Executing homosexuals


Well-known member
So anyway, Lighthouse what do you do to advance God's will that homosexuals be put to death? What's the plan?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

We know you are ignorant, as you have completely ignored the what the Law has to say on the matters at hand.
Rather I'm concentrating on the actions and words of the author. Nice name calling though, it continues to impress. And the we conferral of anonymous authority is always a plus. Really drives the point home...if the point is you need to regroup.

They knew the Law. They were intentionally distorting it. Jesus knew this. He had no reason to instruct them in anything. Nor had He any reason to be a show off. But I'm not surprised you think He would.
Yeah, that's it. He just didn't want to show off...but wait a minute, didn't he call some of the movers and shakers hypocrites and vipers on the point of pretending at being a thing they weren't?

You think they didn't know that? Or was he just not worried about "showing off" then? It's not much of an argument, LH.

The only reason I can't have the conversation with you is because you're a disingenuous blowhard; incapable of answering questions you don't like.
I simply differ and I differ in reason. Your go-to is name calling and conferring some representative authority, apparently, when things move beyond your fairly pat responses.

Well, good for you and the "we" you speak for, I suppose. I'm sure there are people here who agree with your position on that bit of scripture. And I don't consider any of them disingenuous because I think there's reason to suspect your and their conclusions. I simply differ.

Now if you can have an adult conversation on the matter get back to me. Otherwise, I could care less what your emotional opinion of me is or if it's shared by you and/or the King of Spain.


Well-known member
I understand there's not much consensus on what the Bible says, maybe you can disagree about it the "ridiculing religion thread" (oh whoops, TH closed that one down because he thought people were derailing it). But anyway, does anyone have a plan for executing homosexuals?

Why doesn't anyone seem to be able to discuss their plan for executing the will of God (no pun intended).


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
So anyway, Lighthouse what do you do to advance God's will that homosexuals be put to death? What's the plan?
Do you want to come the compound?

Rather I'm concentrating on the actions and words of the author. Nice name calling though, it continues to impress. And the we conferral of anonymous authority is always a plus. Really drives the point home...if the point is you need to regroup.
Name calling? Do you mean "ignorant"?

As for the "we" there was at least one other person openly agreeing with me, so...

Yeah, that's it. He just didn't want to show off...but wait a minute, didn't he call some of the movers and shakers hypocrites and vipers on the point of pretending at being a thing they weren't?
That's not showing off.

You have shown yourself to be a hypocrite, though; seeing as how you were just complaining about me doing something similar to what you just admitted Jesus did.

You think they didn't know that? Or was he just not worried about "showing off" then? It's not much of an argument, LH.

I simply differ and I differ in reason. Your go-to is name calling and conferring some representative authority, apparently, when things move beyond your fairly pat responses.
You fail at logic and reason.

Well, good for you and the "we" you speak for, I suppose. I'm sure there are people here who agree with your position on that bit of scripture. And I don't consider any of them disingenuous because I think there's reason to suspect your and their conclusions. I simply differ.
You differ with no substantial basis.

Now if you can have an adult conversation on the matter get back to me. Otherwise, I could care less what your emotional opinion of me is or if it's shared by you and/or the King of Spain.
There is no having an adult conversation with you; you have fewer reasoning skills than a child.


Hall of Fame
Why doesn't anyone seem to be able to discuss their plan for executing the will of God (no pun intended).

Could be because they know it will never happen (insofar as executing homosexuals) ....


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
But anyway, does anyone have a plan for executing homosexuals?

Why doesn't anyone seem to be able to discuss their plan for executing the will of God (no pun intended).

this is your thread
don't you know?
why would you start a thread like this?


Well-known member
this is your thread
don't you know?
why would you start a thread like this?

No, I don't know why no one seems to have a plan for executing homosexuals, even though so many folks here are so intensely concerned about it. I figure it's mostly because they're actually full of hot air. What do you think?


Well-known member
Do you want to come the compound?

You have a compound related to executing homosexuals? And here I was thinking you weren't actually committed and were just wheezing hot air about it. My apologies.

What do you do in the compound?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
No, I don't know why no one seems to have a plan for executing homosexuals, even though so many folks here are so intensely concerned about it. I figure it's mostly because they're actually full of hot air. What do you think?

there is a lot of interest in homosexuality
thanks to acw
his thread
we know who they are

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Name calling? Do you mean "ignorant"?
I mean what I noted, a continuing habit you have when you don't get your way.

As for the "we" there was at least one other person openly agreeing with me, so...
So same answer. Or, I think you need to make and defend an argument. Name calling and empty appeals to unestablished authority or truth by anonymous number isn't that.

That's not showing off.
Because you say so? Or are you saying he was a show off when he amazed people as a child?

Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. 48 So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.” Luke 2:46-52​

Or maybe you're not really saying anything.

You have shown yourself to be a hypocrite, though;
You've shown yourself willing to say whatever pops into your head and a penchant for confusing whatever that is with the factual.

seeing as how you were just complaining about me doing something similar to what you just admitted Jesus did.
You might want to hold onto something. Jesus was an actual authority and spoke with it. You aren't and don't. You have to establish whatever it is you think is true with argument and/or illustration.

You fail at logic and reason.
Curiously enough, there's no evidence of either in that.

You differ with no substantial basis.
Same problem as with ever other declaration. They're empty sleeves.

By way of illustrating how you support a thesis, if I noted that you appear to struggle with maturity, declare insults aimed at denigrating people who simply and rationally oppose your perspective, this would be a really solid bit of support:
There is no having an adult conversation with you; you have fewer reasoning skills than a child.

Good luck with the process.


Blessed is the man that......
Hall of Fame
No one here ever gives their plan for executing homosexuals. How do folks propose that the extermination of homosexuals is put into place? Especially now that same-sex marriage has been okayed, what's the plan for reversing it and making homosexuality an executable offense?
Executing homosexuals

There day is coming and will be on their way to another Sodom and Gomorrah -- Destruction, unless the cease their vile activity their end will only be death and eternally lost.

Romans 1:24-32
24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; 29 being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, 30 backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, 31 undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; 32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.


New member
Could be because they know it will never happen (insofar as executing homosexuals) ....

never say never


New member
Executing homosexuals

There day is coming and will be on their way to another Sodom and Gomorrah -- Destruction, unless the cease their vile activity their end will only be death and eternally lost.

'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things* before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.” Ezekiel 16:49-50

*Detestable things - shiqquts; sheqets; shiqqutsim - a term always applied to idol-worship or to objects connected with idolatry


Hall of Fame
There are survivors of the concentration camps are still alive, it wasn't that long ago at all.

Indeed. Do you hear anyone condoning what happened to them?

I am not stating that there are not some who would gladly round up gays, put them on trial and then put them to death. What I am saying is that that sentiment is a small enough percentage that I don't take them seriously.

We are going in the opposite direction of the past atrocities. With the exception of a few radicals taking matters into their own hands, I am not concerned about homosexuality becoming a death penalty offense.

Are you?


New member
Indeed. Do you hear anyone condoning what happened to them?

I am not stating that there are not some who would gladly round up gays, put them on trial and then put them to death. What I am saying is that that sentiment is a small enough percentage that I don't take them seriously.

We are going in the opposite direction of the past atrocities. With the exception of a few radicals taking matters into their own hands, I am not concerned about homosexuality becoming a death penalty offense.

Are you?

Those who refuse to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it


New member
Do I believe homosexuals should be executed? I believe what the Bible says. The Bible says they should be executed. But why on earth would I go campaign for the Christ-hating government of this Christ-hating country to pick this one Biblical law to enforce? If we were going to have a Biblical government, fine. But I'm not going out to sign a petition to have the government pick one Biblical law to enforce. We don't even execute murderers and rapists.


New member
Do I believe homosexuals should be executed? I believe what the Bible says. The Bible says they should be executed. But why on earth would I go campaign for the Christ-hating government of this Christ-hating country to pick this one Biblical law to enforce? If we were going to have a Biblical government, fine. But I'm not going out to sign a petition to have the government pick one Biblical law to enforce. We don't even execute murderers and rapists.
If we executed everyone the bible says we should the streets would be piled high with millions of corpses