Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be a Christian?


TOL Subscriber
Well, let's just put it this way, I know anger when I see/hear, and read
it. It's really quite obvious to the trained eye, ear, and reading
comprehension. It's pretty much self explanatory PPS.

But you neither understand what anger actually is, nor anything about it in the context of faith-based cognitive therapeutic diagnosis. That's the problem.

One doesn't live to be 65 and not recognize anger, PPS. Know what I mean?
Perhaps not. However, I'll accept you as you are.

You truly don't know. But it's because of the effects of modern culture and its influence on Believers. The damage has to be undone, but few know what it is.

BTW... Anger is not inherently bad or evil. We can be angry and sin not.

And I'm not really convinced you accept me as I am. History would seem to indicate otherwise. We'll see, I suppose.

Have a great weekend, please.


TOL Subscriber
Post your proof.

My observation was not that you are necessarily a formal member of any such group. I merely stated the obvious fact that what you think you "know" about the Catholic faith you inevitably learned from various non-Catholic---or even anti-Catholic---sources of information (doctrinal traditions). My statement stands exactly as posted.

How very odd, then, that virtually every claim you've posted on this forum regarding what the Catholic Church supposedly "teaches" has been distorted, misrepresentative, and just plain inaccurate. Looks like you need to read all of that material over again, this time with a far better-informed mind. :think:

Now go ahead and post your proof for your wholly unsubstantiated claim that "the harlot of Babylon" is supposedly the Catholic Church.

That's patented nonsense. Each Lutheran sect sets itself up as the authority which ultimately defines the doctrinal content and "correct" understanding of the Bible of its specific brand of "Lutheranism." If the individual doesn't want to affirm and follow those doctrinal distinctives, he is free to leave that particular sect. But he cannot properly call himself a "Lutheran" unless he's willing to embrace the doctrinal distinctives of Lutheranism. Likewise with every other sect in Protestantism.

Post your documentary proof for your claim that the Pope is supposedly "the anti-Christ."

However, every Protestant sect disallows its members to identify with its particular sect unless the individual agrees with and follows that sect's defining doctrinal distinctives.

Your naive False Dilemma Fallacy is noted.

Still waiting for your supposed proof... :yawn:

False Dilemma and Straw Man Fallacies.

...thus in fact providing an answer, and so directly refuting your claim made here.

Straw Man and Ad Hominem Fallacies.

Gaudium de veritate,


More empty Cathode-Lick bravado and naivete'. Enjoy your apostasy.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
But you neither understand what anger actually is, nor anything about it in the context of faith-based cognitive therapeutic diagnosis. That's the problem.

You truly don't know. But it's because of the effects of modern culture and its influence on Believers. The damage has to be undone, but few know what it is.

BTW... Anger is not inherently bad or evil. We can be angry and sin not.

And I'm not really convinced you accept me as I am. History would seem to indicate otherwise. We'll see, I suppose.

Have a great weekend, please.

Thanks. Pos-rep for you.


New member
Nope. Plenty of delineation of Theology Proper that you've neither read nor could understand because of your lack of salvific faith and your incessant hate-mongering drivel.

That would be you with your constant hate-mongering.

Your false assessment is noted, imbecilic reprobate narcissist.

LOL. I'm not the one raging. I just pity you.

I'm thinking that you are harboring a demon...


TOL Subscriber
So, then, no proof whatsoever for your previous anti-Catholic claims. That's what I thought.

You have exactly nothing.

There is no amount of proof that you would consider as such; and nothing would sway you in any way to any degree. You've bought it all to the extreme. There's no penetrating your fascade of nothingness.

I'm staying divorced from the whore. You can do whatever your deluded little heart desires. Knock yourself out.


NO !!!

You DON'T have to be a Christian to believe in the Trinity.

1. It is a man-made theology that did not come from Jesus.
2. It undermines the tradition of a monotheistic God.


New member
NO !!! You DON'T have to be a Christian to believe in the Trinity. 1. It is a man-made theology that did not come from Jesus. 2. It undermines the tradition of a monotheistic God.
...according to the opinions that you have derived from your chosen man-made heterodox non-Christian sect, anyway. :yawn:


New member
There is no amount of proof that you would consider as such; and nothing would sway you in any way to any degree. You've bought it all to the extreme. There's no penetrating your fascade of nothingness. I'm staying divorced from the whore. You can do whatever your deluded little heart desires. Knock yourself out.
Post #1168


New member
Scripture defines faith as....'acting upon established Truth'.

Completely inverted nonsense.

Hebrews 11:1 KJV

1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for , the evidence of things not seen .
The "substance" of the things hoped for is the actions of the people of faith. Those actions provide the evidence of the things not seen.

Hebrews 11:2
2 For by it the elders obtained a good report.​

Read the rest of the chapter to find out the actions of faith that were done by the elders.