Executing homosexuals

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Do you want to come the compound?

Name calling? Do you mean "ignorant"?

As for the "we" there was at least one other person openly agreeing with me, so...

That's not showing off.

You have shown yourself to be a hypocrite, though; seeing as how you were just complaining about me doing something similar to what you just admitted Jesus did.


You fail at logic and reason.

You differ with no substantial basis.

There is no having an adult conversation with you; you have fewer reasoning skills than a child.

The irony of these "responses" could blow up a nuclear power plant if close enough...

You really are an absolute dingbat LH...



Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
Why don't you love them enough to warn them of their situation? Love people to life not to death(Hell).

Not an answer to the question (which was not asked directly of me anyway) but a meaningful response to it.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Can you give any actual specific Scriptural evidence that I am in disagreement with God?
John 8:7 NIV

Jesus did no such thing as giving the go ahead. Those men were in violation of the Law and to stone her would have put them in even further violation, to the point of murder.

You have no Scripture to support your ignorance.
John 8:7
John 8:7New International Version (NIV)

7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.

See? Jesus didn't say you can't stone her or you shouldn't stone her or that they needed to go find the men and stone them too. What he did say is that if you are without sin, pick up a rock and throw it at her. I'm sure that if St. Lighthouse was there the story would have ended very differently.

Even if the NC eliminated the law in that regard it didn't take effect until after the death, burial and resurrection. Why do yo so persist in being a failure?
I persist at pointing out the failure of others, yours, in this case.


New member
Indeed. Do you hear anyone condoning what happened to them?

I am not stating that there are not some who would gladly round up gays, put them on trial and then put them to death. What I am saying is that that sentiment is a small enough percentage that I don't take them seriously.

We are going in the opposite direction of the past atrocities. With the exception of a few radicals taking matters into their own hands, I am not concerned about homosexuality becoming a death penalty offense.

Are you?

Yes i am.


Hall of Fame
Yes i am.

Well, thank you for your honesty. FTR, I am just as committed to my response. I don't see executing homosexuals as EVER being an actual threat. We have come too far.

Also, to make it clear, I believe that the idea of executing gays is atrocious.


Well-known member
Yes i am.
:plain: It is in Muslim countries. Christians ask them to bake cakes. :doh:

I am against sin. That's it.

I'm against any programs on Television that overtly promote sin.

I'm against the display of sin in public.

I'm against "my" sin being displayed as decent, acceptable, parade-worthy or any other thing.

I don't like sin. Mine or anybody else'. Let's not parade our sins, ask others to put them on top of cakes, allow them to be protected under law,
allow them to affect adversely decency and families, give them inordinate amounts of limelight, celebrate them, etc. etc. etc.

There shouldn't be a KKK comedy show.

Men cheating on their wives or vise versa shouldn't have their own parades

Stealing penny-candy should be against the law.

We did have Hogan's Heroes. It was an odd show.

We did a show called Aladdin about a thief, weird.

The KKK not so much. We know when our own indecency shouldn't be on TV?

It is all about what we call sin and inappropriate. Society is trying to call inappropriate - appropriate. That is why homosexuality, specifically, is a big deal. It is literally the opposite of what we are supposed to do with sex. We stay celibate. We get married. We have kids. ALL of us know that. Whether we do it or not, we still don't celebrate unwed mothers.

TRY to understand for a change. I wish some of the extremists, too, would do the same. I do not want my step niece and step nephew dead. I want them healed. Neither was 'born this way.'


New member
I don't like sin. Mine or anybody else'. Let's not parade our sins, ask others to put them on top of cakes, allow them to be protected under law,
allow them to affect adversely decency and families, give them inordinate amounts of limelight, celebrate them, etc. etc. etc.
i say the same thing about the prejudice and discrimination you promote

I do not want my step niece and step nephew dead. I want them healed. Neither was 'born this way.'

It's not a disease and yes they were born this way


Well-known member
It's not a disease and yes they were born this way
:nono: In both cases, it was abuse. In both cases, it affected their natural inclinations. You really don't know what in the world you are talking about. You may not mean to be a liar, but you are one, neither of them were born this way. You seem to be a lot further from one or two in your life, than I am. Yet a third is in my brother's family, also abuse. You are quite wrong. Ellen DeGeneres: also abuse, though she too doesn't see that connection. It is a huge factor, sorry to say. You'd rather call 'abuse' normal like some insanity counselor. You are a MUCH worse friend/advocate for death than you realize. You are their worst enemy. I sometimes despise you for it. It is satanic and a lie from the pit of hell, that our 'sins' should be normalized and the hurt caused as 'good.' Let's redress 'why' they are actually the way they are and get you hurtful psychotic arm-chair pseudo-psych's out of office. You'd lie to a whole culture and make their hurt a 'good' thing.

Because I know this is most often due to abuse, you are a wicked, evil person.

patrick jane

yes, and folks are born with the ability - and choice to steal, lie, murder etc., but most don't. i do not agree with a "death penalty" or prosecution/incarceration for homosexuals unless they break existing laws -


New member
:nono: In both cases, it was abuse. In both cases, it affected their natural inclinations. You really don't know what in the world you are talking about. You may not mean to be a liar, but you are one, neither of them were born this way. You seem to be a lot further from one or two in your life, than I am. Yet a third is in my brother's family, also abuse. You are quite wrong. Ellen DeGeneres: also abuse, though she too doesn't see that connection. It is a huge factor, sorry to say. You'd rather call 'abuse' normal like some insanity counselor. You are a MUCH worse friend/advocate for death than you realize. You are their worst enemy. I sometimes despise you for it. It is satanic and a lie from the pit of hell, that our 'sins' should be normalized and the hurt caused as 'good.' Let's redress 'why' they are actually the way they are and get you hurtful psychotic arm-chair pseudo-psych's out of office. You'd lie to a whole culture and make their hurt a 'good' thing.

Because I know this is most often due to abuse, you are a wicked, evil person.
Most gay and straight people weren't abused Lon, they just are gay or straight. That's what most people will tell you about themselves anyway, and I don't see any good reason to doubt them, or to suppose that anything happening during life, even abuse, would fundamentally alter anyone's sexual inclinations to something completely different.
Many straight people who were abused didn't then become "infected" with "gay".

Your problem is simply that the world doesn't fit your imo daft idealistic rigid little Christian "sin" stereotype that you have, and you really don't like it.
You may really think they're all going to hell and you want to save them from themselves, but what you think is your problem Lon, not theirs, deal with it. :plain:


Well-known member
Most gay and straight people weren't abused Lon, they just are gay or straight.
Not from my experience.

That's what most people will tell you about themselves anyway, and I don't see any good reason to doubt them, or to suppose that anything happening during life, even abuse, would fundamentally alter anyone's sexual inclinations to something completely different.
Many straight people who were abused didn't then become "infected" with "gay".
I believe this is denial.

Your problem is simply that the world doesn't fit your imo daft idealistic rigid little Christian "sin" stereotype that you have, and you really don't like it.
You should be banned and rightly for calling evil good, and good evil.
You may really think they're all going to hell and you want to save them from themselves, but what you think is your problem Lon, not theirs, deal with it. :plain:
It is currently your problem. I just told you about 3 people, in 'my' life that all were abused. You are a wicked person, calling 'lies' truth, not knowing whether they are true or not. You literally didn't care and said what you wanted to say and believe. Saying things are true, in ignorance, is sin. You 'act' like you know what you are talking about. Sin.


New member
Not from my experience.

I believe this is denial.

You should be banned and rightly for calling evil good, and good evil.

It is currently your problem. I just told you about 3 people, in 'my' life that all were abused. You are a wicked person, calling 'lies' truth, not knowing whether they are true or not. You literally didn't care and said what you wanted to say and believe. Saying things are true, in ignorance, is sin. You 'act' like you know what you are talking about. Sin.


New member
:nono: In both cases, it was abuse. In both cases, it affected their natural inclinations. You really don't know what in the world you are talking about. You may not mean to be a liar, but you are one, neither of them were born this way. You seem to be a lot further from one or two in your life, than I am. Yet a third is in my brother's family, also abuse. You are quite wrong. Ellen DeGeneres: also abuse, though she too doesn't see that connection. It is a huge factor, sorry to say. You'd rather call 'abuse' normal like some insanity counselor. You are a MUCH worse friend/advocate for death than you realize. You are their worst enemy. I sometimes despise you for it. It is satanic and a lie from the pit of hell, that our 'sins' should be normalized and the hurt caused as 'good.' Let's redress 'why' they are actually the way they are and get you hurtful psychotic arm-chair pseudo-psych's out of office. You'd lie to a whole culture and make their hurt a 'good' thing.

Because I know this is most often due to abuse, you are a wicked, evil person.

Abuse of any sort is a horrible thing and no one should ever have to endure it. But abuse does not and cannot change your orientation.

The simple truth remains that most homosexual men and women were never abused.

I'm sorry you don't like that truth but it remains.

I'm also sorry you are so consumed by anger. You need to seek some help in dealing with that anger.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You have a compound related to executing homosexuals? And here I was thinking you weren't actually committed and were just wheezing hot air about it. My apologies.

What do you do in the compound?
We're still building it. But it's not for the purpose of executing homosexuals. That will just be one of the new laws when we take over after the fall of the US.

I mean what I noted, a continuing habit you have when you don't get your way.
What is "my way"?

So same answer. Or, I think you need to make and defend an argument. Name calling and empty appeals to unestablished authority or truth by anonymous number isn't that.
As for the "we" comment there is no necessity for an argument. There were at least two of us, making "we" proper.

Because you say so? Or are you saying he was a show off when he amazed people as a child?
Forget it. You're an idiot.

I provided the text of the Law, you have failed to provide any Scripture to refute my argument. The Law was not null and void at the time of the story in question [not that it is now], and you haven't a leg to stand on to show that Jesus could have executed her without transgressing the Law. Or that anyone could have in that moment.

If we executed everyone the bible says we should the streets would be piled high with millions of corpses
No, we would have law abiding citizens who don't want to die.

Thou shalt not kill.
That's not what the Bible actually states.

John 8:7 NIV

John 8:7
John 8:7New International Version (NIV)

7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.

See? Jesus didn't say you can't stone her or you shouldn't stone her or that they needed to go find the men and stone them too. What he did say is that if you are without sin, pick up a rock and throw it at her. I'm sure that if St. Lighthouse was there the story would have ended very differently.
Are you kidding me?!

These men knew the Law. Jesus did not need to tell them the Law. The Law was not null and void; it was not abolished.

Jesus also wrote in the dirt. What did He write in the dirt?

You and Town seem to be afraid to answer this question.

I persist at pointing out the failure of others, yours, in this case.
You persist in ignorance.