Alcohol is sinful when it becomes a problem to the individual. When the Bible refers to 'drunkenness', it is referring not merely to one cheery off of wine, but 'drunkards'- going through life in a consistent state of intoxication.
The soul, fundamentally speaking, must be sober to receive the Spirit. It is stated that drunkenness otherwise makes one a 'mocker'- which basically means that you are a 'sock' rather than a soul in a genuine state of receiving God.
It's easy for some Christians to demonize alcohol, but by the same point, it's easy for others to be overly defensive of it as well. In the poll of the thread, the word 'fine' should really be 'tolerable', as there isn't actually anything good or holy of such a huge industry of alcohol- it is easily by the same point a very destructive substance.
Concerning wine in Jesus' time:
Wine is something of tradition and celebration. Jesus didn't see much wrong with this, as the water he turned to wine was certainly fermented. But did he and the apostles partake in it? Probably not. It is likely that they used resins of grapes in which they rolled around in a pan of water. This was a common thing among the poor, and a technique used to be able to transport and sell the beverage without it spoiling.