Scientists often say the same thing about creationists. And yet we have people like Gould and Collins who look at the evidence and say "we need to amend the theory to fit this."
Remember, a transitional form has apomorphic characters of two separate groups. This organism is transitional between basal chelicerates and arachnids because of this. It's not a spider, but it has some characteristics found only in arachnids. It lacks spinnerets. But it had 8 legs and book lungs like those of spiders.
The tetropulmonata split from this group and gave rise to whip scorpions and spiders.
Lacking DNA, we can only go with those apomorphic characters. However, the common origin of whip scorpions and spiders is documented by genetics. Again, it's impossible to prove that God didn't just make everything look like it was evolved. But the evidence indicates evolution.
Yes. Very similar function "common design", but very different details. Dolphins are mammals, more closely related to horses than to sharks. This is the analogy/homology issue I mentioned.
Tuna happen to be warm-blooded. So that isn't a very good way to tell. But if you look at the genes, or the fact that they have horizontal flukes, or that they have fins that with bones like those of mammals, then it makes sense.
If I used warm-bloodedness, I'd say it was a wash, since tuna and dolphins are both warm-blooded.
I'd definitely make it fish-shaped. Similarly, bats, pterosaurs and birds are all "bird-shaped", but again, the analogous nature of their shapes is quite difference from the homology shown in horse legs, dolphin fins, and bat wings. From scratch, I'd make it able to get oxygen from water, and to have a lateral swimming motion. But dolphins are constrained by their history, so they have to breath air and their swimming motion is mammalian,not like that of fish.
Some of that is very instructive. Let me ask you this; what is the absolutely most important structure necessary for a cell to exist?
Let me know what you think.
If I'm being too aggressive here, PM me or say so on the board, and I'll back off. I'm not trying to be offensive.
You're not being offensive, you're being unresponsive. I tell you that none of your so called evidence even looks like evidence except from within an evolutionary mindset and your response is essentially to present me with more of what you think is evidence and to make the assertion that "evidence indicates evolution". No, it doesn't.
You state that apomorphic characteristics are all you've got to go on with fossils and ignore the possibility that this isn't nearly enough information to make the claims you're making. If all you had was apomorphic data, you'd think a dolphin was some sort of transitional form between sharks and something else (horses, I presume).
And you completely miss the point about fish vs mammal, I think probably on purpose.
It may not be your fault really because the point I'm making impacts the issue at the paradigm level. Nothing you've said is one whit more valid to my ears than the arguments Flat Earthers make or Ancient Alien Theorists make. It's all equally delusional. Even the cherry picked data that evolutionists claim as evidence only looks like evidence from within the evolutionary mind set. The strongest proof of this is their universal rejection of any argument related to irreducible complexity, which they reject on a conceptual level. As a result, the most foundational premises upon which evolution is based, that of "slight successive variations" leading to different forms, is so plastic as to be meaningless. Evolutionists accept what would be quantum leaps from one creature to another as the new "slight successive variations" that Darwin looked for.
Darwin, however, knew and stated plainly that any complex system that could not possibly be formed via "slight successive variations" (i.e. irreducible complexity) would falsify his theory. This falsifiability has been baked out of Evolution so long ago that most forget it was ever there! As such it is no longer a theory, its a belief system. A religion that is entrenched in academia and the scientific community to the point that to professionally question it is to end your career. This, I think, is the primary reason why otherwise excellent scientists, like the speaker in the video I posted, feel compelled to give Darwin lip service so as to not accidentally throw the legitimacy of their work into conflict with the modern scientific dogma.
The hard cold fact of the matter is that the first 30 seconds of that computer animation flatly disproves evolution, the rest of the video burns it to the ground and blows its ashes to the four corners of the Earth. You won't see it because you can't. You're as entrenched as anyone. Your evolution colored lenses through which you see the world have been surgically implanted.