
I speak of the sacrifice of the true first born; that is to say the Christ.

I won't hide info from you friend, though I know well what you do.


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Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
When did you come into this conversation?
When I felt like it.

Perhaps you should review the thread and see who has been spreading what.
I have, thank ya.

So yourself a favor and review the content of his other recent thread while you are at it.
Maybe later, if I feel like it.
I'm in this thread right now because I feel like it.
I mean, you don't have to,
Why thank you for nothing.

but it would make you seem more intellectually honest, because right now you seem very naive.
You think so, huh?

Roger, over and out.


When did you come into this conversation?

Perhaps you should review the thread and see who has been spreading what. So yourself a favor and review the content of his other recent thread while you are at it.
I mean, you don't have to, but it would make you seem more intellectually honest, because right now you seem very naive.


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She is one of "faith only" and Paul followers, she too claims to follow Paul, not Jesus.

So you know what kind of faith she has.

It is not of Jesus for sure.


Anyone who chooses to do so can scroll back through these posts and see how you have changed in your tactics from minute to minute. Friend, friend, firend , peace peace , peace and then pure hatred. I have treated you with nothing, but the contempt you deserve from the very beginning and that will not change unless you are converted, but I've never heard of a hypocrite being saved.

Pops is peace seeking Jesus' follower, unlike you.

Jesus called everyone friend even His enemies.


Well-known member
She has hardly done any abomination. Your false accusations are surely recorded against your judgement before you even speak them.

For you to continually falsely accuse using scripture is a pretty jacked up thing to do.

Oh, and I'm not a judge, I am but a warner and a bringer of good tidings.

Another will find by actually searching the sacred texts, that the unforgiven sin is that of misguiding others for your own gain and to your own knowledge.

I tell you now that this is what Truster currently is doing. I do not condemn him and sincerely hope that by the will of GOD, he repents.

I do not say these things to belittle anyone. I say them strictly in hopes that those who aren't sure, or may be confused, or fooled, can at least be aware and vigilant.

If I falsely accuse then let GOD be stern with me that I might know of my own misdirection, and by the mercy and grace of GOD, be allowed to turn from it.

Why do I feel like I'm reading from the script of an old Elmer Gantry movie? :popcorn:


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She is one of "faith only" and Paul followers, she too claims to follow Paul, not Jesus.

So you know what kind of faith she has.

It is not of Jesus for sure.

Paul's message came straight from Jesus. So what's your point? Or are you just trying to be divisive and a troublemaker?


Paul's message came straight from Jesus. So what's your point? Or are you just trying to be divisive and a troublemaker?

You have a strange way of expressing "Christian".

Christians are Jesus Christ's followers.
Paul is not a Christ.

That explains why you spread half truth gospel.
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