Executing homosexuals


I have heard that line of reasoning and I do not agree with it. I think it is poorly reasoned to say the least. I also think that Jesus was teaching a lesson about sitting in judgment of others. Before we condemn another we must first look at our own sins and remember that we are no better off than the person we are about to stone.

Does that mean that I think the death penalty is never warranted? No. There are times when is the correct action. It is not the correct action for sexual immorality such as affairs and homosexuality and fornication.

how do you support that scripturally?


New Covenant. Jesus didn't condemn the woman for her asexual sin

did Jesus condemn murderers? thieves?

He said go and sin no more.

which has always seemed to me to be incomplete

"go and sin no more" or else, what?

it's all good?

that seems to be what many believe

i read it as "go and sin no more" or next time I won't be here to stop them and you'll get your just reward for your sinful behavior

(you know - all that jot and tittle stuff)


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
He met the one he gave to the mob. Do you believe he forgot about the house divided idea? I don't.
You're an idiot. You are completely ignorant of the Law commanded by God as recorded in the Bible. As a former attorney one would think that would give you pause to speak on the matter. Apparently you're too stupid to keep your ignorant mouth shut.

The standard given in the Law commanded by God [Jesus is God incarnate] negated Jesus from participating in the execution of the adulteress, at that time. If He had participated He would not have been without sin.

I completely understand what you're saying and it doesn't answer the illustration without making Christ willfully deceptive in declaring a standard or answer why he'd give the appearance of something new instead of easily and literally noting the insufficiency.
He didn't declare a new standard. Those men were in sin in that moment as they were in violation of the Law.

He could have said any of that or a simple, "You do not bring her before me lawfully." But that's not what he does. Why? I happen to believe there's a point to it you simply don't want to embrace.
What did Jesus write in the dirt?

No. I disagree with you.
Can you give any actual specific Scriptural evidence that I am in disagreement with God?

Lighthouse won't be able to perceive the difference. Like any number of Bible "inerrantists", the whole point of believing in biblical inerrancy is to render the reader's interpretation of the text inerrant by association. And thereby endow the reader with God's own righteous wisdom.

To disagree with Lighthouse is to disagree with God. Because God wrote the Bible and lighthouse has read it. Therefor, Lighthouse's understanding and God's intended meaning are one and the same (according to Lighthouse). So he can't possibly be wrong, and therefor anyone who disagrees with him (like you), must be.

The presumption of biblical inerrancy is mostly a function of the adherent's ego, not faith in God.
I offer you the same challenge I just gave to CM.

If you look closely at the encounter you might notice that Jesus actually said that the woman could be stoned. He never said you can't stone because of this that or the other thing. Paraphrased, Jesus said, "Go ahead and stone her. Just be sure that you are not guilty of your own sins before stoning her for hers." Jesus never stopped the stoning because it was unlawful, Jesus stopped the stoning by convicting each and every person their of the guilt of their own sins.
Jesus did no such thing as giving the go ahead. Those men were in violation of the Law and to stone her would have put them in even further violation, to the point of murder.

You have no Scripture to support your ignorance.

Thus, showing that the spirit supersedes the law.

how do you support that scripturally?
I would certainly like to know that.

New Covenant. Jesus didn't condemn the woman for her asexual sin, He said go and sin no more.
Even if the NC eliminated the law in that regard it didn't take effect until after the death, burial and resurrection. Why do yo so persist in being a failure?


You're an idiot. You are completely ignorant of the Law commanded by God as recorded in the Bible. As a former attorney one would think that would give you pause to speak on the matter. Apparently you're too stupid to keep your ignorant mouth shut.


you owe me a new keyboard

well, you owe the library a new keyboard :chuckle:


Except to do so would have been sin on His part. People don't seem to understand that enough.

it spoils the narrative they’re trying to push – that of a non-judgmental Lord, a Lord of fluffy bunnies and unicorns – it’s the only way they can justify their support of perversion and immorality

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You're an idiot. You are completely ignorant of the Law commanded by God as recorded in the Bible. As a former attorney one would think that would give you pause to speak on the matter. Apparently you're too stupid to keep your ignorant mouth shut.
Even if you were dead on right in this particular you'd lose most rational people within a sentence or so. The only people who will ever be impressed by that are those with similar limitations.

The standard given in the Law commanded by God [Jesus is God incarnate] negated Jesus from participating in the execution of the adulteress, at that time. If He had participated He would not have been without sin.
If Christ had wanted the woman to pay for her sin he could have directed them in the law. He had no problem amazing the elders of his day as a boy...He knew of her guilt. But he didn't instruct them. He didn't mention any of what seems so important to you. No variation on the, "You're trying to trick me, make me appear unlettered in the law or heretical and here is where you make your mistake..." and no, "Look, if you want to condemn her follow the law, because I know as you do that she's guilty."

And I think there was a reason for what he both did and didn't say, just as I think there's a reason why you can't have that conversation.
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Well-known member
Well, I know you folks have lots of disagreement over what the Bible actually says (Saturday or Sunday, dance or don't dance, who to kill and how painful it should be, etc), but for the folks who agree God says we should be executing homosexuals and advocate for that, does anyone have a plan for getting the executions underway?


Well, I know you folks have lots of disagreement over what the Bible actually says (Saturday or Sunday, dance or don't dance, who to kill and how painful it should be, etc), but for the folks who agree God says we should be executing homosexuals and advocate for that, does anyone have a plan for getting the executions underway?

change the law first

start arresting those who break the law

try them before a Godly judge

if found guilty, execute them

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well, I know you folks have lots of disagreement over what the Bible actually says (Saturday or Sunday, dance or don't dance, who to kill and how painful it should be, etc), but for the folks who agree God says we should be executing homosexuals and advocate for that, does anyone have a plan for getting the executions underway?

Essentially they know they couldn't, so they don't have a plan, they just bleat on about it and pour out their frustrated self righteous and possibly closeted bile onto threads where they can justify how it apparently should be a reality while realizing it ain't gonna be. Sad and pathetic all ends up really...


Well-known member
Essentially they know they couldn't, so they don't have a plan, they just bleat on about it and pour out their frustrated self righteous and possibly closeted bile onto threads where they can justify how it apparently should be a reality while realizing it ain't gonna be. Sad and pathetic all ends up really...

I've noticed that folks are very vocal about it here, about how God said to execute homosexuals and how the homosexuals are destroying our once pure Christian nation, but no one seems to actually do anything about it in terms of, well, doing anything... Why no "execute homosexuals!" marches on Washington or "execute homosexuals!" banners hung from highway overpasses and so forth. I hear all about the anti-abortion protests, but oddly, never a peep about what's being done towards executing homosexuals. Someone here must have a plan.

Folks must at least wear "I support executing homosexuals!" shirts, right?

Because it couldn't just be a bunch of hot air?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I've noticed that folks are very vocal about it here, about how God said to execute homosexuals and how the homosexuals are destroying our once pure Christian nation, but no one seems to actually do anything about it in terms of, well, doing anything... Why no "execute homosexuals!" marches on Washington or "execute homosexuals!" banners hung from highway overpasses and so forth. I hear all about the anti-abortion protests, but oddly, never a peep about what's being done towards executing homosexuals. Someone here must have a plan.

Folks must at least wear "I support executing homosexuals!" shirts, right?

Because it couldn't just be a bunch of hot air?

I'm surmising it's because nobody would actually dare to do so outside of a 'Phelps' style march. 'God Hates Fags'. 'God Hates soldiers'. 'God Hates cancer victims'.

Who would want to be associated with that crap and admit it?

It's just bloodthirsty moronic cretins who would push for any such legislature and they know they can't get it, but given the anonymity of the net? They'll darn sure be vocal about it if not specific...


New member
No one here ever gives their plan for executing homosexuals. How do folks propose that the extermination of homosexuals is put into place? Especially now that same-sex marriage has been okayed, what's the plan for reversing it and making homosexuality an executable offense?

No one should be looking to execute anyone, unless you want to go before the lord covered with man's blood rather than the blood of Christ. The battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, and against spiritual wickedness. what you want to kill is homosexuality, and the best way to really do that is to Love your family, to show the joy and the true blessing of children and how love is increased, and to make them realize how they lack this blessing by seeing your joy overflowing. do not repay evil for evil, but overcome evil with good. If you possess the 'fruits of the spirit' patience, kindness, long-suffering etc. then show it, for we were all sinners, but Christ loved us anyway. If the spirit of Christ is in us, then we should give ourselves, as Christ gave himself, a sacrificial love. to sow the seeds of righteousness with the water of the word of God, and pray for God to send the sunshine( the spirit) so that the harvest may be plentiful. For the fields are ripe, and the true workers are needed


New member
No one should be looking to execute anyone, unless you want to go before the lord covered with man's blood rather than the blood of Christ. The battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, and against spiritual wickedness. what you want to kill is homosexuality, and the best way to really do that is to Love your family, to show the joy and the true blessing of children and how love is increased, and to make them realize how they lack this blessing by seeing your joy overflowing.

Why do you think gays lack the love of family?


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
not according to God :idunno:

matthew 5:28
And yet lust is not punishable by death. You should capitalize scripture references, so they work as links.

Even if you were dead on right in this particular you'd lose most rational people within a sentence or so. The only people who will ever be impressed by that are those with similar limitations.

We know you are ignorant, as you have completely ignored the what the Law has to say on the matters at hand.

If Christ had wanted the woman to pay for her sin he could have directed them in the law. He had no problem amazing the elders of his day as a boy...He knew of her guilt. But he didn't instruct them. He didn't mention any of what seems so important to you. No variation on the, "You're trying to trick me, make me appear unlettered in the law or heretical and here is where you make your mistake..." and no, "Look, if you want to condemn her follow the law, because I know as you do that she's guilty."
They knew the Law. They were intentionally distorting it. Jesus knew this. He had no reason to instruct them in anything. Nor had He any reason to be a show off. But I'm not surprised you think He would.

And I think there was a reason for what he both did and didn't say, just as I think there's a reason why you can't have that conversation.
The only reason I can't have the conversation with you is because you're a disingenuous blowhard; incapable of answering questions you don't like.

I've noticed that folks are very vocal about it here, about how God said to execute homosexuals and how the homosexuals are destroying our once pure Christian nation, but no one seems to actually do anything about it in terms of, well, doing anything... Why no "execute homosexuals!" marches on Washington or "execute homosexuals!" banners hung from highway overpasses and so forth. I hear all about the anti-abortion protests, but oddly, never a peep about what's being done towards executing homosexuals. Someone here must have a plan.

Folks must at least wear "I support executing homosexuals!" shirts, right?

Because it couldn't just be a bunch of hot air?
Did you not see my post about the shirts?

No one should be looking to execute anyone, unless you want to go before the lord covered with man's blood rather than the blood of Christ. The battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, and against spiritual wickedness. what you want to kill is homosexuality, and the best way to really do that is to Love your family, to show the joy and the true blessing of children and how love is increased, and to make them realize how they lack this blessing by seeing your joy overflowing. do not repay evil for evil, but overcome evil with good. If you possess the 'fruits of the spirit' patience, kindness, long-suffering etc. then show it, for we were all sinners, but Christ loved us anyway. If the spirit of Christ is in us, then we should give ourselves, as Christ gave himself, a sacrificial love. to sow the seeds of righteousness with the water of the word of God, and pray for God to send the sunshine( the spirit) so that the harvest may be plentiful. For the fields are ripe, and the true workers are needed
I like how you referenced and posted Scripture to support your position.. oh, wait...