Well-known member
I am familiar with the concept of gnosis, although I do not understand why that is pertinent to my post.
Its relevance is because it is the root of the third word you use in your next sentence:
Oh, I know...
Know = gno(w) They are the same word... And in Hebrew idiomatics of the time, and even today, it is used to mean the conjugal union of a man and his wife...
So that when you say "I KNOW" you are speaking not of words, but of BEING ONE WITH what you claim to know... And in this case, it can only mean that you have had the experience of knowing God's speaking to YOU first hand...
And the problem with that is your "proof", which means that you do NOT know God's speaking with you, but you only know the CONCEPTS ABOUT that knowing that are written in the Bible... And these concepts mean one thing to a Muslim, another to a Presbyterian, another to a Jehova's Witness, and another to an LDS... Each according to their teachings and traditions... Just as is your own...
Because you said: I KNOW HOW GOD ...
I KNOW HOW GOD communicated to Moses and others on many occasions.
To say this, you either have to BE God, or be someone with whom God communicated, because if you only know what you have read in the Bible, then you only know ABOUT the communication, and you do NOT KNOW the communication itself... Just as you KNOW your own wife, but do not have the same KNOWLEDGE of another man's wife - At least I pray so!
And then you go on to say:
The Lord spoke to them.
And you then cite many passages which say exactly that...
Exodus 4:1-17;6:1-2;7:14;12:1 etc.....
I Samuel 3:11
II Kings 7:4-5
Job 40:1
Isaiah 8:1
And if that fulisade did not render me onto the canvas, you offer more:
Need more? See Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc.....
So you say the Lord SPOKE to them, and indeed He did, and indeed Scripture faithfully records that He did...
The question is this: "HOW did the Lord speak to them?"
Because you said YOU KNOW HOW...
And from your words, you seem to imagine that he spoke to them as one speaks to one's companion, in words that can be heard... But if you read the account of Paul's meeting of the Lord on the Road to Damascus, you will see that Paul "heard" but that the others did NOT hear, so that the "hearing" was not in the ears of Paul, but in his mind... The others heard no words at all...
And this is true of all the Prophets...
ONLY THEY THEMSELVES can "HEAR" the words of God... And what they are hearing is NOT audible, and we cannot say exactly what it was that they heard, except that they tell us that God "spoke" to them... And no one else knows what that "spoke" means...
You are right, of course... God can clearly speak noetically with great verbal precision to the nous of a person... And He can "speak" in a large variety of additional ways as well... He can even materialize in a room, as He did with the 11, and speak audibly so that anyone in the room can hear Him... He can speak through an angel who may or may not appear... He can give dreams and visions... He can do combinations of any and all these...
And we cannot tell from Scripture HOW God spoke to His holy ones... We just know that with only a few exceptions, it was not an ORAL communication mouth to ear...
When God spoke to Noah, it was a Spiritual, and not a Physical, event... And YOU do NOT KNOW HOW that event transpired... You do not know how God communicated to men outside His Incarnation and Resurrection...
Nor do I...
But AFTER His Resurrection, God speaks to us in the flesh of His Holy Ones in His Holy Body, the Ekklesia of God... And has been doing so for 2000 years now... But in order for THAT to happen, one must first be as Paul was, a called Apostle of the Risen Christ... And you remember that he said such men were "Last, as appointed unto death, in all (manner of worldly) straits..."
Knowing God IS Life eternal...
It is not conceptual, but ontological...
Divine ascent, from Glory to Glory, is not conceptual...
It is real...
Words come later... And only describe what they cannot define...