Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


like marbles on glass
Tentative Jan 6 hearings schedule, subject to change:

The House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol is expected to stage six public hearings in June on how Donald Trump and some allies broke the law as they sought to overturn the 2020 election results, according to sources familiar with the inquiry.

The hearings are set to be a pivotal political moment for the country as the panel aims to publicly outline the potentially unlawful schemes that tried to keep the former president in office despite his defeat at the hands of Joe Biden.

According to the draft schedule, the June public hearings will explore Trump’s efforts to overturn the election, starting and ending with prime time hearings at 8pm on the 9th and the 23rd. In between, the panel will hold 10am hearings on the 13th, 15th, 16th and 21st.

The select committee appears to be planning for the hearings to be extensive affairs. The prime time hearings are currently scheduled to last between 1.5 and 2 hours and the morning hearings between 2 and 2.5 hours.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Tentative Jan 6 hearings schedule, subject to change:

The House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol is expected to stage six public hearings in June on how Donald Trump and some allies broke the law as they sought to overturn the 2020 election results, according to sources familiar with the inquiry.

The hearings are set to be a pivotal political moment for the country as the panel aims to publicly outline the potentially unlawful schemes that tried to keep the former president in office despite his defeat at the hands of Joe Biden.

According to the draft schedule, the June public hearings will explore Trump’s efforts to overturn the election, starting and ending with prime time hearings at 8pm on the 9th and the 23rd. In between, the panel will hold 10am hearings on the 13th, 15th, 16th and 21st.

The select committee appears to be planning for the hearings to be extensive affairs. The prime time hearings are currently scheduled to last between 1.5 and 2 hours and the morning hearings between 2 and 2.5 hours.
They are rushing it, acknowledging that they're going to lose control of both houses on January 3rd. What they were hoping to make last for three and a half years is going to have to be performed prematurely in a desperate hope of effecting the upcoming elections.

It won't be effective. Joe the Rapist's record of failure to this point is unprecedented. There's no reason to believe that he's going to turn it around before November 8th

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Tentative Jan 6 hearings schedule, subject to change:

The House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol is expected to stage six public hearings in June on how Donald Trump and some allies broke the law as they sought to overturn the 2020 election results, according to sources familiar with the inquiry

A Nazi show trial and a fascist attack on a president, led by a baby-killer who got booted from coming into her own church.

Are you proud to be part of that?

There was no coup. Period.

There was no attempted coup. Period.

Only a full Fascist could support this or be part of this lie.

After four years of tearing our nation apart with the Russia Collusion lie, Democrats still want to spread more lies and hate. It will not end until we eradicate this degenerate Democrat Socialist party.
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Well-known member
Tentative Jan 6 hearings schedule, subject to change:

The House select committee investigating the January 6 attack on the Capitol is expected to stage six public hearings in June on how Donald Trump and some allies broke the law as they sought to overturn the 2020 election results, according to sources familiar with the inquiry.

The hearings are set to be a pivotal political moment for the country as the panel aims to publicly outline the potentially unlawful schemes that tried to keep the former president in office despite his defeat at the hands of Joe Biden.

According to the draft schedule, the June public hearings will explore Trump’s efforts to overturn the election, starting and ending with prime time hearings at 8pm on the 9th and the 23rd. In between, the panel will hold 10am hearings on the 13th, 15th, 16th and 21st.

The select committee appears to be planning for the hearings to be extensive affairs. The prime time hearings are currently scheduled to last between 1.5 and 2 hours and the morning hearings between 2 and 2.5 hours.
Democrats are shameless and shameful. They impeached Trump on phony charges and now they are going to impeach more of their opponents on false charges, after suspending due process and changing the historic rules.


like marbles on glass

Trump considered a military coup: Would he have gotten away with it?

Some Trump allies urged him to declare martial law. Brennan Center expert on the nightmare scenario after that

It is now a public fact that Donald Trump and his cabal, including Republican members of Congress, attempted a coup on Jan. 6, 2021. This de facto conspiracy was sophisticated, multidimensional and nationwide in scale, and included what became a terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol. We know that Donald Trump was aware of at least some details of this plot and was involved in its planning and execution.

To deny these obvious facts is to either be a believer in the Big Lie and supporter of Trump and the Republican Party's war on American democracy or to be in an extreme state of willful denial. As a practical matter, it is much the same thing.

Within a few weeks, the House select committee investigating the events of Jan. 6, 2021, will finally hold televised public hearings. Their primary task will be to explain to the American people how serious the events of that day actually were and to establish a case that Donald Trump and his co-conspirators should be punished for their crimes.

One question that demands much more public attention than it has gotten is how close Donald Trump came to invoking the Insurrection Act, declaring martial law, or to using other presidential emergency powers in an effort to nullify the 2020 election. In the weeks and days before Election Day, military and other national security leaders publicly sounded the alarm through editorials, interviews and other means that the Trump regime might try to order the armed forces to intervene on his behalf. That such figures would feel the need to declare that they were loyal to the Constitution, and not to a particular political leader, is almost unprecedented in American history. . . .

I have never been so aware of watching history unfold. As I was watching the events that day, I kept thinking that whatever comes of this, the world and the United States of America are not going to be the same after this. I've never seen anything like what happened on Jan. 6. None of us have in this country. . . .

The worst-case scenario has nothing to do with emergency powers. The real worst-case scenario is that the president attempts a military coup, which is not legal. There is no emergency authority that gives the president the power to declare a military coup. We are extremely fortunate that Trump did not have the military on his side. Military leaders, including [acting] Defense Secretary Miller and the chair of the Joints Chiefs, Gen. Milley, were extremely concerned about the potential for misuse of the military around the time of the presidential election and were determined not to let that happen.

That is one of the country's democratic institutions and guardrails that held: Senior national security officials within the administration retained their loyalty to the Constitution and understood that was their first loyalty. It was a loyalty that went beyond any they might feel toward the president or to their party. That was one of the silver linings of Jan. 6. . .


Well-known member

Trump considered a military coup: Would he have gotten away with it?

Some Trump allies urged him to declare martial law. Brennan Center expert on the nightmare scenario after that

It is now a public fact that Donald Trump and his cabal, including Republican members of Congress, attempted a coup on Jan. 6, 2021. This de facto conspiracy was sophisticated, multidimensional and nationwide in scale, and included what became a terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol. We know that Donald Trump was aware of at least some details of this plot and was involved in its planning and execution.

To deny these obvious facts is to either be a believer in the Big Lie and supporter of Trump and the Republican Party's war on American democracy or to be in an extreme state of willful denial. As a practical matter, it is much the same thing.

Within a few weeks, the House select committee investigating the events of Jan. 6, 2021, will finally hold televised public hearings. Their primary task will be to explain to the American people how serious the events of that day actually were and to establish a case that Donald Trump and his co-conspirators should be punished for their crimes.

One question that demands much more public attention than it has gotten is how close Donald Trump came to invoking the Insurrection Act, declaring martial law, or to using other presidential emergency powers in an effort to nullify the 2020 election. In the weeks and days before Election Day, military and other national security leaders publicly sounded the alarm through editorials, interviews and other means that the Trump regime might try to order the armed forces to intervene on his behalf. That such figures would feel the need to declare that they were loyal to the Constitution, and not to a particular political leader, is almost unprecedented in American history. . . .

I have never been so aware of watching history unfold. As I was watching the events that day, I kept thinking that whatever comes of this, the world and the United States of America are not going to be the same after this. I've never seen anything like what happened on Jan. 6. None of us have in this country. . . .

The worst-case scenario has nothing to do with emergency powers. The real worst-case scenario is that the president attempts a military coup, which is not legal. There is no emergency authority that gives the president the power to declare a military coup. We are extremely fortunate that Trump did not have the military on his side. Military leaders, including [acting] Defense Secretary Miller and the chair of the Joints Chiefs, Gen. Milley, were extremely concerned about the potential for misuse of the military around the time of the presidential election and were determined not to let that happen.

That is one of the country's democratic institutions and guardrails that held: Senior national security officials within the administration retained their loyalty to the Constitution and understood that was their first loyalty. It was a loyalty that went beyond any they might feel toward the president or to their party. That was one of the silver linings of Jan. 6. . .
Trump was going to overthrow the 40% minority of Americans for the benefit of the 60%? I don't think so. It is the dirty democrat party that is attempting to overthrow the 70% majority in favor of the wicked 30%.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
FBI Confirms There was no Insurrection on Jan. 6

The Cambridge Dictionary defines “insurrection” as: “an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence”

By that definition, there was no “insurrection” at the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, according to the FBI. Reuters reports :

The FBI has found scant evidence that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was the result of an organized plot to overturn the presidential election result, according to four current and former law enforcement officials.

"Ninety to ninety-five percent of these are one-off cases," said a former senior law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation. "Then you have five percent, maybe, of these militia groups that were more closely organized. But there was no grand scheme with Roger Stone and Alex Jones and all of these people to storm the Capitol and take hostages."
This report is a devastating blow to President Joe Biden and Democrats, who have attempted to make the existence of an “insurrection” on Jan. 6 a key issue in the 2022 midterm elections. Reuters does note that some “cells of protesters,” including members of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, did coordinate to “break into the Capitol,” but the FBI found “no evidence that the groups had serious plans about what to do if they made it inside.”


like marbles on glass

Conservative Warns Trump Coup Attempt Was ‘Dry Run’ for 2024

Conservative legal luminary J. Michael Luttig already helped save the United States from an election coup in January 2021, when he made the clinching argument that convinced then-Vice-President Mike Pence that he did not have the constitutional power to interfere with the routine confirmation of Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory. He has also helped build support among his fellow conservatives for reforms to clarify how disputed presidential elections are to be resolved in the states and in Congress.

Now as the clock ticks down on the opportunity to reform the Electoral Count Act of 1887 before the 2022 midterms upset the current configuration of power in Washington, Luttig has penned a blunt warning that Donald Trump and his party are planning to perfect the election coup they clumsily pursued in 2020. He wrote at CNN:

The Republicans’ mystifying claim to this day that Trump did, or would have, received more votes than Joe Biden in 2020 were it not for actual voting fraud, is but the shiny object that Republicans have tauntingly and disingenuously dangled before the American public for almost a year and a half now to distract attention from their far more ambitious objective.

That objective is not somehow to rescind the 2020 election, as they would have us believe. That’s constitutionally impossible. Trump’s and the Republicans’ far more ambitious objective is to execute successfully in 2024 the very same plan they failed in executing in 2020 and to overturn the 2024 election if Trump or his anointed successor loses again in the next quadrennial contest.

The last presidential election was a dry run for the next.
Luttig lucidly lays out the three-pronged strategy Team Trump pursued to try to reverse the outcome of the 2020 election after the 45th president falsely claimed victory late on Election Night.

  1. Trying to get the federal courts to invalidate state-court-imposed election procedures that helped Biden by invoking an obscure constitutional theory that such powers are reserved for state legislatures.
  2. Getting fake Trump electoral-vote slates set up in close states carried by Biden.
  3. Overturning congressional confirmation of Biden’s win on January 6 via a coup implemented by Pence.
The first strategy failed when, on various grounds, the federal courts refused to accept cases asserting the “independent state legislatures” doctrine. The second failed when Republican legislatures didn’t authorize Trump Electoral College slates. And the third failed when Pence refused to play ball and then an effort to challenge Biden electors in various states fell far short of the required majority under the Electoral Count Act.

Now, says Luttig, with the benefit of time and experience, Republicans are gearing up to do it all over again in 2024 and get it right this time:

Trump and Republicans are preparing to return to the Supreme Court, where this time they will likely win the independent state legislature doctrine, now that Amy Coney Barrett is on the Court and ready to vote …

The Republicans are also in the throes of electing Trump-endorsed candidates to state legislative offices in key swing states, installing into office their favored state election officials who deny that Biden won the 2020 election, such as secretaries of state, electing sympathetic state court judges onto the state benches and grooming their preferred potential electors for ultimate selection by the party, all so they will be positioned to generate and transmit alternative electoral slates to Congress, if need be.

Finally, they are furiously politicking to elect Trump supporters to the Senate and House, so they can overturn the election in Congress, as a last resort.
There isn’t much that can be done about the Supreme Court ratifying the independent-state-legislature doctrine, though, as election-law expert Matthew Seligman explained to me in an email, “the practical impact of such a ruling might be modest — even if state constitutions don’t constrain state legislatures, the federal Constitution unquestionably does.” With the 2022 midterms forecast to be a red wave, it will be tough to stop Republicans from maintaining or expanding their control of state legislatures and election offices. The one thing opponents of an election coup can get done if they move expeditiously is to fix the Electoral Count Act “before the politics of 2024 make that impossible,” as Seligman warns.

Electoral Count Act reforms under discussion in Congress would provide for a judicial resolution of state-level disputes over electors and sharply limit the possibility of the vice-president or Congress overturning the results. These negotiations have proceeded on two tracks. One is in the House Select Committee on January 6, as part of its inquiry into what might have happened on that fateful day, and the other involves a bipartisan task force of senators headed by Republican Susan Collins of Maine. Given the need for 60 Senate votes to amend this ancient law, the bipartisan group offers the best, and probably the only, prospect for reform before we enter the next presidential cycle and the subject becomes overtaken by events.

If that doesn’t happen, and Congress is under Republican management the next time it convenes to count electoral votes, there’s not much doubt that Trump will take advantage of a broken system with greater precision next time, either for himself or for a designated successor. The prospect certainly alarms Luttig, whose constitutional scruples outweigh his likely distaste for Democratic governance. We have now been abundantly warned.


like marbles on glass
I feel sorry for you. Years ago you were a pretty good person. You have totally given yourself over to the side of evil. It is a fascinating, and sad, thing to behold.

There was no coup.
There was no insurrection.

Please seek help.

I know you're just trying to provoke a response, since I've been ignoring your previous posts to me. That's what you live for, and thrive on, provoking others, and why you've been banned here under something like six other usernames.

So I'm aware you're getting what you want here, but don't expect it again anytime soon. You cannot ever redeem yourself from calling my dead mom a prostitute and my dead father her john, you are a sick person who thrives on moving from forum to forum across the internet, bragging about how you've lost track of how many usernames you've been banned under.

There's a reason for that, and it's not because you're a good person. I'm telling you now that while I don't have you on official ignore, I will if that becomes necessary and you'll completely disappear from my sight and there will be no trace of you as a reminder. You are not worth any more of my time.