Arthur Brain
Well-known member
Your confusion may be stemming from the fact that you seem to equate criticism of Trump with obsession. It isn't. Let's not forget that this is your initial response to me and as you were informed was way off the mark:I'm confused....Are you saying that your level of obsession is appropriate because his sycophants are even more intense?
No....It doesn't because, you see, Stalin never shows himself as Stalin. He shows himself as a warrior for equality. He shows himself as someone who will right past wrongs, redress the grievances of the downtrodden. He shows himself as someone who will point to the bad (insert group of people) and cast them down. He shows himself the same way every time, it doesn't matter if his name is Stalin, or Hitler, or Mao. He knows which group of people has been bad and how they need to be....Reeducated so that they oppress no more.
Ideas flower into consequences...And the authoritarianism rarely shows itself until the ideas bloom.
It was my assumption that a confirmed individualist such as yourself would have something to say about the ideas of Critical Theory and the consequences it tends to deliver.![]()
For Those Who Still Insist That There Was Election Fraud
That is what all the Piltdown clowns think. Evolution was invented by men of corrupt minds seeking to destroy the Christian's faith in the Bible, and deluded students of those corrupt men have ever since been duped into interpreting scientific data through the shaded lenses of evolutionist...
I'm not sure but I think it's pretty much the same way you idiots look past the garbage you continually vote for...You see what you want to see.
*Edit....And besides. It's the only way that you can get rid of someone who you viscerally hate. Hell, the Democrats could have run Stalin himself and you guys would be falling all over yourselves excusing his past just like the Trump followers do with him.
You're just two sides of the same bad penny.
Just flat out wrong. The only way that your accusation would hold any merit would be if I was a flag waver for democrats which I most assuredly aren't and as you should really have been aware given my hardly clandestine level of cynicism for politics in general on here. Regardless of whether Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot or any other despot may have convinced themselves that their actions were "righteous" or whatnot doesn't alter the point. Tyranny, totalitarianism and oppression would never get a free pass from me or be overlooked either. If you want to talk about critical theory then by all means but on the appropriate thread, yes? It's gone on some tangents but hey.