False and Foolish Doctrines and Religions

God's Truth

New member
So, you'd rather run away than face your cognitive dissonance? Disappointing, but not unexpected.

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I think that you are the one who cannot face your cognitive dissonance.

If you really are disappointed in not discussing more with me, then I would reconsider.


New member
Atheism is absolutely nothing like religion. When was the last time anyone has heard of someone committing an act of terrorism in the name of atheism?
Atheism IS a religion. To many atheists, it isn't simply a lack of belief, but it is a religious belief system. Atheists promote their beliefs in religious forums, books, magazines, conferences, monthly meetings etc.
And, atheism has been, at least in part, responsible for terrorism resulting in the deaths of millions. Mao, Stalin and other genocides are the result of atheistic beliefs.


Active member
Of course its like a religion. You have to have unwavering faith that there is no God. Where the Christian has unwavering faith that there is a God.

Problem with atheism is that you have nothing to base it upon. You have no proof that there is no God. Where the Christian has creation. Intelligent design is the Christians proof that there is a God.

This is why Paul wrote, "Because that which is known of God is manifest in them: God has shown it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without an excuse" Romans 1:19, 20.

You are not going to be able to plead ignorance in the judgment.

I prefer Psalms 14:1 KJV "The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God." David recognized this circa 3000 years ago.

Atheism in my opinion is a tragedy of stunted petulant secular humanist philosophy.

One of the quintessential things that binds social cohesion and in most respects is a fundamental fabric of human existence is hope. Those with no hope or even no purpose or meaning in life have very little to live for. I lump Atheists and Neo-Atheists into that bucket, as their existence is devoid of any hope. What the Neo-Atheist embraces and preaches dogmatically from his own vaunted pulpit is nihilism. Self destructive nihilism that's tied up in the same sordid twisted ideology that organized Christendom since the 2nd Century also embraced. Christendom not long after the Apostles died and the great apostasy began also became Godless. Atheism reflects the maturation of this Godlessness which rather than being notionally religious -as is organized Christendom- is now entirely secular. But the hall marks of dogma, propaganda, re-enforced by inflexible and rigid ideology are exactly the same. Both have resulted in Godless philosophy and a Godless world. Secular humanism is their new religion. The worship of self. Everything for them is reduced to simple binary principles. Life itself is effectively meaningless as is their existence which by their logic is the sum total of a few random evolutionary processes that just happened to spawn life and consciousness one day. Human life is thus reduced to merely an abstract causative concept.

If after 3 score and 10 years on this Earth your destiny is solely to be fodder for the soil while enjoying some momentary ephemeral experiences along the way that's certainly not a philosophy id want to embrace. You wouldn't mind if these newer Neo-Atheist evangelists had some alternative to the Christian hope of life on a paradise Earth but they have literally nothing to offer their disciples, except political platitudes and empty promises that they can't deliver on. With no striking alternative to offer to a Paradise Earth or indeed any hope to offer for ALL of mankind it should be obvious what the origins of Atheism are. The "Son of destruction" and one who as the Apostle John says could rightly be called an Anti-Christ. Satan the Devil.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I think that you are the one who cannot face your cognitive dissonance.
Really? I'm not the one having difficulty understanding why...
When it comes to religion people are prone to believe some of the weirdest most bizarre doctrines that there is...

... I could go on and on about false and foolish doctrines and religions.
... applies to every religion and sect of christianity except your own. Have you ever heard of special pleading?

If you really are disappointed in not discussing more with me, then I would reconsider.
Do you think that I'm being dishonest about this too?

What makes you think that quoting bible verses will be any more effective in convincing me of your viewpoint than they have been convincing other "(not) true christians"?

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Really? I'm not the one having difficulty understanding why...... applies to every religion and sect of christianity except your own. Have you ever heard of special pleading?

Do you think that I'm being dishonest about this too?

What makes you think that quoting bible verses will be any more effective in convincing me of your viewpoint than they have been convincing other "(not) true christians"?

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There are many false and foolish doctrines and religions. However, there is a real and personal way to believe and have faith in God and his Son Jesus Christ. Real Christianity is Christ centered. It does not encourage people to trust in themselves or their good works. The real Christian trusts in Christ and in Christ alone. There are very few that are living by faith and by faith alone. The false and foolish doctrines and religions give atheist like you a target to shoot at and maybe rightfully so.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
There are many false and foolish doctrines and religions. However, there is a real and personal way to believe and have faith in God and his Son Jesus Christ. Real Christianity is Christ centered. It does not encourage people to trust in themselves or their good works. The real Christian trusts in Christ and in Christ alone. There are very few that are living by faith and by faith alone.
So your answer is, "No, I (meaning you) have never heard of special pleading".

The false and foolish doctrines and religions give atheist like you a target to shoot at...
If "false and foolish doctrines and religions give atheist ... a target to shoot at", then christianity, by definition (you said it, not me), MUST be a "false and foolish doctrine and religion" since it it is so easy to hit.

Would you like to try again explaining why...
When it comes to religion people are prone to believe some of the weirdest most bizarre doctrines that there is...

... I could go on and on about false and foolish doctrines and religions.
... doesn't apply to your preferred sect of christianity?

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God's Truth

New member
Really? I'm not the one having difficulty understanding why...... applies to every religion and sect of christianity except your own. Have you ever heard of special pleading?

Do you think that I'm being dishonest about this too?

What makes you think that quoting bible verses will be any more effective in convincing me of your viewpoint than they have been convincing other "(not) true christians"?

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I can prove easily that they are going by teachings of other men, and teachings of other women.

I do not teach things from other men and women.

I teach to look to what Jesus says.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I can prove easily that they are going by teachings of other men, and teachings of other women.
Do you mean the same way that they "can prove easily that you are going by teachings of other men, and teachings of other women", by quoting bible verses at them? How has that been working out for you so far?

I do not teach things from other men and women.
Well, actually, you do. The bible is undeniably the "teaching" of those (men/women) who wrote it, not one of whom was jesus.

I teach to look to what Jesus says.
... and you know this because it's in the bible, right? Is circular logic another concept with which you are unfamiliar?

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Active member
Atheism IS a religion. To many atheists, it isn't simply a lack of belief, but it is a religious belief system. Atheists promote their beliefs in religious forums, books, magazines, conferences, monthly meetings etc.
And, atheism has been, at least in part, responsible for terrorism resulting in the deaths of millions. Mao, Stalin and other genocides are the result of atheistic beliefs.

O its definitely a religion. Religion requires faith.

Atheism uses Science as its crutch. All things being equal there is of course nothing wrong with Science. But their Science tells them that life, cognition, consciousness, intelligence, the universe and everything in it are all the result of random processes ,the big bang if you will, that spawned evolution on Earth and life as we know it from nothing.
Christians believe someone was responsible for this, God. The Atheist believes no one was responsible. That's not just faith, that's a huge leap of blind faith, which is more than what God requires of any Christian.

Intelligence and chance are diametrically opposed. The atheist believes the Universe and everything in it is the mere result of casual chance. Chance indicates a lack or order, design and intelligence, the chips being scattered where they fall. The atheist lauds his intelligence, reason and rationale and yet his presumed 'organic' intelligence is the result of an apparent process of no intelligence. Non intelligence can't produce intelligence. If it could illiteracy wouldn't exist. The literal billions of dollars spent on the education industry wouldn't be required if intelligence was simply causative. And yet the atheist has no problem believing that life and the universe was nothing more than the product of chance. Logically it all sounds ridiculous. Practically its impossible. And yet the atheist has no problem believing an unintelligent random process created intelligence. If that's not faith i don't know what is...
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Robert Pate

Well-known member
So your answer is, "No, I (meaning you) have never heard of special pleading".

If "false and foolish doctrines and religions give atheist ... a target to shoot at", then christianity, by definition (you said it, not me), MUST be a "false and foolish doctrine and religion" since it it is so easy to hit.

Would you like to try again explaining why...... doesn't apply to your preferred sect of christianity?

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I don't belong to any denomination or sect of religion, nor do I attend an organized church.

I live by faith in Christ, not by laws, works or religion. I am not religious, I do not keep certain days, including Sundays. I am probably an atheist worst nightmare. I also readily confess that I am a sinner, a saved sinner.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I don't belong to any denomination or sect of religion, nor do I attend an organized church.
Yeah, so? You're a denomination of one. Good for you?? Do you consider yourself to be a christiam?

I live by faith in Christ, not by laws, works or religion. I am not religious, I do not keep certain days, including Sundays... I also readily confess that I am a sinner, a saved sinner.
And this insulates you from...
... people are prone to believe some of the weirdest most bizarre doctrines that there is.
... how, exactly?

I am probably an atheist worst nightmare.
:chuckle: Too many before you have made this claim so I am inclined to say, "No, probably not".

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God's Truth

New member
Do you mean the same way that they "can prove easily that you are going by teachings of other men, and teachings of other women", by quoting bible verses at them? How has that been working out for you so far?

Well, actually, you do. The bible is undeniably the "teaching" of those (men/women) who wrote it, not one of whom was jesus.

... and you know this because it's in the bible, right? Is circular logic another concept with which you are unfamiliar?

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The Bible is scripture and all scripture is God breathed.

There is a way you can know for yourself if that is true, and not just give your worthless opinion.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
The Bible is scripture and all scripture is God breathed.
By that standard ALL religious texts (scripture) are "god breathed".

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)

There is a way you can know for yourself if that is true...
Actually, no, there isn't.

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)

... and not just give your worthless opinion.

And your opinion is less worthless than mine because...

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)

Do you think that you will be getting around to explaining why...
What I find amazing is that some people that appear to have high intelligence embrace some of the most false and foolish doctrines and religions imaginable...

When it comes to religion people are prone to believe some of the weirdest most bizarre doctrines that there is...

I could go on and on about false and foolish doctrines and religions...
...doesn't apply to your peculiar version of christianity any time soon?

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
By that standard ALL religious texts (scripture) are "god breathed".

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)

Actually, no, there isn't.

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)


And your opinion is less worthless than mine because...

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)

Do you think that you will be getting around to explaining why......doesn't apply to your peculiar version of christianity any time soon?

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)

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What's worse than some of the false and foolish religions that exist, are atheist like yourself that stand on God's green earth and deny that he exist.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
What's worse than some of the false and foolish religions that exist, are atheist like yourself that stand on God's green earth and deny that he exist.
What's worse than some of the false and foolish religions that exist are theist, like yourself, that shake their fist at all other false and foolish religions and scream that theirs isn't. Truly bizarre.

I reject you chosen concept of deity because of the TOTAL absence of evidence that it exists.

Before you start quoting random bible verses at me consider how effective that has worked for you in the past when trying to convince other christians that their beliefs are "false and foolish" and yours aren't.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
What's worse than some of the false and foolish religions that exist are theist, like yourself, that shake their fist at all other false and foolish religions and scream that theirs isn't. Truly bizarre.

I reject you chosen concept of deity because of the TOTAL absence of evidence that it exists.

Before you start quoting random bible verses at me consider how effective that has worked for you in the past when trying to convince other christians that their beliefs are "false and foolish" and yours aren't.

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Do you really believe that the authors of the Bible wrote the book to deceive you?