Eschatological Response


New member
You should not abnandone the historical ideas of the past--the ones Christ said it meant when he explained who the person was who was going to desolate Israel in that generation, and did. By PRESERVING the historical in 1805, the preacher Peter Holford decimated the skeptic Thomas Payne with his exposition of Mt 24 and the amazing details of the destruction of Israel that Christ predicted in that generation.

The Olivet discourse is for the last generation that lives before the 2nd coming of Christ. It is a short, concise depiction of the last days. The tribulation will be roughly 7-10 years long so this easily fits into a single generation. It begins with false Christs and false prophets who will come and deceive many and we tend to think of these things in human terms. Paul as if he had some secret knowledge said even if an angel from heaven preaches any other gospel let him be accursed Gal. 1:8. We have never seen false Christs and false prophets like the ones who are coming for they will ascend out of the bottomless pit.


Eschatological Response

The Olivet discourse is for the last generation that lives before the 2nd coming of Christ. It is a short, concise depiction of the last days. The tribulation will be roughly 7-10 years long so this easily fits into a single generation. It begins with false Christs and false prophets who will come and deceive many and we tend to think of these things in human terms. Paul as if he had some secret knowledge said even if an angel from heaven preaches any other gospel let him be accursed Gal. 1:8. We have never seen false Christs and false prophets like the ones who are coming for they will ascend out of the bottomless pit.

The hadith describe the end time with more specificity than the Qur'an, describing the events of al-Qiyamah through twelve major signs. At the time of judgment, terrible corruption and chaos will rule. The Mahdi (prophesied redeemer) will be sent and with the help of Jesus, will battle Masih ad-Dajjal (Antichrist in Islam). They will triumph, liberating Islam from cruelty, and this will be followed by a time of serenity with people living true to religious values.[12] However, there is no mention of the advent of Mahdi and Isa in one era in any of the hadith. Some Muslim scholars translate the Arabic word "Imam" as "Mahdi" to prove the advent of Mahdi and Isa in a single era.

Do you not see that they teach a Jesus who denies the cross will come back, and destroy those who rest in Faith?
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New member
The hadith describe the end time with more specificity than the Qur'an, describing the events of al-Qiyamah through twelve major signs. At the time of judgment, terrible corruption and chaos will rule. The Mahdi (prophesied redeemer) will be sent and with the help of Jesus, will battle Masih ad-Dajjal (Antichrist in Islam). They will triumph, liberating Islam from cruelty, and this will be followed by a time of serenity with people living true to religious values.[12] However, there is no mention of the advent of Mahdi and Isa in one era in any of the hadith. Some Muslim scholars translate the Arabic word "Imam" as "Mahdi" to prove the advent of Mahdi and Isa in a single era.

Do you not see that they teach a Jesus who denies the cross will come back, and destroy those who rest in Faith?

Islam is antichrist but so is much of Christianity and Judaism. Only protestant Christians who uphold the gospel of faith alone are free of the spirit of antichrist. Dispensationalists like yourself who split the body of Christ into two parts are antichrist.


Eschatological Response

Islam is antichrist but so is much of Christianity and Judaism. Only protestant Christians who uphold the gospel of faith alone are free of the spirit of antichrist. Dispensationalists like yourself who split the body of Christ into two parts are antichrist.


Please quote the verses in the NT that specifically define who is anti Christ?

Are you not a little overboard?

I hope I'm wrong.

I haven't claimed infallibility ever.

That only belongs to God.

However, I'm trying to point out that the most legalistic of our Abrahamic faiths is Islam, and it is a major issue now.

How is discussion a bad thing.

Do we in site censorship to protect people's feelings?

Western Eschatologically has had a run for quite some time, at least take the time to learn and understand Eastern Eschatology.


New member

Please quote the verses in the NT that specifically define who is anti Christ?

Are you not a little overboard?

I hope I'm wrong.

I haven't claimed infallibility ever.

That only belongs to God.

However, I'm trying to point out that the most legalistic of our Abrahamic faiths is Islam, and it is a major issue now.

How is discussion a bad thing.

Do we in site censorship to protect people's feelings?

Western Eschatologically has had a run for quite some time, at least take the time to learn and understand Eastern Eschatology.

Graceless, ethnic Jews became Christians in the 1st century in fact it was these Jewish disciples who started the church!! There was no two party, two plan system which is an invention of the 19th century by your hero Darby. The Jews who rejected Christ and continued on with their worthless law keeping were lost. Christ and the disciples worked tirelessly to tear down the walls of separation between Jew and Gentile and you work tirelessly to build them back up. There's only one gospel - for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Rom. 1:16,17 Paul the ethnic Jew says there is only one gospel.
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Graceless, ethnic Jews became Christians in the 1st century in fact it was these Jewish disciples who started the church!! There was no two party, two plan system which is an invention of the 19th century by your hero Darby. The Jews who rejected Christ and continued on with their worthless law keeping were lost. Christ and the disciples worked tirelessly to tear down the walls of separation between Jew and Gentile and you work tirelessly to build them back up. There's only one gospel - for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Rom. 1:16,17 Paul the ethnic Jew says there is only one gospel.

ROTFL about Darby being my hero.

Could you type that with a straight face?

Signature: "If I've offended you, that's me getting in the way of Jesus. If you search the Scriptures open to only the guidance of God's Spirit to Theologically level me..... I've succeeded."


Graceless, ethnic Jews became Christians in the 1st century in fact it was these Jewish disciples who started the church!! There was no two party, two plan system which is an invention of the 19th century by your hero Darby. The Jews who rejected Christ and continued on with their worthless law keeping were lost. Christ and the disciples worked tirelessly to tear down the walls of separation between Jew and Gentile and you work tirelessly to build them back up. There's only one gospel - for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. Rom. 1:16,17 Paul the ethnic Jew says there is only one gospel.

Wait a minute?

Are you hinging on the synagogue of Satan quote in Revelation to the church of Philadelphia?

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New member
Wait a minute?

Are you hinging on the synagogue of Satan quote in Revelation to the church of Philadelphia?

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Graceless you haven't even attempted to answer my post so be gone with your two gospel heresy.


Graceless you haven't even attempted to answer my post so be gone with your two gospel heresy.


Which post do you refer to?

I read backwards and don't really see questions, but your assertions.

Please point me to the post number and ask whatever specific question or questions you are referring to.

I do not believe in two gospels. I simply believe that God has a plan that is more grand than we can comprehend in relation to Jesus death on the cross.

Remember, Paul talks specifically about the Jews being the enemy of the gospel, but warns us not to judge or spurn them because of this.

I relate to Paul when reading His words. My Jewish family is in a difficult spiritual state. The Jews of all people have known nothing but suffering, however, there are indeed Jews to this day by more than religion.

They can't trace their heritage to the tribes, but they can prove that they are indeed Jews.

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New member

Which post do you refer to?

I read backwards and don't really see questions, but your assertions.

Please point me to the post number and ask whatever specific question or questions you are referring to.

I do not believe in two gospels. I simply believe that God has a plan that is more grand than we can comprehend in relation to Jesus death on the cross.

Remember, Paul talks specifically about the Jews being the enemy of the gospel, but warns us not to judge or spurn them because of this.

I relate to Paul when reading His words. My Jewish family is in a difficult spiritual state. The Jews of all people have known nothing but suffering, however, there are indeed Jews to this day by more than religion.

They can't trace their heritage to the tribes, but they can prove that they are indeed Jews.

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So how are Jewish believers saved compared to Gentile believers?


So how are Jewish believers saved compared to Gentile believers?

For me, it's not about the How.

It's my refusal to treat or speak about the Non-Believer as the Jews spoke about the Gentiles.

My attitude is to profess hope where there is none.

God knows that there are enough that preach condemnation to allow my tiny voice to profess hope.

However, I wish more professed hope to the seemingly hopeless.

Jesus did that for me, and now I do it for others.

People are set in their ways. Religion is God to the Jew and Christian alike. I don't like that approach.

James mentions widows.

I think of literal Israel as she is still married to the old covenant that died in Christ's flesh.

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New member
For me, it's not about the How.

It's my refusal to treat or speak about the Non-Believer as the Jews spoke about the Gentiles.

My attitude is to profess hope where there is none.

God knows that there are enough that preach condemnation to allow my tiny voice to profess hope.

However, I wish more professed hope to the seemingly hopeless.

Jesus did that for me, and now I do it for others.

People are set in their ways. Religion is God to the Jew and Christian alike. I don't like that approach.

James mentions widows.

I think of literal Israel as she is still married to the old covenant that died in Christ's flesh.

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So how are Jewish believers saved compared to Gentile believers? There's obviously a difference to you so what is it?


So how are Jewish believers saved compared to Gentile believers? There's obviously a difference to you so what is it?

Romans 11 is a tip of this iceberg.

It branches out through literal, geographical, historical, past, present and future Eschatologically.

I know that you reject that there is any Eschatologically left in scripture, so I have been slow to answer this.

We fought over it, and I hate to admit it, but I like you.

We are not saved by Eschatologically, so I stopped for now, in favor of more immediate discussion.

In other words, you're so much of a pain that I decided to chill out on Eastern Eschatologically in favor of getting along with you Epoisses.

It will continue later. [emoji48]

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New member
Romans 11 is a tip of this iceberg.

It branches out through literal, geographical, historical, past, present and future Eschatologically.

I know that you reject that there is any Eschatologically left in scripture, so I have been slow to answer this.

We fought over it, and I hate to admit it, but I like you.

We are not saved by Eschatologically, so I stopped for now, in favor of more immediate discussion.

In other words, you're so much of a pain that I decided to chill out on Eastern Eschatologically in favor of getting along with you Epoisses.

It will continue later. [emoji48]

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I am a moderate futurist so while I may reject your eschatological perspective I do not reject eschatology!!

The Pope recently came out and said the Jews do not need Jesus to be saved - 'The Gifts and Calling of God Are Irrevocable'.

Do you agree with the pope on this? If you refuse to answer this and go into one of your circular, reasonless retorts I will waste no more time on you.


Eschatological Response

I am a moderate futurist so while I may reject your eschatological perspective I do not reject eschatology!!

The Pope recently came out and said the Jews do not need Jesus to be saved - 'The Gifts and Calling of God Are Irrevocable'.

Do you agree with the pope on this? If you refuse to answer this and go into one of your circular, reasonless retorts I will waste no more time on you.

I don't go by the Pope.

I also don't believe that all are forced to be saved by election.

However to be direct, I believe the foundation to Salvation has been laid before Creation, and manifested in Jesus.

I don't subscribe to the idea that death is the final call.

I believe God has one more revelation through the events of Revelation and the Old Testament that is referred to by Paul in the chapter of Romans I referred to previous to your question.

In other words, Paul speaks of mysteries to the Jews and all rejectors of Jesus that have not yet been revealed.

This is my immediate answer.

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