Every day is a new circus.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Democrats think conservatives are evil---if we're smart enough. All the other conservatives are FOX-brainwashed morons, but the smart conservatives are evil/immoral in the eyes of the Democrats.
Well, I'm not a Democrat, so I can't speak for them, but I haven't observed that to be the case. Most of the ardent Democrats I know think Trump supporters are rowing with half an oar, rationally speaking, so there's some truth to your supposition on the intelligence side of it.

I don't agree. I know too many people of substance who, reluctantly or otherwise, supported Trump. I think they were willfully naive for the most part.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So then we're all agreed now, that restaurateurs and bakers can deny service to anybody for any reason?
That wasn't remotely implied. It as a critique of hypocrisy.

And no, as a son of the South who saw the damage that allowance created in the hands of enough bigots, I'll never begin to agree that the majority should have the right to deny the minority the same rights they enjoy in exercise.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
That wasn't remotely implied. It as a critique of hypocrisy.

And no, as a son of the South who saw the damage that allowance created in the hands of enough bigots, I'll never begin to agree that the majority should have the right to deny the minority the same rights they enjoy in exercise.
So then the restaurateurs in question were just as much in the wrong as the famous/infamous bakers were? Fair enough.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Well, I'm not a Democrat, so I can't speak for them, but I haven't observed that to be the case. Most of the ardent Democrats I know think Trump supporters are rowing with half an oar, rationally speaking, so there's some truth to your supposition on the intelligence side of it.

I don't agree. I know too many people of substance who, reluctantly or otherwise, supported Trump. I think they were willfully naive for the most part.
Prognostication: On any other planet, there'd be no doubt that all the people who voted for President Trump, are going to vote for him again, and some people who didn't vote for him the first time, are going to vote for him, the second time around. So I think that's going to happen on this planet too.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So then the restaurateurs in question were just as much in the wrong as the famous/infamous bakers were? Fair enough.
Hmm. Okay, you pleasantly surprised me with that one. Yes. That's it. If you discriminate in business it must be for a legitimate business purpose, though we've gone farther to protect certain classes of people. Why? Because of the inevitable, "But most of my customers are rabid racists and amending my practice would hurt business."

Prognostication: On any other planet, there'd be no doubt that all the people who voted for President Trump, are going to vote for him again, and some people who didn't vote for him the first time, are going to vote for him, the second time around. So I think that's going to happen on this planet too.
I know a lot of people who were supportive of him the first time that are off that creaky wagon now. And keep in mind, Hillary won't be the one opposing him this time around. Heck, she beat him by popular vote and still managed to be hated just enough to lose.

Or, I suspect that outside of a sweeping prosperity come election time he'll be a one and done. Who could the Democrats nominate who'd be less effective at getting support from all corners than Clinton?

The Barbarian

'C'mon' yourself, Barbarian. Your quote to which I responded was "What do you suppose would have happened, if one of Obama's appointees did any of the stuff Trump's cabinet picks have done?"

Let's suppose that Obama's EPA administrator bought himself a multi-thousand dollar phone booth, "tactical pants" (whatever they are) kept three different schedule books to hide who he was seeing, and had staffers try to get his wife a job. I can keep going if you like, for Pruitt,and for other appointees.

You know what would have happened. So does everyone else, here.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Let's suppose that Obama's EPA administrator bought himself a multi-thousand dollar phone booth, "tactical pants" (whatever they are) kept three different schedule books to hide who he was seeing, and had staffers try to get his wife a job. I can keep going if you like, for Pruitt,and for other appointees.

You know what would have happened. So does everyone else, here.
Yes, Sean Hannity would be yelling about it on FOX. WSJ would have an editorial and print some letters to the editor. That's not what this is, and you know that.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Hmm. Okay, you pleasantly surprised me with that one. Yes. That's it. If you discriminate in business it must be for a legitimate business purpose, though we've gone farther to protect certain classes of people. Why? Because of the inevitable, "But most of my customers are rabid racists and amending my practice would hurt business."

I know a lot of people who were supportive of him the first time that are off that creaky wagon now.
I know a lot of black and Latino people who weren't supportive, but now they like him. The black vote was high 90th percentile for Clinton, and if that needle moves even a little bit in the direction of President Trump, in the right precincts, it might be a landslide.
And keep in mind, Hillary won't be the one opposing him this time around.
President Obama competed against John McCain and Mitt Romney. :plain:
Heck, she beat him by popular vote and still managed to be hated just enough to lose.
Unless the electoral college is abolished or drastically transformed before 2020, that doesn't mean much---except that it's the same way that he'll win again.
Or, I suspect that outside of a sweeping prosperity come election time he'll be a one and done. Who could the Democrats nominate who'd be less effective at getting support from all corners than Clinton?
I don't know, but before President Trump, Republicans trotted out John McCain and Mitt Romney, so . . . .


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
As would every other republican. Obama, if he had cabinet members who did what Trump's picks have done, would be lucky not to be impeached.
Of course, I never said or implied that either of them weren't or aren't lucky. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I know a lot of black and Latino people who weren't supportive, but now they like him.
Interesting, but out of line with the numbers in terms of public opinion.

The black vote was high 90th percentile for Clinton, and if that needle moves even a little bit in the direction of President Trump, in the right precincts, it might be a landslide.
If the Democrats turn out someone who doesn't carry her baggage (and who else does?) they'll get the margin that cost them the EC as they won the popular vote.

President Obama competed against John McCain and Mitt Romney. :plain:
Obama would have soundly defeated Trump. He left more popular than Trump has ever been with the public.

Unless the electoral college is abolished or drastically transformed before 2020, that doesn't mean much---except that it's the same way that he'll win again.
Only if the Democrats pick someone who won't galvanize their base, which isn't likely. Hillary lost crucial support in states where that support made a difference. And given how that party rigged the nomination it serves them right, if not the nation.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Interesting, but out of line with the numbers in terms of public opinion.
It might be only a Ron Paul minority, but it does exist. I hope it grows in influence, but haven't been monitoring it for the past couple months.
Well, no. But I can see why the right would like to believe that.
You know that I meant an electoral vote landslide, right?
Obama would have soundly defeated Trump. He left more popular than Trump has ever been with the public.

Only if the Democrats pick someone who won't galvanize their base, which isn't likely. Hillary lost crucial support in states where that support made a difference. And given how that party rigged the nomination it serves them right, if not the nation.
At this point, there's got to be a name out there by now that will fit the bill. 'Elections only a little over two years away. Primaries will be here before we know it.
Do you have any suspicions about who it will be?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It might be only a Ron Paul minority, but it does exist. I hope it grows in influence, but haven't been monitoring it for the past couple months.
You know that I meant an electoral vote landslide, right?
I do, but he was lucky to pull off a rare enough thing, a win contrary to the popular vote. And I don't believe he'll get that twice, so he'd better hope that a) his policies lead to sustained economic growth and prosperity, and b) that people understand it when or if it happens.

At this point, there's got to be a name out there by now that will fit the bill. 'Elections only a little over two years away. Primaries will be here before we know it. Do you have any suspicions about who it will be?
Murphy, Biden and Sanders appear to be among the front runners. If Bernie runs another possible entry, Warren, likely wouldn't.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I do, but he was lucky to pull off a rare enough thing, a win contrary to the popular vote. And I don't believe he'll get that twice, so he'd better hope that a) his policies lead to sustained economic growth and prosperity, and b) that people understand it when or if it happens.

Murphy, Biden and Sanders appear to be among the front runners. If Bernie runs another possible entry, Warren, likely wouldn't.

Biden and sanders -two octogenarian white men - this is gonna energize the base? :darwinsm:


like marbles on glass
Isn't this a lovely way for the U.S. to thank service members for their service?

AP: Army Discharging Immigrant Recruits Who Were Promised Citizenship

SAN ANTONIO (AP) — The Associated Press has learned that the U.S. Army has moved in recent weeks to discharge immigrant recruits and reservists who enlisted through a program that promised them a path to citizenship.
Some of these service members say they weren’t told why they were being discharged. Others say the Army told them they’d been labeled as security risks because they have relatives abroad or because their background checks were pending.
The AP was not able to ascertain how many service members who enlisted through the immigrant recruitment program have been booted out of the Army because of their immigrant status, but immigration attorneys said they were aware of more than 40 enlistees who have been discharged in recent weeks.
The Pentagon declined to comment because of a pending lawsuit.