For Sincere Inquisitors ONLY: MAD Explained

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
My second question is:

Are certain books of the New Testament for Israel only and others for Gentiles?
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Bright Raven

Well-known member
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You've started 22 other threads mocking MAD, please respect chickenman's thread for sincere inquisitors.

STP, I totally agree. There are many other threads that question and dispute the validity of MAD Theology. I think it is only fitting to have a thread that explains it to those of us who do not. I for one am here to learn. I may not agree but still have honest inquiries and would appreciate those who who care to dispute the theology to do so on another thread. This one should not be disrupted and be left for inquiry only.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
I wanted to make sure this question didn't get overlooked due to the disruption. Thanks all.

I can tell you this:

Israel is not cast away in Matthew-John, Acts, Hebrews-Revelation.

And, keep in mind that Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Galatians were written during the "Acts period" during
the time when the gospel was "to the Jew first".

Israel is cast away during Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon.

Hope this helps.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I can tell you this:

Israel is not cast away in Matthew-John, Acts, Hebrews-Revelation.

And, keep in mind that Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Galatians were written during the "Acts period" during
the time when the gospel was "to the Jew first".

Israel is cast away during Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon.

Hope this helps.

From what you have said, the Pauline Epistles seem to take precedence over the Gospels and Hebrews through Revelation. Since the Gospels and Hebrews through Revelation were written when Israel is not cast away does it make them of lesser importance or not applicable since they are not specifically written to the gentiles?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
From what you have said, the Pauline Epistles seem to take precedence over the Gospels and Hebrews through Revelation. Since the Gospels and Hebrews through Revelation were written when Israel is not cast away does it make them of lesser importance or not applicable since they are not specifically written to the gentiles?

I wouldn't say less important, but I would say that they are not written with you in mind. To find out specifically what God has to say to you at this time in this dispensation, you have to search Romans-Philemon. And, in doing that, we have to remember that there was a transition going on even in Paul's letters, as Israel was being diminished and then cast away by Acts 28...

Good questions, Ravenator!

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I wouldn't say less important, but I would say that they are not written with you in mind. To find out specifically what God has to say to you at this time in this dispensation, you have to search Romans-Philemon. And, in doing that, we have to remember that there was a transition going on even in Paul's letters, as Israel was being diminished and then cast away by Acts 28...

Good questions, Ravenator!

I just want to learn what MAD has to offer me as a Christian as to how I can better understand my position and role in God's plan. Could you recommend any reading material and books.


First, I appreciate the fact that you are not angry towards MAD, and me in particular. :)

No, no anger from me.

I did go through an anger stage, but it was mostly towards John W. I took some time off, read chickenman’s book, and now I have no anger.

When I first joined TOL there was a lot of Calvinism bashing. Most of the Calvinists have gone away. Lately, there seems to be a lot of MAD bashing. Since you are kind of a MAD/Calvinist, you must have some really thick skin. (hahaha)

Anyway, bybee just proved my point with her response to your post. For some reason when non-MAD’s read what you wrote, they get angry. They claim you elevate Paul above Jesus, worship Paul, etc.

To amend what I said earlier; I think non-MAD’s get angry when MAD’s quote stuff Paul said that supersedes what Jesus said. This brings out the anger.

There is lots of MAD doctrine that makes so much sense, and there is lots of A2D doctrine that does not make sense, but for some reason I can’t make either make complete sense to me. So, I guess I will keep on inquiring.

Thanks Pam

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
STP, I wanted to publicly thank you for giving me the link to Trusting the Lord. Just finished listen to part 1 of "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth" by Steve Atwood. It's an absolute life changer. I'm glad that I stayed open and did not dismiss what you and other have been saying. Before condemnation, others need to inquire as Scripture says the Bereans did. However, I guess that that is up to them. All the Bible is for us but not to us. I got it! Bless you brother. Raven


New member


No, no anger from me.

I did go through an anger stage, but it was mostly towards John W. I took some time off, read chickenman’s book, and now I have no anger.

When I first joined TOL there was a lot of Calvinism bashing. Most of the Calvinists have gone away. Lately, there seems to be a lot of MAD bashing. Since you are kind of a MAD/Calvinist, you must have some really thick skin. (hahaha)

Anyway, bybee just proved my point with her response to your post. For some reason when non-MAD’s read what you wrote, they get angry. They claim you elevate Paul above Jesus, worship Paul, etc.

To amend what I said earlier; I think non-MAD’s get angry when MAD’s quote stuff Paul said that supersedes what Jesus said. This brings out the anger.

There is lots of MAD doctrine that makes so much sense, and there is lots of A2D doctrine that does not make sense, but for some reason I can’t make either make complete sense to me. So, I guess I will keep on inquiring.

Thanks Pam

I am not angry. I quest. Sometimes I agree, sometimes I don't. peace, bybee


New member
Let me start by asking that troublemakers and opposers who are already convinced of themselves please refrain from posting in this thread. I would appreciate it if people like godrulz, andyc, cistercian, and others with similar agendas stay away.

Not having the three stooges posting here is such a huge relief. I would add "Dodge" to the above mix, neither of them are sincere nor willing to discuss dispensational theology in a true manner.

Sorry it took me so long to chime in. I was battling Dodge in another thread and could not take it anymore. I had to put him on ignore.