Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"

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Greatest poster ever
Leave it to lefties to dishonestly and stupidly blame anti-cop, anti-Christian, anti-American, and anti-Trump violence on Trump.
You don't seem to understand that Jared Kushner is neither a Christian nor a conservative. He is a liberal Jew. When the BLM/Antifa riots went down, Kushner advised Trump to go easy on them on the grounds that doing so would win Trump more black votes in the 2020 election. Trump took Kushner's advice and did nothing about the nationwide rioting that went on for days.

Where was Trump when BLM/Antifa were burning down entire city blocks, pillaging, plundering, murdering, looting, and so on? Why didn't he immediately call for the National Guard to patrol the streets and restore law and order? Instead, he did next to nothing about it because he took the advice of his son-in-law.


Well-known member

User Name

Greatest poster ever​

i know we're numb but it's pretty remarkable for a former defense secretary to describe a president he worked for as a threat to democracy

Who cares what some misguided person says? Must we accept his word over tens of millions of others who do not agree?


Well-known member
You don't seem to understand that Jared Kushner is neither a Christian nor a conservative. He is a liberal Jew. When the BLM/Antifa riots went down, Kushner advised Trump to go easy on them on the grounds that doing so would win Trump more black votes in the 2020 election. Trump took Kushner's advice and did nothing about the nationwide rioting that went on for days.

Where was Trump when BLM/Antifa were burning down entire city blocks, pillaging, plundering, murdering, looting, and so on? Why didn't he immediately call for the National Guard to patrol the streets and restore law and order? Instead, he did next to nothing about it because he took the advice of his son-in-law.
Is Trump to somehow be blamed for the violence of leftist savages during the 2020 'summer of burning lust and violence?'

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Is Trump to somehow be blamed for the violence of leftist savages during the 2020 'summer of burning lust and violence?'
Yes, in the sense that he did little to nothing to stop it when he could have done so much to stop it, so there.


Well-known member
Yes, in the sense that he did little to nothing to stop it when he could have done so much to stop it, so there.
What did other national leaders do to stop the leftist violence of their supporters in 2020? Not much. In fact, leftist politicians and their media propagandists demonized those on the right for unequivocably condemning the violence.


like marbles on glass

Ginni Thomas’ emails deepen her involvement in 2020 election

WASHINGTON (AP) — Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and a conservative political activist, urged Republican lawmakers in Arizona after the 2020 presidential election to choose their own slate of electors, arguing that results giving Joe Biden a victory in the state were marred by fraud.

The revelations first published by The Washington Post on Friday show that Thomas was more involved than previously known in efforts, based on unsubstantiated claims of fraud, to overturn Biden’s victory and keep then-President Donald Trump in office.

In the days after The Associated Press and other news organizations called the presidential election for Biden, Thomas emailed two lawmakers in Arizona to urge them to choose “a clean slate of Electors” and “stand strong in the face of political and media pressure.” The AP obtained the emails under the state’s open records law.


Well-known member
I hear the Jan. 6 Committee hearings are due to begin on June 9.

Also - Trump endorsed Barry Loudermilk two days after he received a request for cooperation from the Jan. 6 Committee. Just a coincidence!
Democrats are still ignoring videos of unindicted agitators who committed acts of violence and incited violence but were never charged, lending support to the claim there were dozens of leftists and government workers who participated in the violence but were never arrested because they were working for the government or in harmony with those working for the government in staging the demonstration as if some sort of attempted takeover of the government by right-wing factions.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
“The president was trying to stage a coup

I see that over the last three years anna has thrown away whatever shreds of credibility she had left, and throw in fully with the extremists and fake news prevaricators, and the enemies of America. That is so very very sad.

There was no coup. Period.

There was no attempted coup. Period.

This Fiona Hill hack, whoever she is (never heard of her) is a liar spreading propaganda.

Good forum members: For months and months, in city after city in America, we had uprisings in the streets, police killed, billions of dollars or property destroyed, countless people harmed, even sections of cities occupied, all by the Leftwing extremist forces of the Democrats, Antifa, BLM, and other anti-American forces. These extremists were aided and abetted and even bailed out by Democrats including our current VP.

Today, the Supreme Court, which is an equal branch of the government to the Congress, is under attack by the baby-killing extremist forces of the Left, pushed on by the Democrats, encouraged by Pelosi and Schumer.

Where is this Fiona Hill hack liar with her cries of coups? She is silent.

There was no coup on Jan 6. Period.

There is no argument or debate on this point. There was no coup. Period.



Well-known member
I hear the Jan. 6 Committee hearings are due to begin on June 9.

Also - Trump endorsed Barry Loudermilk two days after Loudermilk received a request for cooperation from the Jan. 6 Committee. Just a coincidence!
The Jan 6 democrat witchhunt is founded on lies and deceit and the leftist mobsters conducting the sham investigation should be tried for treason and human rights violations.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I see that over the last three years anna has thrown away whatever shreds of credibility she had left, and throw in fully with the extremists and fake news prevaricators, and the enemies of America. That is so very very sad.

There was no coup. Period.

There was no attempted coup. Period.

This Fiona Hill hack, whoever she is (never heard of her) is a liar spreading propaganda.

Good forum members: For months and months, in city after city in America, we had uprisings in the streets, police killed, billions of dollars or property destroyed, countless people harmed, even sections of cities occupied, all by the Leftwing extremist forces of the Democrats, Antifa, BLM, and other anti-American forces. These extremists were aided and abetted and even bailed out by Democrats including our current VP.

Today, the Supreme Court, which is an equal branch of the government to the Congress, is under attack by the baby-killing extremist forces of the Left, pushed on by the Democrats, encouraged by Pelosi and Schumer.

Where is this Fiona Hill hack liar with her cries of coups? She is silent.

There was no coup on Jan 6. Period.

There is no argument or debate on this point. There was no coup. Period.

Of course there's room for argument and debate on the point. This thread is currently 71 pages long and generally, when people shriek that there's no room for the former it almost invariably means that there is.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I see that over the last three years anna has thrown away whatever shreds of credibility she had left, and throw in fully with the extremists and fake news prevaricators, and the enemies of America. That is so very very sad.

There was no coup. Period.

There was no attempted coup. Period.

This Fiona Hill hack, whoever she is (never heard of her) is a liar spreading propaganda.

Good forum members: For months and months, in city after city in America, we had uprisings in the streets, police killed, billions of dollars or property destroyed, countless people harmed, even sections of cities occupied, all by the Leftwing extremist forces of the Democrats, Antifa, BLM, and other anti-American forces. These extremists were aided and abetted and even bailed out by Democrats including our current VP.

Today, the Supreme Court, which is an equal branch of the government to the Congress, is under attack by the baby-killing extremist forces of the Left, pushed on by the Democrats, encouraged by Pelosi and Schumer.

Where is this Fiona Hill hack liar with her cries of coups? She is silent.

There was no coup on Jan 6. Period.

There is no argument or debate on this point. There was no coup. Period.

Of course there's room for argument and debate on the point

There is room within the boundaries of the truth. It is NOT true to say there was an attempted coup. In fact, it is more likely true to say that Trump won and the election was stolen. For that we have mountains of evidence. For a coup, we have none.
If you want to call a protest that resulted in damage an attempted coup, then Democrats engage in attempted coups all the time.

This thread is currently 71 pages long

There is a reason this thread is currently 71 pages long: Once the premise has been destroyed and the thread disappears some Liberal revives it because the news of the day overwhelmingly is that Democrats are destroying this nation.

I can start reviving my threads, I have about 200 of them.

This thread is currently 71 pages long and generally, when people shriek that there's no room for the former it almost invariably means that there is.

Nah. It just means that Leftists keep arguing even after they have totally lost the argument.

I would call on all conservatives here to not even post in this thread. The premise has been utterly destroyed. There was no coup and we all know it. Let the dumb thread die my fellow conservatives.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There is room within the boundaries of the truth. It is NOT true to say there was an attempted coup. In fact, it is more likely true to say that Trump won and the election was stolen. For that we have mountains of evidence. For a coup, we have none.
If you want to call a protest that resulted in damage an attempted coup, then Democrats engage in attempted coups all the time.

There is a reason this thread is currently 71 pages long: Once the premise has been destroyed and the thread disappears some Liberal revives it because the news of the day overwhelmingly is that Democrats are destroying this nation.

I can start reviving my threads, I have about 200 of them.

Nah. It just means that Leftists keep arguing even after they have totally lost the argument.

I would call on all conservatives here to not even post in this thread. The premise has been utterly destroyed. There was no coup and we all know it. Let the dumb thread die my fellow conservatives.
Well, it's way more likely there was an attempted coup than the posit that Trump won and had the election stolen from him. If there was "mountains of evidence" for the latter then there's been nearly two and a half years for it to be presented in court. Multiple investigations/audits have uncovered no such thing. Outside of far right conspiracy circles it's long since been settled.

Claiming a premise has been destroyed doesn't equate to it having been so. When a thread gets this much traffic it generally means that there's involvement from supporting and contrary points of view.


Well-known member
Well, it's way more likely there was an attempted coup than the posit that Trump won and had the election stolen from him. If there was "mountains of evidence" for the latter then there's been nearly two and a half years for it to be presented in court. Multiple investigations/audits have uncovered no such thing. Outside of far right conspiracy circles it's long since been settled.

Claiming a premise has been destroyed doesn't equate to it having been so. When a thread gets this much traffic it generally means that there's involvement from supporting and contrary points of view.
By obstructing forensic examinations of voting machines democrats do not support their contention that they committed no election fraud.


Well-known member
The violence at the Capital was not enough, so now TFG is trying to incite civil war:

Lori Lightfoot is leading the leftist democrats to wage war on conservative white Americans seeking to right past wrongs like abortion and voter fraud.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Lori Lightfoot Is Calling For An Insurrection For Something That's In Her Head​
