Does God Decieve?


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Temp Banned
I hope you're happy risking your future everlasting life on such a flimsy foundation.

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You poor lost soul. I have complete assurance of my salvation, and it rests on what the Lord Jesus Christ did for me....not what's preached down there in your kingdom hall.


These JW's are crawling out of the woodwork. They need to be sent back out on the road.
Keep it up. You're only proving Jesus' prophecy that his true followers would be ridiculed and persecuted until the end of this system of things. This ridicule and persecution has only gotten worse, thanks to people like you. Aren't you glad you have a hand in fulfilling Bible prophecy?

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Well-known member
Temp Banned
Keep it up. You're only proving Jesus' prophecy that his true followers would be ridiculed and persecuted until the end of this system of things. This ridicule and persecution has only gotten worse, thanks to people like you. Aren't you glad you have a hand in fulfilling Bible prophecy?

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Get out your whips and beat yourself upon your back.

Then bow down and worship the one who has sent you out on your fool's errand.

Your father, the devil, has no place here on TOL.


i worked night shift with a pleasant mooslim fellow several years ago - he was fun to talk to when the workload was slow, and a good worker when we were busy - i liked him then and would enjoy meeting him again

but he was as wrong in his religious beliefs as you guys are
He worshipped cows?

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
These JW's are crawling out of the woodwork.



Well-known member
Temp Banned
You ridicule and persecute other people. And that belies your claim of being a Christian, who is commanded by Jesus to love his neighbor as himself, and also his enemies.

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Jesus was making it clear that which cannot be accomplished in the flesh is accomplished by those with the Spirit of God dwelling in them. Which is why the law was show men their guilt and lead them to FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS.

Keep searching, you may yet find what you need.