Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


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The source of information has no bearing on the veracity of the information.

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Greatest poster ever
The source of information has no bearing on the veracity of the information.
I don't think it's news to anyone that there is vote fraud, and it isn't limited to Democrats. Numerous cases of Republican vote fraud have been found, and offenders are being prosecuted.


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
I don't think it's news to anyone that there is vote fraud, and it isn't limited to Democrats. Numerous cases of Republican vote fraud have been found, and offenders are being prosecuted.

Yes. And?

You'll recall, I hope, that I'm against democracy as a whole, against a two- or multi-party system, against voting on morality.


Hall of Fame
I don't think it's news to anyone that there is vote fraud, and it isn't limited to Democrats. Numerous cases of Republican vote fraud have been found, and offenders are being prosecuted.

Voter fraud.
Inauguration crowd size.
ACA dismantled and replaced on day one.
The wall. Mexico paid for it.

The Insurectionist/Pro-Covid nut jobs in the GOP back all The Obese Orange Crybaby’s lies.

Voter Fraud in the frail little mind of the Former Guy and his basket of deplorables is the equivalent of “WAH, the scam is up! Not fair!”


Well-known member
Relevant quote from the article:

"Lott, who runs the Crime Prevention Research Center, said that his report was not meant to overturn the 2020 election but to reinforce the need for changes to voter identification, absentee voting, and provisional ballots."
I agree. We need more than ever to bulldoze over lying leftist crooked democrat objections to voting securities to put a stop to the decades-long wicked democrat practice of voter fraud.


Well-known member
About the author:

Only a dunce would expect the democrats to admit they committed fraud, even though there are likely thousands of Americans who know well that they contributed to the wicked theft of the 2020 election and lie about it.


Well-known member
I don't think it's news to anyone that there is vote fraud, and it isn't limited to Democrats. Numerous cases of Republican vote fraud have been found, and offenders are being prosecuted.
While evidence of hundreds of thousands of illegitimate votes were cast by crooks for Biden, there have been relatively few democrat crooks hauled into court to answer for their crimes. On the other hand, the wicked officials who secretly support democrat voter fraud and cover it up have managed to unearth a handful of republican voter fraud cases and thrown the book at every republican they could for every little voter infraction they could find.


Well-known member
Voter fraud.
Inauguration crowd size.
ACA dismantled and replaced on day one.
The wall. Mexico paid for it.

The Insurectionist/Pro-Covid nut jobs in the GOP back all The Obese Orange Crybaby’s lies.

Voter Fraud in the frail little mind of the Former Guy and his basket of deplorables is the equivalent of “WAH, the scam is up! Not fair!”
Intelligent and informed Americans know full well that democrats have been committing voter fraud for many decades. Some are even old enough to remember how "Landslide Lyndon" stole his senate seat and how crooked dealings in key states like Texas won the presidency for JFK and LBJ.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Exactly. There may have actually been dozens of fraudulent votes cast for Trump, compared to the hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes cast for Biden.
On the contrary, there were billions of fraudulent votes cast for Trump by widespread Republican voter fraudsters, and I have just as much evidence to prove that as you have to prove that Trump lost the election by voter fraud. So there.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., suggested that the House Jan. 6 committee's upcoming hearings will be dramatic and include explosive revelations that the panel has been piecing together behind the scenes for months.

"The hearings will tell a story that will really blow the roof off the House," Raskin said Thursday at an event hosted by Georgetown University's Center on Faith and Justice in Washington.

"No president has ever come close to doing what happened here in terms of trying to organize an inside coup to overthrow an election and bypass the constitutional order," he said. "And then also use a violent insurrection made up of domestic violent extremist groups, white nationalist and racist, fascist groups in order to support the coup."

Raskin said the committee will present "evidence" that proves there was coordination among then-President Donald Trump and his inner circle and his supporters who attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6 in an attempt to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

The plan was to use then-Vice President Mike Pence to try to get President Joe Biden's electoral vote tally below the 270 majority needed for victory, Raskin said, which under the 12th Amendment would shift the contest to a vote in the House. If that occurred, he said, Republicans would have the majority to seize the presidency because the votes would be cast by the state delegations, and the GOP controls more state delegations than the Democrats do.

"This was not a coup directed at the president," Raskin said. "It was a coup directed by the president against the vice president and against the Congress."



Well-known member
On the contrary, there were billions of fraudulent votes cast for Trump by widespread Republican voter fraudsters, and I have just as much evidence to prove that as you have to prove that Trump lost the election by voter fraud. So there.
It seems democrats have no shame for telling outrageous lies as though all Americans are stupid.