Eschatological Response


Well-known member
Don't count on anything said here because
1, the Rev said what it was talking about would happen immediately, and support for what the posts say above is from the Rev--not a good idea.
2, we have only one actual link from Jesus to Dan 9, and it is about the awful person who is in the temple and leading a rebellion (8:13). When Jesus quoted this, he was talking about the rebellion that desolated Israel in the 1st century, and likewise Paul when he mentioned the despicable character in the temple.

Once you contradict those things, you are just relying on 19th and 20th century teachers--quite removed from the original time. That's why the interruption theory is so necessary to them (prophecy has been interrupted until just recently). The two things just mentioned have to stay intact.

Also, any time the OT prophets spoke of the fortunes of Israel, it was never secular as today's Israel is. There is never the conception that the secular nation could show up totally apart from an apostolic kind of renewal and it would be the prophetic Israel. It was synced with the coming of the Spirit to bless all nations, which took place in the apostles' generation.


New member
Don't count on anything said here because
1, the Rev said what it was talking about would happen immediately, and support for what the posts say above is from the Rev--not a good idea.
2, we have only one actual link from Jesus to Dan 9, and it is about the awful person who is in the temple and leading a rebellion (8:13). When Jesus quoted this, he was talking about the rebellion that desolated Israel in the 1st century, and likewise Paul when he mentioned the despicable character in the temple.

Once you contradict those things, you are just relying on 19th and 20th century teachers--quite removed from the original time. That's why the interruption theory is so necessary to them (prophecy has been interrupted until just recently). The two things just mentioned have to stay intact.

Also, any time the OT prophets spoke of the fortunes of Israel, it was never secular as today's Israel is. There is never the conception that the secular nation could show up totally apart from an apostolic kind of renewal and it would be the prophetic Israel. It was synced with the coming of the Spirit to bless all nations, which took place in the apostles' generation.

Daniel 9 is talking about the reconstruction of Jerusalem and a 3rd temple. The only way Daniel has any congruent meaning is with a rebuilt temple in the last days.


I started out as a historicist in my eschatology 25 years ago until I abandoned it as worthless. I'm quite familiar with it.

Fair enough. Perhaps God doesn't desire that all know what is formulating at this time any how. I mean Islams and the Ottomons desire to kill and subjugate, convert and destroy have nothing to do with direct biblical references all through scripture. (Beheaded Saints anyone?). It's not like the gold of the earth has funded the growth of Islam.

It's not like there's a current thrust to reunite Islam under a Calephate.

I'm sure that God appreciates the self centered, egotistical western side of things that throws out biblical concrete for complex philosophy of man.

But have you studied how the Islamic Jesus is eschatologically our anti Christ, and our Jesus is prophesied to be killed as a false Jesus by them?


Eschatological Response

Don't count on anything said here because
1, the Rev said what it was talking about would happen immediately, and support for what the posts say above is from the Rev--not a good idea.
2, we have only one actual link from Jesus to Dan 9, and it is about the awful person who is in the temple and leading a rebellion (8:13). When Jesus quoted this, he was talking about the rebellion that desolated Israel in the 1st century, and likewise Paul when he mentioned the despicable character in the temple.

Once you contradict those things, you are just relying on 19th and 20th century teachers--quite removed from the original time. That's why the interruption theory is so necessary to them (prophecy has been interrupted until just recently). The two things just mentioned have to stay intact.

Also, any time the OT prophets spoke of the fortunes of Israel, it was never secular as today's Israel is. There is never the conception that the secular nation could show up totally apart from an apostolic kind of renewal and it would be the prophetic Israel. It was synced with the coming of the Spirit to bless all nations, which took place in the apostles' generation.

So you are indeed a believer that Israel is not real?

Well, I'm not going that route. He even says the antichrist oppresses the beautiful land...

Do we can the entire OT and listen to bloated theological high fives that negate biblical fact for dreamed up fiction?

God doesn't author chaos. He makes our path to understanding simple. Do you even care if Israel is persecuted by all sides at this time?

What of Psalms that lists the ten horns and shows how they will attack Israel? When have all of the geographical beast nations attacked Israel at once?

To me, the hearts of Christians that read the whole OT and are blind to the persecution of the Jews and the re-establishment of Israel is the most secular thing of all!!! Paul speaks of not gloating over the knowledge of Jesus and dismissing his brothers of Judaism.


Eschatological Response

Don't count on anything said here because
1, the Rev said what it was talking about would happen immediately, and support for what the posts say above is from the Rev--not a good idea.
2, we have only one actual link from Jesus to Dan 9, and it is about the awful person who is in the temple and leading a rebellion (8:13). When Jesus quoted this, he was talking about the rebellion that desolated Israel in the 1st century, and likewise Paul when he mentioned the despicable character in the temple.

Once you contradict those things, you are just relying on 19th and 20th century teachers--quite removed from the original time. That's why the interruption theory is so necessary to them (prophecy has been interrupted until just recently). The two things just mentioned have to stay intact.

Also, any time the OT prophets spoke of the fortunes of Israel, it was never secular as today's Israel is. There is never the conception that the secular nation could show up totally apart from an apostolic kind of renewal and it would be the prophetic Israel. It was synced with the coming of the Spirit to bless all nations, which took place in the apostles' generation.

One day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day.

2 Peter 3:8Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

8 Dear friends, don’t let this one thing escape you: With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.


New member
One day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day.

2 Peter 3:8Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

8 Dear friends, don’t let this one thing escape you: With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day.

And a thousand years are a thousand years just like 70 weeks are a year and a half and 2300 days are six years and a half.


New member
So you are indeed a believer that Israel is not real?

Well, I'm not going that route. He even says the antichrist oppresses the beautiful land...

Do we can the entire OT and listen to bloated theological high fives that negate biblical fact for dreamed up fiction?

God doesn't author chaos. He makes our path to understanding simple. Do you even care if Israel is persecuted by all sides at this time?

What of Psalms that lists the ten horns and shows how they will attack Israel? When have all of the geographical beast nations attacked Israel at once?

To me, the hearts of Christians that read the whole OT and are blind to the persecution of the Jews and the re-establishment of Israel is the most secular thing of all!!! Paul speaks of not gloating over the knowledge of Jesus and dismissing his brothers of Judaism.

Did you know that Tel Aviv was ranked the #1 gay city in the world. Is homosexuality a trait of the people of God?


And a thousand years are a thousand years just like 70 weeks are a year and a half and 2300 days are six years and a half.



Did you know that Tel Aviv was ranked the #1 gay city in the world. Is homosexuality a trait of the people of God?

I do not Judge, as the verses that list anything like homosexuality also list many other things that by Jesus standards of the heart convict all manner of us.

To define who is saved is a slippery slope.


Isn't that consistent with a people who have rejected their Messiah but that the Lord promises He will bring back to Him in the end?

Again, I do not judge who Gods salvation is meant for.

I am simply commanded to Love ALL as Jesus did. He even Loved ALL involved with His crucifixion.

He said:

"Father forgive them, for they know not what They do".

To question how reaching Gods Love is, is to heretically deny the simplicity of the Gospel message and the complexity of the depth of Gods Love that brought self Sacrifice for ALL.

I appreciate this comment, but emphasize that I do not Judge, and when I fail and do so, I beg God to forgive my foolishness.


I haven't watched it. Tell me what it says.

Honestly.... I posted it because it is solid and worth time. It is a series of cards with a message. She holds them up one after another.

To save time, I'm not transcribing, as I have written books already today... Lol..