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Paleontologist Kurt Wise says the best interpretation of the evidence fits the Biblical account of a young earth. He says "It is my understanding, for example, that the claim of an old earth denies the veracity of the first 11 chapters of Genesis".
I have explained all this before, but for you 6days, I will explain it again.
This Wise Guy is one voice, and not an Apostle, so his is just an opinion.
Your rejection of Genesis has lead you to your heretical beliefs, and your idolatry. You have placed yourself above if you can be His judge.
God is happy to confess His mistakes You could take a leaf out of His book.
Scripture tells us that God is not like man who changes His mind. He tells us "For I, the LORD, do not change".
I love God because He DOES change His mind and answer my prayers.
He does not change His plan or good character. If He does not change then He could not create.
So with Gen. 6:6, should we interpret that to mean God does change His mind? If that is true, then on what basis do we trust other things in scripture?... Our salvation is on pretty shaky ground if God changes his mind and makes mistakes. As many theologians suggest the word 'repented' is anthromophic, to help us understand how grieved God's heart was. Even the word 'heart' is anthromorphic in this verse. We should use scripture to help interpret Scripture... God is unchanging.
God has emotions. He has heart as well as brain. Look at times He is busy punishing, say Israel, and repents and relents, and ceases punishing. If God did not change His mind, then He was a liar saying Nineveh would be destroyed in 40 days.
Humans became mortal when first Adam sinned.
I thought Adam was created from dust of the ground and air breathed by God into his lungs.
Does the Wise Guy think that the speed of light c changes? Light from distant galaxies formed 13 billion years ago, has travelled at c for 13 billion years to get here across the vast expanse of the universe. All scientists in the mainstream know the universe is huge and that it takes light longer than 6000 years to get here.No... you are confusing distance with time.
Science helps confirm the truth of God's word and shows us how most of the dinosaurs died. Dinosaurs died and were buried rapidly in water-borne sediment. This is puzzling to secularists.
Agreed - due to a meteor strike and resulting tsunami.
Playing word gymnastics with God's Word, has lead you into heretical beliefs of a God who makes mistakes. Here is what God says about the cosmos in the creation account. (from Youngs Literal) "16 And God maketh the two great luminaries, the great luminary for the rule of the day, and the small luminary -- and the stars -- for the rule of the night;17 and God giveth them in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth...19 and there is an evening, and there is a morning -- day fourth."
I explained to you before, that one cannot measure day one, and have an evening and morning comprise the first day, unless the sun was there from the get-go to measure days.
Ex. 20:11 God tells us He created "everything" in six days.
Exo 20:11
For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea,...
Note this is the three parts of earth, not the Cosmos.
We could also look at a variety of other verses but I think the only place that the word Cosmos is used in scripture is Romans 1:20 Paul tells us that the invisible things of God have been seen and percieved since the creation of the world. The Greek word used here is 'kosmos... the orderly universe. along with the Greek words 'Noeo' and 'horao'. Paul clearly is placing human intelligence existing from the time of the creation of the cosmos... the creation account in Genesis 1
The angels were there at creation of the Cosmos to marvel and sing for joy. Job 38;4-7
Science says nothing.
At least you are honest about your disdain for mainstream science, while feeling free to quote fringe science with authority.
Science is the method of how we investigate the world around us. God's Word tells us that in six days He created the heavens and the Earth and everything in them. (stars and humans in the six days) Science is one of the ways that helps confirm the truth of God's word.
You would be amazed at how mainstream science confirms the truth of God's word.