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New member
I know what scripture says, but to explain this in detail would necessitate me explaining the difference between soul and spirit. That is something I have no intention of doing.
No one here needs you to explain anything.

If you are comfortable with your self deception and the deception you propigate as truth to others, then feel free to continue.

Some people you just can't reach.

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New member
No one here needs you to explain anything.

If you are comfortable with your self deception and the deception you propigate as truth to others, then feel free to continue.

Some people you just can't reach.

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You can't reach nor affect me in any way. There is a gulf between us and there always has been. You bring the sacrifice of Cain.

God's Truth

New member
In scripture the heart is mentioned 830 times and very few of those mentions is to do with the blood pump, but thanks for confirming your blindness. By blindness I don't mean those physical orbs...get it? Rhetorical ?

It is about our heart that beats.


New member
You're getting an ear full of their good works and fruit.
Can't ya just feel all that warm fuzzy love coming from all the self-proclaimed obedient ones?
Who said they were obedient?

We may claim to attempt to be obedient, but I know for a fact that gt, nor marhig, nor meshak claim to be without sin.

You are spreading lies about people striving to be faithful to GOD.

Consider your words and humble yourself. Stop speaking for the sight of man. Attempt to step back from your bias and observe what is being said on all sides without interjecting your own opinion. Then you might see things a little differently. I hope.

I mean no disrespect, but know them well enough to know that what they say is how they feel and they are not being false, fake, or deceptive, like some are doing all while claiming to be obedient while not even attempting to abide. They at least attempt to speak soft words towards the edification of others. The other side accused and derides without ceasing it seems.


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New member
It is about our heart that beats.

If you have nothing of spiritual worth why bother typing?

Someone told me they've been trying to get you to give your testimony, but you always duck the matter. In obedience to the ''always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you", verse let's hear it.


New member
There's some more of that self-proclaimed Jesus follower filling your heart with her kind of love, Truster.
When did you come into this conversation?

Perhaps you should review the thread and see who has been spreading what. Do yourself a favor and review the content of his other recent thread while you are at it.
I mean, you don't have to, but it would make you seem more intellectually honest, because right now you seem very naive.


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New member
Who said they were obedient?

We may claim to attempt to be obedient, but I know for a fact that gt, nor marhig, nor meshak claim to be without sin.

You are spreading lies about people striving to be faithful to GOD.

Consider your words and humble yourself. Stop speaking for the sight of man. Attempt to step back from your bias and observe what is being said on all sides without interjecting your own opinion. Then you might see things a little differently. I hope.

I mean no disrespect, but know them well enough to know that what they say is how they feel and they are not being false, fake, or deceptive, like some are doing all while claiming to be obedient while not even attempting to abide. They at least attempt to speak soft words towards the edification others. The other side accused and derides without ceasing it seems.


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Edification and comfort is for the saints and not for the children of disobedience. You are a cunning deceiver.


New member
I am judging you. I have judged you and I will judge you by the words you post. Not the anger, not the hatred, but the twisting of the scriptures to your advantage. That is to glorify man and in man Satan...the prince of the power of the air the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.

Collectively you are the synagogue of Satan.
Utter whole lies and projection.

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New member
Utter whole lies and projection.

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Anyone who chooses to do so can scroll back through these posts and see how you have changed in your tactics from minute to minute. Friend, friend, firend , peace peace , peace and then pure hatred. I have treated you with nothing, but the contempt you deserve from the very beginning and that will not change unless you are converted, but I've never heard of a hypocrite being saved.


New member
That is not the only reason. You say amen when the mescap and GL speak heresies and blasphemies. You are like a pack of hounds and you will eat the fruit of your doings.

"Now will I shortly pour out my fury upon thee, and accomplish mine anger upon thee: and I will judge thee according to thy ways, and will recompense thee for all thine abominations".
She has hardly done any abomination. Your false accusations are surely recorded against your judgement before you even speak them.

For you to continually falsely accuse using scripture is a pretty jacked up thing to do.

Oh, and I'm not a judge, I am but a warner and a bringer of good tidings.

Another will find by actually searching the sacred texts, that the unforgiven sin is that of misguiding others for your own gain and to your own knowledge.

I tell you now that this is what Truster currently is doing. I do not condemn him and sincerely hope that by the will of GOD, he repents.

I do not say these things to belittle anyone. I say them strictly in hopes that those who aren't sure, or may be confused, or fooled, can at least be aware and vigilant.

If I falsely accuse then let GOD be stern with me that I might know of my own misdirection, and by the mercy and grace of GOD, be allowed to turn from it.


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God's Truth

New member
If you have nothing of spiritual worth why bother typing?
It has to do with what is spiritual.
Someone told me they've been trying to get you to give your testimony, but you always duck the matter. In obedience to the ''always be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you", verse let's hear it.

What else have you two been talking about concerning me? Would you like to hear my testimony too?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Who said they were obedient?
Either they are obedient or they are not obedient.
Are they all claiming to not be obedient now?

We may claim to attempt to be obedient,
Big whoop on trying. When ya get 'er done, holler back.

but I know for a fact that gt, nor marhig, nor meshak claim to be without sin.
You might want to double check you list.

You are spreading lies about people striving to be faithful to GOD.
Strive away.

Consider your words and humble yourself.
Right back at 'cha.

Stop speaking for the sight of man.
Right back at 'cha.

Attempt to step back from your bias and observe what is being said on all sides without interjecting your own opinion.
Right back at 'cha.

Then you might see things a little differently. I hope.
Right back at 'cha.

I mean no disrespect,
Sure. Me either.

but know them well enough to know that what they say is how they feel and they are not being false, fake, or deceptive, like some are doing all while claiming to be obedient while not even attempting to abide.
Apparently I am witnessing things you are not.

They at least attempt to speak soft words towards the edification others.
Oh, give me a break!
If you are trying to put yourself into the "less dirty" gutter rat crowd, you can save your breath.

The other side accused and derides without ceasing it seems.
I'm responding to your accusations.

I have it, thank ya.
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