Every day is a new circus.


like marbles on glass
And another clown...

"At one point, we had three different schedules."

Apparently, a felony, if it was done to hide things from the public.

The administration is shot through with this kind of blatant, unapologetic corruption - following Trump's lead, they do what they want, and the rest of Washington lets them get away with it. They've normalized the previously unthinkable.

The Barbarian

What do you suppose would have happened, if one of Obama's appointees did any of the stuff Trump's cabinet picks have done?


like marbles on glass
What do you suppose would have happened, if one of Obama's appointees did any of the stuff Trump's cabinet picks have done?

I remember when they were scared to death Obama was going to activate the FEMA camps, declare martial law and take a third term...

Any little thing they could get him for, they did - even for daring to wear a tan suit.

The Barbarian

I remember all the heat Obama got from the left for deporting a record number of illegal aliens, and for his aggressive use of drone strikes to take out terrorists.

Turns out, it's not symmetrical. But you knew that.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I went to a circus that came to Boston a number of years ago. Circus people live remarkable lives, the difference between their lives and the lives of most people I know, is on a level with cloistered monastics or the Amish. It was a great show. It was sad when Ringling Brothers went defunct last year.
Carrying a concealed pistol is illegal without a permit, Ellison said, “whereas open-carrying a long gun is completely legal”.
I'm sure that's the case, in that locale. In other places, carrying a concealed weapon/gun (CCW) does NOT require permission, but is treated as a right. In still other places, it is utterly illegal and seriously punished, to carry a long gun in public, and there is no permit that enables you to do so. Ahem, ahem. (Massachusetts.)


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
What do you suppose would have happened, if one of Obama's appointees did any of the stuff Trump's cabinet picks have done?
I'm sure President Obama's appointees DID some of that stuff, and/or other stuff, just as I'm equally sure that the press was generally NOT constantly attacking every odd chance lead with the kind of full court press that they're all pursuing every lead that might make President Trump look bad. Democrats are losing it, they are really paranoid, and it's known that the biggest press outlets are 90% Democrat, across the country. I think it's only a verbal thing, but it might lead to some problems if it doesn't burn itself out. Fortunately, I think that it is.

The Barbarian

I'm sure President Obama's appointees DID some of that stuff, and/or other stuff, just as I'm equally sure that the press was generally NOT constantly attacking every odd chance lead with the kind of full court press that they're all pursuing every lead that might make President Trump look bad.

FOX would have been all over him, if that had happened. Every little thing was scrutinized. Once they went into hysterics because he wore a brown suit. C'mon.

Democrats are losing it, they are really paranoid,

If Obama had appointed someone like Pruitt, can you imagine the hysterics we'd have had from the republicans? If he had suggested that Nazis included "good people", how would that have gone over. If Obama had bragged about getting away with sexual assault, or had paid off a porn star to keep quiet about having sex with him, what would the media have done?



New member
FOX would have been all over him, if that had happened. Every little thing was scrutinized. Once they went into hysterics because he wore a brown suit. C'mon.

If Obama had appointed someone like Pruitt, can you imagine the hysterics we'd have had from the republicans? If he had suggested that Nazis included "good people", how would that have gone over. If Obama had bragged about getting away with sexual assault, or had paid off a porn star to keep quiet about having sex with him, what would the media have done?


The difference is the news. I mean, two scoops of ice cream? C'mon.

The Barbarian

The difference is the news. I mean, two scoops of ice cream? C'mon.

Selfishness is always a bad idea for a president to display. I remember Nixon (who apparently was quite the wine fancier) would, at state dinners, have one wine provided to guests, and a really good vintage reserved for himself.

A small thing, but the press made a huge deal of it, because (as in Trump's case) it went to character. I'm thinking that a tan suit probably doesn't reflect on character, unless you're really a hard-core metrosexual.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
FOX would have been all over him, if that had happened. Every little thing was scrutinized. Once they went into hysterics because he wore a brown suit. C'mon.

If Obama had appointed someone like Pruitt, can you imagine the hysterics we'd have had from the republicans? If he had suggested that Nazis included "good people", how would that have gone over. If Obama had bragged about getting away with sexual assault, or had paid off a porn star to keep quiet about having sex with him, what would the media have done?

'C'mon' yourself, Barbarian. Your quote to which I responded was "What do you suppose would have happened, if one of Obama's appointees did any of the stuff Trump's cabinet picks have done?" You're way off topic here.* And of course 'FOX' was 'all over' President Obama. How's that the same as NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS, NYT, WP, ... it's literally endless---being all up in President Trump's business 24-seven? It's not. 'C'mon.'

* "...bragged about getting away with sexual assault, or had paid off a porn star to keep quiet about having sex with him..."

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The base, allowing themselves to be led by Trump, willfully misconstrued the intent and spirit of the NFL players taking a knee because the base has a "rights for me but not for thee" approach to the Constitution.

If you had a business would you allow those who work for you to demonstrate against things while they are at work?

If the players who are kneeling want to protest anything no one is stopping them from doing that on their own time.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
And remember how irate the Right got about athletes and entertainers having a public political opinion?
Democrats think conservatives are evil---if we're smart enough. All the other conservatives are FOX-brainwashed morons, but the smart conservatives are evil/immoral in the eyes of the Democrats.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The base, allowing themselves to be led by Trump, willfully misconstrued the intent and spirit of the NFL players taking a knee because the base has a "rights for me but not for thee" approach to the Constitution.
There was only a player. A matchstick. Did you see pics of the socks he wore? Then it turned into a forest fire. And now we've got it contained. This country was created through a protest, that's what we do, but we also regulate protests once we figure out a way to do it lawfully and as fairly as possible.