Literal lunatic
Which Mother do you think Jesus/Isaac was born from in the allegorical teaching in Galatians 4:24-28?
Now please be so kind as to tell me if you believe Christ came in the flesh or not.
Which Mother do you think Jesus/Isaac was born from in the allegorical teaching in Galatians 4:24-28?
Someone said not to modify the law, i.e. don't take away from it and don't add to it. You have said you take away parts of the law which means you don't keep the Law of God given through Moses.
Jesus talked about hypocrites.
The literal sacrifice motif was from bad/literal interpretation, the real sacrifice of those figurative/Esoteric animals dealt with Mans behavior in the temple made without hands, and the need to tame them Isaiah 65:25.
The Jewish mind set should realize that the Spirit isn't owned by any one culture, who have borrowed from prior cultures that preceded them, the shadow of Egypt cast its long shadow over much of the Abrahamic religions as does India etc..................No Jew or Gentile exist in the kingdom of light, allegorical props Galatians 4:24-28.
Christ or anti- christ? :think:
Did Jesus come through Israel in the flesh or Egypt?
Granted the descendants of those that got off Noah's yacht all knew what had happened, all their religions point to a God man.
Yet, no other foundation can be lain other than Christ Jesus.
Only then can you begin comparing spiritual with spiritual.
Just makin' sure you aint confusin' the first and the last.![]()
Please show me where I say that I take parts of the law away.
All 4 gospels record Jesus being anointed with spikenard.
You are correct that he was not anointed by a Levite, but then, if we are paying attention, the New Testament is fairly adamant that Jesus had no part in the Levitical priesthood, but rather a claim on the Melchizedek priesthood.
The Melchizedek priesthood, then, is the claim of the Jewish king to both enter the holy place and exercise other functions of a priest. In particular the power to intercede with God on behalf of the nation.
The Melchitsedek priesthood was for Gentiles.
Were all the psalms of David for Gentiles?
The LORD has sworn and will not relent, “You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.” (Psalm 110:4 NKJV)
Melchitsedek was a priest, long before the Torah was given, long before there was a Temple, long before there were Levites.
Now please be so kind as to tell me if you believe Christ came in the flesh or not.
Yes, Christ the Divine spark in everyone comes through the red sea/womb along with what is called the first born of the flesh, Do I believe in the Jesus of history that is said to be of a virgin birth with out a Earthly Father, not any longer Matt 11:11. You believe in two Mothers so what about two Fathers being needed in the scriptural Metaphor?
Thank you for being honest.
You are deceived and under the anti-christ spirit.
1 John 4:2 NIV
2 This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God,
2 John 1:7 NIV
7 Many deceivers, who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh, have gone out into the world. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.
I did say that Christ came "in" flesh, It would be misleading for Jesus speaking for the our spiritual Father to instruct us to look for the kingdom within, and say it doesn't come with observation Luke 17:20-21 If the magic seed came from outside of us That Seed is already lying dormant/sleep/dead in every man. You say I am Antichrist when it's you're historic Idol of flesh and blood that has bewitched you along with some dead letter scrabbles games for traditional con-sumption, served by Rome around the third Century.
I said Jesus Christ, whom you deny....
Yes, it is witnessed that he still lives.
Here mortal men receive tithes, but there he receives them, of whom it is witnessed that he lives. (Hebrews 7:8 NKJV)
God shut down his physical temple and laid off the Levites. They no longer do temple service at this time.
They will be reinstated when the third Temple is build.
And, he also happened to be King of Jerusalem. The Bible makes a point of telling us that. Maybe it's important, eh?Bs"d
Melchitsedek was a priest, long before the Torah was given, long before there was a Temple, long before there were Levites.
So what was that priesthood of Melchitsedek?
What he did was live his life according to Gods commandments, for him the seven Noachidic commandments, and he studied and taught the laws of God.
Of course not. There was no temple.He wasn't and couldn't be somebody who served in the Temple.
And, he also happened to be King of Jerusalem. The Bible makes quite a fuss of telling us that and substantiating the legitimacy of the Davidic monarchy. I'm pretty sure it's important.Even so in that respect was King David a priest, he was a Torah scholar, and he taught the law, and lived his life according to Gods commandments, and lived a holy life.
Of course not. There was no temple.King David didn't and couldn't do the Temple service.
That's kind of the point. David, and Melchizedek before him, act as precedents for priestly service by someone other than a Levite.He was not a priest from the line of Aharon.
The quote was from Hebrews, which wasn't written by Paul.Paul is a self-admitted liar. Don't believe anything he says.
In the meantime no one can keep the Law of Moses so why promote a law that can't be kept?
Of course not. There was no temple.
That's kind of the point. David, and Melchizedek before him, act as precedents for priestly service by someone other than a Levite