False and Foolish Doctrines and Religions

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Do you really believe that the authors of the Bible wrote the book to deceive you?
Are you trying to change the subject? What does what I think about the bible have to do with your double standard?

The "bible" in many places, is factually incorrect, internally inconsistent, and makes claims that are, to put it bluntly, impossible. To deny these facts, which are not in dispute by biblical scholars, is to be in a state of denial that borders on psychosis. Trying to reconcile all of the aberrations is cognitive dissonance run amok.

Was there an intentional plot to deceive on the part of the biblical authors? It's hard to say for certain. We are agreed it seems that "some people that appear to have high intelligence embrace some of the most false and foolish doctrines and religions imaginable" and many "false prophets" are able to convince millions of people to do (and believe) rather bizarre things.

What I find to be extremely outlandish is how you want to shield yourself from your own OP without being hypocritical.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Are you trying to change the subject? What does what I think about the bible have to do with your double standard?

The "bible" in many places, is factually incorrect, internally inconsistent, and makes claims that are, to put it bluntly, impossible. To deny these facts, which are not in dispute by biblical scholars, is to be in a state of denial that borders on psychosis. Trying to reconcile all of the aberrations is cognitive dissonance run amok.

Was there an intentional plot to deceive on the part of the biblical authors? It's hard to say for certain. We are agreed it seems that "some people that appear to have high intelligence embrace some of the most false and foolish doctrines and religions imaginable" and many "false prophets" are able to convince millions of people to do (and believe) rather bizarre things.

What I find to be extremely outlandish is how you want to shield yourself from your own OP without being hypocritical.

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You poor deluded soul. I believe that there were about 60 authors of the Bible. That are all basically saying the same thing. You have more faith than I do if you believe that they were all deceivers.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
You poor deluded soul.
An ad hominem perhaps? Why are you trying so hard to make this about me? Could it be because you think it is easier for you to attack me than it is for you to face your hypocrisy?

I believe that there were about 60 authors of the Bible.
Yeah, and...?

That are all basically saying the same thing.
Basically? The "god" described in the OT is nothing like the one in the NT, it's not even close.

You have more faith than I do if you believe that they were all deceivers.
Well, you said it yourself in the OP, "some people that appear to have high intelligence embrace some of the most false and foolish doctrines and religions imaginable" and (paraphrasing) many "false prophets" are able to convince millions of people to do (and believe) rather bizarre things.

How you are able to divorce yourself from your own OP and not recognize the hypocrisy is beyond my compression. Cognitive dissonance is as strong in your family as it is in God's Truth's it seems.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
An ad hominem perhaps? Why are you trying so hard to make this about me? Could it be because you think it is easier for you to attack me than it is for you to face your hypocrisy?

Yeah, and...?

Basically? The "god" described in the OT is nothing like the one in the NT, it's not even close.

Well, you said it yourself in the OP, "some people that appear to have high intelligence embrace some of the most false and foolish doctrines and religions imaginable" and (paraphrasing) many "false prophets" are able to convince millions of people to do (and believe) rather bizarre things.

How you are able to divorce yourself from your own OP and not recognize the hypocrisy is beyond my compression. Cognitive dissonance is as strong in your family as it is in God's Truth's it seems.

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The New Testament is not supposed to be like the Old Testament, that's why they call it "The New Testament".

What you have embraced is far more bizarre than any religion.

yes, it is about you. You are the one that has come on a Christian Forum professing that we have all been deceived.

We have a Bible that refutes you. Do you have a book on atheism with 60 different authors that has been written over a period of thousands of years? No, you have nothing but what is in your depraved mind.

God's Truth

New member
By that standard ALL religious texts (scripture) are "god breathed".

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)

Actually, no, there isn't.

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)


And your opinion is less worthless than mine because...

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)

Do you think that you will be getting around to explaining why......doesn't apply to your peculiar version of christianity any time soon?

(Insert God's Truth's attempt at special pleading here.)

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You prove once again that you are dishonest.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
The New Testament is not supposed to be like the Old Testament, that's why they call it "The New Testament".
No, they aren't, that's for sure. However, you've got to admit that the "unchanging deity" described in the OT sure got one hellofa makeover in the NT, didn't it?

What you have embraced is far more bizarre than any religion.
Really? You should put on my shoes for a while 😉. Absolutely NO religious belief compares to the suspension of reality required to accept christianity.

yes, it is about you.
Well, no, really it's not. I've didn't write the OP complaining about other peoples religious beliefs being bizarre, not thinking someone in possession of a more rational mind would come along to highlight my error in logic, strange conclusions, and general hypocrisy.

You are the one that has come on a Christian Forum professing that we have all been deceived.
What I think that you're the most uncomfortable with is that I've shown that you invented a standard that unfairly excludes your own beliefs in order to call someone else's theological beliefs incorrect, even among other christians. That is hypocrisy of the highest order.

[QUOTE We have a Bible that refutes you.[/quote]Yeah, right, there's that elitism that christians think they own exclusive rights to call their "scripture" the ultimate sourse of truth in the universe when quite clearly it can't be. That's called special pleading Bob.

Do you have a book on atheism with 60 different authors that has been written over a period of thousands of years?
Of course you should know that this is a non sequitur at best and circular logic to be sure. Prove that your version of deity exists without resorting to circular logic. Take all the time you need.

No, you have nothing but what is in your depraved mind.
Wow, Bob. You just described cognitive dissonance. How it doesn't apply to you we will probably never know.

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God's Truth

New member
Yet you're completely unable to select even one quote illustrative of how I have been dishonest, THAT is dishonest. I know that the irony eludes you but it is what it is. :sigh:

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You are not worth the time and the hassle. You wouldn't see it anyway and you would just deny it.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
You are not worth the time and the hassle.
Yet it was worth the time to complain about it. Strange.

You wouldn't see it anyway and you would just deny it.
If you can rationally show where and how I've been dishonest (lied) I am more willing to own up to it. I should also be allowed to defend any statment as well. Fair?

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God's Truth

New member
Yet it was worth the time to complain about it. Strange.

If you can rationally show where and how I've been dishonest (lied) I am more willing to own up to it. I should also be allowed to defend any statment as well. Fair?

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What don't you get about a dishonest person NOT being fair?

That is why I do not want to discuss with you.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
What don't you get about a dishonest person NOT being fair?

I made a proposal to allow you to show one instance where and how I have been dishonest. How you could not have understood that makes me wonder if your credibility extends to anything beyond assertion.

That is why I do not want to discuss with you.
I gave you a fair way to challenge my honesty. If you had anything beyond assertion, which is the way most christians defend their odd beliefs, you would have graciously accepted my offer. Instead of continuing to attack me, an ad hominem, you should formulate a better defence of your beliefs that don't involve, in essence, "because I (or the bible) say(s) so".

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God's Truth

New member

I made a proposal to allow you to show one instance where and how I have been dishonest. How you could not have understood that makes me wonder if your credibility extends to anything beyond assertion.

I gave you a fair way to challenge my honesty. If you had anything beyond assertion, which is the way most christians defend their odd beliefs, you would have graciously accepted my offer. Instead of continuing to attack me, an ad hominem, you should formulate a better defence of your beliefs that don't involve, in essence, "because I (or the bible) say(s) so".

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You are judging me even before I say anything.

No thank you dishonest person.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
No, they aren't, that's for sure. However, you've got to admit that the "unchanging deity" described in the OT sure got one hellofa makeover in the NT, didn't it?

Really? You should put on my shoes for a while 😉. Absolutely NO religious belief compares to the suspension of reality required to accept christianity.

Well, no, really it's not. I've didn't write the OP complaining about other peoples religious beliefs being bizarre, not thinking someone in possession of a more rational mind would come along to highlight my error in logic, strange conclusions, and general hypocrisy.

What I think that you're the most uncomfortable with is that I've shown that you invented a standard that unfairly excludes your own beliefs in order to call someone else's theological beliefs incorrect, even among other christians. That is hypocrisy of the highest order.

[QUOTE We have a Bible that refutes you.
Yeah, right, there's that elitism that christians think they own exclusive rights to call their "scripture" the ultimate sourse of truth in the universe when quite clearly it can't be. That's called special pleading Bob.

Of course you should know that this is a non sequitur at best and circular logic to be sure. Prove that your version of deity exists without resorting to circular logic. Take all the time you need.

Wow, Bob. You just described cognitive dissonance. How it doesn't apply to you we will probably never know.

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Hang on to your unbelief. You will be fuel for the fire.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
You are judging me even before I say anything.
No, I'm absolutely judging you for what you say. Anytime you call someone a liar without evidence, which I've given you the opportunity to present several times now, you've judged yourself. If you accuse someone of something without evidence (it's called bearing false witness in the bible, no?) isn't that lying?

No thank you dishonest person.
? :sigh:

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God's Truth

New member
No, I'm absolutely judging you for what you say. Anytime you call someone a liar without evidence, which I've given you the opportunity to present several times now, you've judged yourself. If you accuse someone of something without evidence (it's called bearing false witness in the bible, no?) isn't that lying?

? :sigh:

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You are telling untruths about me and God says you call Him a liar.

God's Truth

New member
Silent Hunter calls God a liar. I go by what God says.

1 John 5:10 Whoever does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because they have not believed the testimony God has given about his Son.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
You are telling untruths about me and God says you call Him a liar.
This is still a pretty nebulous claim you are making. Do you think you could be a little more specific?

Me saying that I don't agree with your precious and supposed "holy scripture" isn't the same as calling you, it, or your concept of deity liars. If you wish to claim that the bible is "god breathed" you're going to have to do significantly better than "that's what the bible says" to be even a little bit convincing.

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God's Truth

New member
This is still a pretty nebulous claim you are making. Do you think you could be a little more specific?

Me saying that I don't agree with your precious and supposed "holy scripture" isn't the same as calling you, it, or your concept of deity liars. If you wish to claim that the bible is "god breathed" you're going to have to do significantly better than "that's what the bible says" to be even a little bit convincing.

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I just do not care to debate with you.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Silent Hunter calls God a liar.
How so? Because the "bible" says that all non-believers are liars? If you were on the outside looking in you would realize just how wacky that is.

I go by what God says.
No, you don't, not even a little. You may BELIEVE that the bible is the "word" of your concept of deity but you have not one iota of evidence, nothing. What cannot be denied is that the "component parts" (the individual "books") of the bible were written by men and the reality is that that is absolutely all you can possibly be certain of, period.

1 John 5:10 Whoever does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because they have not believed the testimony God has given about his Son.
How exactly is this supposed to be convincing? For instance, if you told me that the moon is made of cheese and I told you that I don't believe you, how does that make me a liar?

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