Every day is a new circus.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
What serious differences do you have with him?
He has been too vigorous with support for expansive presidential powers, for one. He's a philosophical originalist, for another. And he's been leaning the wrong way on gun control in large part because of that philosophical base. As a younger lawyer he once championed the notion of invading attorney client privilege, which gives me some concerns regarding his potential handling of speech and press matters, especially coupled with the originalist positioning. I'm sure of his mettle, but I'm not at all settled on how it could impact a host of issues.

Of course, he's given the right some pause as well.


like marbles on glass
He has been too vigorous with support for expansive presidential powers, for one. He's a philosophical originalist, for another. And he's been leaning the wrong way on gun control in large part because of that philosophical base. As a younger lawyer he once championed the notion of invading attorney client privilege, which gives me some concerns regarding his potential handling of speech and press matters, especially coupled with the originalist positioning. I'm sure of his mettle, but I'm not at all settled on how it could impact a host of issues.

Of course, he's given the right some pause as well.

Thanks, I appreciate that. I've posted on a different thread a link to his article in the Minnesota Law Review on separation of powers, and am in the process of reading it now - in particular the section proposing protecting the sitting president from investigations. If you don't have that link, here it is:



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
An interesting choice that apparently isn't making the right ecstatic, though he's another able jurist. What I know of him as an individual is admirable. What I've read of him from the bench is considered, even in difference. He numbers liberals and conservatives among those who like and esteem him, personally and professionally. While I have some serious differences with him and I think there will be difficulty in the process from left and right, he's a solid choice to help set a lasting conservative tone for the Court.
I've never heard of him, but here's what CNN said of him, "Citing a previous high court ruling, Kavanaugh went on to say, "It follows from Heller's protection of semi-automatic handguns that semi-automatic rifles are also constitutionally protected and that DC's ban on them is unconstitutional.""

That doesn't mean much about his view of the Second Amendment, it merely suggests the man's fair in his thinking, regardless of any agenda he may or may not possess. That's valuable.



like marbles on glass


like marbles on glass
This Is Why Oversight Matters

Back in early May Michael Avenatti released banking records that showed that Michael Cohen’s ‘Essential Consultants LLC’ was not only used to make payments to Stormy Daniels and other women. He also used it to set up as a de facto lobbyist selling access to and influence over the Trump White House and particularly President Trump, his client. The company which paid the most was Novartis, which signed a $1.2 million one year contract in February 2017 and paid for the entire year.

After the news broke, Novartis put out a statement the gist of which was that they signed up Cohen, eager to find access to the Trump administration. But on their first meeting with Cohen in March 2017 they realized he knew nothing about health care policy or Novartis and wasn’t going to be able to help them. So they cut off contact.

Here’s the key language: “Following this initial meeting, Novartis determined that Michael Cohen and Essential Consultants would be unable to provide the services that Novartis had anticipated related to US healthcare policy matters and the decision was taken not to engage further. As the contract unfortunately could only be terminated for cause, payments continued to be made until the contract expired by its own terms in February 2018.”

It turns out this was totally false.

More at the link.


like marbles on glass
The president of the United States:

"They make phenomenal things, you know, and you have different names - you can say 'England,' you can say 'UK,' you can say 'United Kingdom' so many different - you know you have, you have so many different names - Great Britain. I always say: 'Which one do you prefer? Great Britain?' You understand what I'm saying? Right, yeah. You know I know, but a lot of people don't know that. But you have lots of different names. The fact is you make great product, you make great things. Even your farm product is so fantastic."

Who hires all the best people:

The embarrassing tweet from the official Oval Office account said that President Donald Trump would be leaving the UK after having tea with the Queen. The only issue is that the president wasn't returning to the US but heading to Scotland to play golf.

It read: "Today, @ realDonaldTrump and @ FLOTUS had tea with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle before departing the U.K."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The president of the United States:

"They make phenomenal things, you know, and you have different names - you can say 'England,' you can say 'UK,' you can say 'United Kingdom' so many different - you know you have, you have so many different names - Great Britain. I always say: 'Which one do you prefer? Great Britain?' You understand what I'm saying? Right, yeah. You know I know, but a lot of people don't know that. But you have lots of different names. The fact is you make great product, you make great things. Even your farm product is so fantastic."

Who hires all the best people:

The embarrassing tweet from the official Oval Office account said that President Donald Trump would be leaving the UK after having tea with the Queen. The only issue is that the president wasn't returning to the US but heading to Scotland to play golf.

It read: "Today, @ realDonaldTrump and @ FLOTUS had tea with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle before departing the U.K."

Remember what i told you anna?
Twitter is for retards

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm reminded of that on a daily basis from the oval office twitter account. :think:

here's an example of what i was talking about:
The embarrassing tweet ... from the official Oval Office account said that President Donald Trump would be leaving the UK after having tea with the Queen. The only issue is that the president wasn't returning to the US but heading to Scotland to play golf.

It read: "Today, @ realDonaldTrump and @ FLOTUS had tea with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle before departing the U.K."

the only people who would be embarrassed by trump's tweet would be retards

the only people who think trump was embarrassed by that tweet are retards

the only people who think trump should have been embarrassed by that tweet are retards

and the only people who propagate this drivel across social media are retards


like marbles on glass
I'm reminded of that on a daily basis from the oval office twitter account. :think:

Today... today was all Putin's.

Look at that cat who swallowed the canary.


Trump Sides With the Kremlin, Against the U.S. Government

During a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Trump rejected the consensus among the U.S. intelligence community that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election. “They said, ‘I think it is Russia.’ I have President Putin. He just said it is not Russia,” Trump said in Helsinki after a two-hour private meeting with Putin. “I will say this: I do not see any reason why it would be.”


like marbles on glass
here's an example of what i was talking about:

You think you have to explain it to Foxfire? :)

the only people who would be embarrassed by trump's tweet would be retards

the only people who think trump was embarrassed by that tweet are retards

the only people who think trump should have been embarrassed by that tweet are retards

and the only people who propagate this drivel across social media are retards

The only people who don't think Trump has sold his soul to Putin are Trumpers.


Well-known member
Today... today was all Putin's.

Look at that cat who swallowed the canary.


Trump Sides With the Kremlin, Against the U.S. Government

During a joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin, President Trump rejected the consensus among the U.S. intelligence community that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election. “They said, ‘I think it is Russia.’ I have President Putin. He just said it is not Russia,” Trump said in Helsinki after a two-hour private meeting with Putin. “I will say this: I do not see any reason why it would be.”

It's amazing! Putins lips never even move when the puppet is talking! :vomit:


New member
How can this not be treason.

treason (trēˈzən)

n. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
n. A betrayal of trust or confidence.

I do not believe the below (all still in force, BTW) fits with the definition above :

-Russian diplomats expelled still expelled
-Russian sanctions still in force
-Russian closed diplomatic facilities still closed (not one, but three)
-US still selling arms to Ukraine
-US condemnation of nerve agent attack in the UK still not retrieved
-Trump officials repeatedly criticizing Moscow still going on
-Trump telling Germany stop buying gas from Russia still not retrieved

These are just some of the ones that come to mind.

Where WAS the outrage when Obama said "I'll have more flexibility after the election" to Putin:

Where WAS the outrage when Obama administration literally meddled with the election of our friend Israel?

How about the other election meddling from the Obama administration?
I do not remember any outrage THEN.


like marbles on glass
treason (trēˈzən)

n. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
n. A betrayal of trust or confidence.

I do not believe the below (all still in force, BTW) fits with the definition above :

-Russian diplomats expelled still expelled
-Russian sanctions still in force
-Russian closed diplomatic facilities still closed (not one, but three)
-US still selling arms to Ukraine
-US condemnation of nerve agent attack in the UK still not retrieved
-Trump officials repeatedly criticizing Moscow still going on
-Trump telling Germany stop buying gas from Russia still not retrieved

These are just some of the ones that come to mind.

Where WAS the outrage when Obama said "I'll have more flexibility after the election" to Putin:

Where WAS the outrage when Obama administration literally meddled with the election of our friend Israel?

How about the other election meddling from the Obama administration?
I do not remember any outrage THEN.

Try making an argument without referencing Obama or Clinton, and I'll listen.


like marbles on glass
With all the mess coming from the LEADERSHIP of the FBI, I personally would not know who is telling me the truth either.

Keep those blinders on. Meanwhile, from the National Review. The National Review, of all places:

“The Only Secure Foundation of the State”

Yuval LevinJuly 16, 2018 9:30 PM
Others around here have written powerfully and well about the president’s shameful display in Helsinki on Monday. Beyond seconding their words, I would only add one thought:

President Trump’s disgraceful abasement of our country before Putin was a presidential act of dishonor on the world stage without precedent in our history. But it was also entirely in keeping with his character—and as such was a reminder, as if another reminder was needed, that character matters, and that concerns about character are matters of neither style nor aesthetics but of the very substance of leadership.