
Well-known member

I can follow what you are saying, but if someone knows that the Law makes them guilty as a sinner, whether they are forgiven or not, do they know that the Law is good and that in keeping God's Law a person has life? The commandments are life to me. Even though life is only in God and Yeshua the Messiah. A person can be alive and not have life in God, Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit.



You're wrong, the commandments are not your life. They are your death, because they declare you guilty before God. Read this text. "If there had been a law given which could have given life"....then the commandments could be your life, as you claim. But that's not the case. Because those very commandments that you hope will give you life conclude ALL (even you) under sin....GUILTY UNDER THE LAW. That's all the law can do, so it can't be your life.

Galatians 3:21-22KJV Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.​

A person can be alive here on earth, but if they don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, they will die in their sins.


You're wrong, the commandments are not your life. They are your death, because they declare you guilty before God. Read this text. "If there had been a law given which could have given life"....then the commandments could be your life, as you claim. But that's not the case. Because those very commandments that you hope will give you life conclude ALL (even you) under sin....GUILTY UNDER THE LAW. That's all the law can do, so it can't be your life.

Galatians 3:21-22KJV Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.​

A person can be alive here on earth, but if they don't believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, they will die in their sins.


What happens when a person has guilt? Does it ever go away? What happens when a person is forgiven or sin is atoned for? What I am saying is that God's commands, His commandments, are about life. They are not about death. Breaking God's commands is death to you. But is this fear, and punishment, and condemnation? Do not transgress God's law. It is sin if you do. Sin has consequences. In terms of pacifism, and the death penalty, are there any punishments at all once a person understands the gospel and believes it? Are there any punishments in the new covenant or in Jesus? If there are, we need to know what they are. And being that I accept God's Law I know what they are. We need to understand what God's Law says to understand what right judgment is. God is the Judge, but is there ever a good judge upon the earth? God has appointed Jesus to be the Judge. Is this in the end? Can Jesus judge now? Some things to think about.





I do not know what you were thinking. I do not, did not, know how to respond to your post. But it was good. Meaning, are you looking for feedback here?



I just agreed with your comment. And you did not respond to my agreement. that's why GD said what she said.


Well-known member
Devarim (Deuteronomy) 6:4 says Hear oh Israel, YHVH our God YHVH is one.

It is the shema.

Shema means hear. To hear, to listen, to obey.



Here's a better version. Basically, it means "hear", although there are lots of opinions on what it includes. The point, though, is pretty clear in this KJ version.

Deuteronomy 6:4KJV Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:​

So when Thomas recognized Jesus as "My Lord and my God" he was seeing the whole truth about the Deity of Christ. He finally understood the Shema.


Well-known member

What happens when a person has guilt? Does it ever go away? What happens when a person is forgiven or sin is atoned for? What I am saying is that God's commands, His commandments, are about life. They are not about death. Breaking God's commands is death to you. But is this fear, and punishment, and condemnation? Do not transgress God's law. It is sin if you do. Sin has consequences. In terms of pacifism, and the death penalty, are there any punishments at all once a person understands the gospel and believes it? Are there any punishments in the new covenant or in Jesus? If there are, we need to know what they are. And being that I accept God's Law I know what they are. We need to understand what God's Law says to understand what right judgment is. God is the Judge, but is there ever a good judge upon the earth? God has appointed Jesus to be the Judge. Is this in the end? Can Jesus judge now? Some things to think about.



If you build upon a shaky foundation you'll have more questions than answers.

The foundation is Christ. Start there and don't be moved until you understand what Jesus accomplished on the cross. He did it all, and you just need to trust in that.

His commandments are not about life....they aren't meant to be about life. They are meant to make you feel guilty so you will turn to God for His grace. That's all he expects. Look to Him and trust what He did for you so you don't have to stay locked up in that prison forever.

Does this sound like God wants you to cling to the law in order to have righteousness or LIFE?

Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.


Here's a better version. Basically, it means "hear", although there are lots of opinions on what it includes. The point, though, is pretty clear in this KJ version.

Deuteronomy 6:4KJV Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:​

So when Thomas recognized Jesus as "My Lord and my God" he was seeing the whole truth about the Deity of Christ. He finally understood the Shema.

I do not know that I agree with you. However, Hear O Israel is better. Shalom. Jacob


If you build upon a shaky foundation you'll have more questions than answers.

The foundation is Christ. Start there and don't be moved until you understand what Jesus accomplished on the cross. He did it all, and you just need to trust in that.

His commandments are not about life....they aren't meant to be about life. They are meant to make you feel guilty so you will turn to God for His grace. That's all he expects. Look to Him and trust what He did for you so you don't have to stay locked up in that prison forever.

Does this sound like God wants you to cling to the law in order to have righteousness or LIFE?

Romans 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.


You do not understand correctly. God's commandments are about life. They are life to me. If you break God's commandments that is not life it is death. It is not how a person becomes righteous. It is how you live a righteous life. If you live a righteous life you may be considered blameless.

God is first, then Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) God's Son.




Well-known member

You do not understand correctly. God's commandments are about life. They are life to me. If you break God's commandments that is not life it is death. It is not how a person becomes righteous. It is how you live a righteous life. If you live a righteous life you may be considered blameless.

God is first, then Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) God's Son.



Rats, just like before. When I thought you were hearing, you weren't. Your own righteousness isn't good enough. If you can't read the scripture I've given you, you are blinded to the truth and have no life in you. :sigh:

Philippians 3:9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:​


My comment was perfectly clear. I thought he was pulling ahead of you in understanding. But, it seems he's slipped back into unbelief.

Jacob believes both, grace and faithfulness or obedience to God.

You don't approve of anyone who believes both grace and obedience.


I don't approve of anyone who denies Jesus is God. Nor do I approve of those who think their own obedience will save or keep them saved. Actually, it's the false teachers who preach those things that I don't approve of.

Those who are still seeking, I try to help.

Your comments are cultish. So you cannot help anyone, friend.