Fiona Hill: "The president was trying to stage a coup"


Well-known member
A Dominion lawyer confronted Giuliani in August about the election fraud claims, and he said he had no time to verify whether they were true.

"Sometimes I go and look myself - when stuff comes up. This time I didn't have the time to do it," Giuliani said.

"It's not my job, in a fast-moving case, to go out and investigate every piece of evidence that was given to me. Otherwise, you're never going to write a story. You'll never come to a conclusion," he added.

How do elections officials prove nobody voted illegally, given the fact that they refuse to purge their rolls of dead voters and voters who have moved and have no requirements for proof of identity for votes cast? They cannot prove no fraud was committed and if it was, how limited the fraud might have been.


Well-known member
“The president was trying to stage a coup. There was little chance of it happening, but there was enough chance that the former defense secretaries had to put out that letter, which was the final nail through that effort. They prevented the military from being involved in any coup attempt. But instead, Trump tried to incite it himself,” said Fiona Hill, Trump’s former top Russia adviser. “This could have turned into a full-blown coup had he had any of those key institutions following him. Just because it failed or didn’t succeed doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.”

Trump Officials Rush to Keep Him From Sparking Another Conflict—at Home or Abroad

High-ranking national-security officials have spent the last 24 hours scrambling to figure out how to keep their commander-in-chief, Donald Trump, from inciting further violence at home, spilling national secrets, or sparking last-minute confrontations with international foes.

The concerns in the upper echelons of the administration’s national-security community range from fears inside the Pentagon that the president will do or say something that effectively throws the U.S. into a military confrontation with another country to anxieties in the intelligence apparatus that Trump will divulge classified intelligence on his way out, according to four officials who spoke with The Daily Beast about the matter. All requested to remain anonymous in order to speak more openly about the discussions.

“This isn’t a hypothetical anymore,” said one senior administration official. “This is real. What happened yesterday changed the calculus. People are concerned about [the president’s] state of mind.”

Much more at the link.

“Yesterday was the worst day for the Republican Party since Lincoln’s assassination.”
— Joe Grogan, Trump’s former top domestic policy adviser
Fiona Hill was a George Soros/Clinton democrat operative in the Trump administration. She undermined the US government and committed treason by attempting to overthrow the legitimately elected President of the United States, President Trump.

Fiona Hill is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and a member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.
Hill was on the board of George Soros' Open Society Foundation, she was a writer at The Globalist, she was sponsored by mega-globalist Strobe Talbott, whose late wife, Brooke Shearer was an aide to Hillary Clinton.
Hill was the spymaster for the corporate Globalist operation against Trump that has seized control of our country.
Hill was brought into Trump's National Security Council as the Senior Director for Europe and Russia by Trump's treasonous National Security Advisor, HR McMaster.
Hill was a George Soros mole planted in the middle of the Trump National Security apparatus.
Hill brought a cadre of saboteur operatives into the Trump administration under his nose.


like marbles on glass
Fiona Hill

Fiona Hill: Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt.

The good news for the United States is that Trump’s self-coup failed. The bad news is that his supporters still believe the false narrative, the Big Lie that he won the election. Trump has not repudiated it, nor have the House and Senate Republicans who voted against the Electoral College results. Millions of people still think the election was stolen. They still support Trump the person, not the Republican Party, and many are prepared to take further action on his behalf.


Well-known member

Fiona Hill: Yes, It Was a Coup Attempt.

The good news for the United States is that Trump’s self-coup failed. The bad news is that his supporters still believe the false narrative, the Big Lie that he won the election. Trump has not repudiated it, nor have the House and Senate Republicans who voted against the Electoral College results. Millions of people still think the election was stolen. They still support Trump the person, not the Republican Party, and many are prepared to take further action on his behalf.
The bad news for America is that there are so many leftists in DC who support unjust democrat persecution of non-democrats that this country looks like a third word backwoods nation of thugs.


Well-known member
I agree, but I think it was a chicken coup. Trump was pretty nuts in most ways and Joe is too old.
Marxists, racists, leftists, hedonists, atheists, socialists, abortionists, sex perverts, and others think Trump was nuts and wish their goddess Hillary had won the election instead.


Active member
Marxists, racists, leftists, hedonists, atheists, socialists, abortionists, sex perverts, and others think Trump was nuts and wish their goddess Hillary had won the election instead.
You would not be including me in that group, are you?


Well-known member
because you responded to me. I know you though.
Please don't think everything I say in response to you is about you. I am not just responding to you in a vacuum. I am responding to statements like yours from many others and my response is engineered with the understanding that many others will be reading my responses to the open questions, challenges, statements, and so forth.


Active member
Please don't think everything I say in response to you is about you. I am not just responding to you in a vacuum. I am responding to statements like yours from many others and my response is engineered with the understanding that many others will be reading my responses to the open questions, challenges, statements, and so forth.
OK. I see your point, but had to ask because the same would go for me, people assume.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How funny would it be to watch a debate between Keith Olbermann and Alex Jones? I think it would be funnier than any episode of South Park.
Well, I've heard a couple of Jones' shows and after the initial hilarity of presuming it was some sort of satire to the grim realisation of it being for real...I doubt I could handle it...