False and Foolish Doctrines and Religions

God's Truth

New member
Certainly that's what you believe but if you think you have the "correct" beliefs why is it that so many other so-called "christians" disagree with you? Would no true christian have beliefs opposed to your own? Would these not true christians consider you a "true christian"?

Are you really a true christian?

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I tell you how ANYONE can know if they have God's Truth or not---but you write it off for your own beliefs.

God's Truth

New member
After 45 years of reading the Bible, I pretty much know in what and in whom I believe.

Silent Hunter,

You see here? Pate thinks he is a Christian and knowledgeable in the truth because he reads a lot.

Do you want to discuss with me what God says how we are a Christian and how we get knowledge?

God's Truth

New member
Silent Hunter, you raise a good question, and then throw out the Truth because you leave God out of the judgement.
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New member
This is a forum. I need not oblige you.
Very true. You're free to spout whatever ignorance you like, no matter how little you actually know about a particular subject. :carryon:

You sound a wee bit mentally disturbed and on the fringe. Are you in control of yourself or must I notify the authorites about your behavior? :kookoo: :rotfl:
Now GM thinks he's a mind-reading psychiatrist. See above. :yawn:

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Who are you to say what I fail to understand?
Well, because it seems clear that someone needs to point out to you what is apparently obvious to everyone else.

How do you EVER get that I said it does NOT apply to me?!
Actually, since you seem to be having trouble following the conversation, I never said you said that. I get that you don't realize you are suffering from cognitive dissonance by your attitude present in your posts following below. I'm certain you will fail to see the correlation.

You thinking you are above all and even God speaks volumes.
I'm not the one attacking those who disagree with my theologocal viewpoint as if I can't possibly be wrong.

What don't you get about there being a way to find out if your beliefs are true or not?
There is sufficient evidence in this thread, not counting thousands of others throughout TOL, that there are more than a few theological differences within christianity. IF each different view can be, and more often than not is, supported by "scripture" how can it be possible for "the truth" to be determined? 30,000 christian denominations can't all be right but they can all be wrong.

I tell you how ANYONE can know if they have God's Truth or not---but you write it off for your own beliefs.
Let me guess, you're going to tell me this "truth" by regurgitating bible verses at me, right? Thanks, but no thanks. You folks are confused enough among each other without involving me in your bizarre beliefs too.

Are we going to listen to Silent Hunter? Robert Pate? ANYONE?
My participation in this discussion is to point out what is obvious to everyone except the christians involved. As long as all the christians continue to think that they can't possibly be wrong I extremely doubt that "truth" will ever come to the fore.

Are we going to listen to Jesus Christ?
Is he planning on joining the conversation too or is his participation going to be limited to random bible verses?

Silent Hunter,

You see here? Pate thinks he is a Christian and knowledgeable in the truth because he reads a lot.
Yeah, reading has always been a precursor to "ultimate truth". :rolleyes:

Do you want to discuss with me what God says how we are a Christian and how we get knowledge?
Let me guess, you're going to do this by quoting bible verses at me, right? I doubt that the irony has raised it's head enough for you to see it yet, has it?

Silent Hunter, you raise a good question, and then throw out the Truth because you leave God out of the judgement.
I think that I have raised a few very important questions. When should I be expecting something approaching answers not involving random bible verses?

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God's Truth

New member
Well, because it seems clear that someone needs to point out to you what is apparently obvious to everyone else.

Actually, since you seem to be having trouble following the conversation, I never said you said that. I get that you don't realize you are suffering from cognitive dissonance by your attitude present in your posts following below. I'm certain you will fail to see the correlation.

I'm not the one attacking those who disagree with my theologocal viewpoint as if I can't possibly be wrong.

There is sufficient evidence in this thread, not counting thousands of others throughout TOL, that there are more than a few theological differences within christianity. IF each different view can be, and more often than not is, supported by "scripture" how can it be possible for "the truth" to be determined? 30,000 christian denominations can't all be right but they can all be wrong.

Let me guess, you're going to tell me this "truth" by regurgitating bible verses at me, right? Thanks, but no thanks. You folks are confused enough among each other without involving me in your bizarre beliefs too.

My participation in this discussion is to point out what is obvious to everyone except the christians involved. As long as all the christians continue to think that they can't possibly be wrong I extremely doubt that "truth" will ever come to the fore.

Is he planning on joining the conversation too or is his participation going to be limited to random bible verses?

Yeah, reading has always been a precursor to "ultimate truth". :rolleyes:

Let me guess, you're going to do this by quoting bible verses at me, right? I doubt that the irony has raised it's head enough for you to see it yet, has it?

I think that I have raised a few very important questions. When should I be expecting something approaching answers not involving random bible verses?

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I just do not believe you are an honest person because of what you say here about me. I could barely read what you wrote here in this post to me.

I have lost interest in debating you.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I just do not believe you are an honest person because of what you say here about me. I could barely read what you wrote here in this post to me.
What was it that I said that you found so uncomfortable? Cognitive dissonance can be extremely hard to overcome. It is how we respond to information that conflicts with our beliefs that defines the strength or weakness of those beliefs. Some people change their belief. Some find ways to defend their belief. Some pretend there is no conflict and run away.

I have lost interest in debating you.
Why do you think this is some sort of contest? Isn't "truth" your goal? Is an examination of your "faith" too dissonant for you?

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God's Truth

New member
What was it that I said that you found so uncomfortable? Cognitive dissonance can be extremely hard to overcome. It is how we respond to information that conflicts with our beliefs that defines the strength or weakness of those beliefs. Some people change their belief. Some find ways to defend their belief. Some pretend there is no conflict and run away.

Why do you think this is some sort of contest? Isn't "truth" your goal? Is an examination of your "faith" too dissonant for you?

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I think you are dishonest. Make some changes in yourself if you really want to debate and not just make personal attacks against me.

God's Truth

New member
I could not care any less to read and hear what people think of me, and to hear slanderous things about Jesus.

I want to debate the scriptures. I am a contender for the faith.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
I think you are dishonest.
How so? What have I said that wasn't true? Be specific.

Make some changes in yourself if you really want to debate and not just make personal attacks against me.
What change would you recommend that I make? If I were to make the changes you suggest. Would I still be able to remain as true to myself as you think you are to yourself?

Why do you STILL seem to think that this is some sort of competition? Isn't "truth"a worthy goal? I'm never going to be able to change your belief(s), though I might hope you would be willing to rationally examine them from another perspective.

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God's Truth

New member
How so? What have I said that wasn't true? Be specific.

What change would you recommend that I make? If I were to make the changes you suggest. Would I still be able to remain as true to myself as you think you are to yourself?

Why do you STILL seem to think that this is some sort of competition? Isn't "truth"a worthy goal? I'm never going to be able to change your belief(s), though I might hope you would be willing to rationally examine them from another perspective.

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I would, if I thought you were honest.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Atheism is much like religion. Silent Hunter wants us to believe that the Bible is one big lie.

The New Testament witness is so strong that one would have to be the worlds greatest fool to reject it.

It would not be humanly possible to write such a compelling book as the Bible, if it were not true. So many men writing about the same thing and it all comes together in the Bible.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Atheism is much like religion.
Atheism is absolutely nothing like religion. When was the last time anyone has heard of someone committing an act of terrorism in the name of atheism? When was the last time anyone has heard of someone killing a doctor in the name of atheism? When was the last time anyone has heard of someone going to war in the name of atheism? The list is long, these are only three.

Silent Hunter wants us to believe that the Bible is one big lie.
Nice strawman. There is much in the bible that is "true". However, there is even more in the bible that is demonstatively not true or something the christian will reject in any other context.

I cannot help but be amazed that someone who wrote:
When it comes to religion people are prone to believe some of the weirdest most bizarre doctrines that there is.
could also write this:
The New Testament witness is so strong that one would have to be the worlds greatest fool to reject it.

It would not be humanly possible to write such a compelling book as the Bible, if it were not true. So many men writing about the same thing and it all comes together in the Bible.
and not be able to detect the irony.

The cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias is strong in your family (imagine this said in Yoda's voice).

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Atheism is absolutely nothing like religion. When was the last time anyone has heard of someone committing an act of terrorism in the name of atheism? When was the last time anyone has heard of someone killing a doctor in the name of atheism? When was the last time anyone has heard of someone going to war in the name of atheism? The list is long, these are only three.

Nice strawman. There is much in the bible that is "true". However, there is even more in the bible that is demonstatively not true or something the christian will reject in any other context.

I cannot help but be amazed that someone who wrote:could also write this:and not be able to detect the irony.

The cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias is strong in your family (imagine this said in Yoda's voice).

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Of course its like a religion. You have to have unwavering faith that there is no God. Where the Christian has unwavering faith that there is a God.

Problem with atheism is that you have nothing to base it upon. You have no proof that there is no God. Where the Christian has creation. Intelligent design is the Christians proof that there is a God.

This is why Paul wrote, "Because that which is known of God is manifest in them: God has shown it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without an excuse" Romans 1:19, 20.

You are not going to be able to plead ignorance in the judgment.

Silent Hunter

Well-known member
Of course its like a religion. You have to have unwavering faith that there is no God. Where the Christian has unwavering faith that there is a God.
Atheists are convinced that there is no such thing as a deity because of the lack of evidence for such a thing, which is kind of funny because christians are convinced that there is a deity because of the lack of evidence for such a thing. Which position do you think is more rational?

Problem with atheism is that you have nothing to base it upon. You have no proof that there is no God.
This sounds an awful lot like the fallacy of shifting the burden of proof. Am I wrong? Because there is no evidence for the existence of ANY deity, much less the christian deity, that I reject the concept.

Where the Christian has creation. Intelligent design is the Christians proof that there is a God.
Confirmation bias?

This is why Paul wrote, "Because that which is known of God is manifest in them: God has shown it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without an excuse" Romans 1:19, 20.
You must have missed it when I implied to God's Truth that bible verses aren't a particularly effective means of convincing anyone that your preferred version of deity exists. How has quoting bible verses to other christians who don't share your brand of theology been working out for you so far? Same thing.

You are not going to be able to plead ignorance in the judgment.
Pascal's wager? That's funny.

When it comes to religion people are prone to believe some of the weirdest most bizarre doctrines that there is...

I could go on and on about false and foolish doctrines and religions...
Seriously? You still can't comprehend how this applies to christianity? Unbelievable.

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