New member
That is because he is Apple - the only person to "correctly" interpret the Koran as being based on a Christian document!
Good memory.
That is because he is Apple - the only person to "correctly" interpret the Koran as being based on a Christian document!
Then you should have no trouble actually proving your anti-Catholic claims. Proof, please.The Catholic church gives heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.
What is your point?That's right....make sure to reference the original OT passage so that we can all see that Yahweh is mentioned thrice!
Thanks for Proving my point, bro! :first:
Then you should have no trouble actually proving your anti-Catholic claims. Proof, please.
Back to Post #1137.
What is your point?
I provided precisely that answer way back in Post #3. However, yourself, lifeisgood, etc. chose to go on to post various unsubstantiated anti-Catholic claims, so here we are. If you don't want to hear from me, I recommend not making a public display of your ignorance of the Catholic faith. Up to you.
Gaudium de veritate,
And we see that circa 2.5 years ago you lambasted the usage of lexicons as being unreliable and 'biased'...arty:
But are paying lip-service only to the term...not that you actually use one, obviously.
Oh...and you promised us 2.5 years ago that you would present your thesis to us in an organized fashion.
Never happened.
Looks like that was yet another lie.
You remind me of the profs that think they have all the academic answers - but don't have ANY real-world experience to back it up.
Just hot air that needs lampooning every so often...![]()
Those readers who are genuinely and honestly interested in understanding what the Catholic Church actually believes and teaches will care.
Others, like yourself, who are interested only in propagating the long-discredited, wildly uninformed, and willfully ignorant anti-Catholic propaganda fed to them by their preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sects
will of course not care.
Their chosen anti-Catholic sect will simply not allow them to.
You can lead a man to Peter, but you can't make him think.
Please cite the particular post number in which you supposedly prove your anti-Catholic claims.I already have.
The assumptions and opinions that you have been fed by your preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect are noted.Yer links to a website by those confusing fasting with abstinence and celibate nuns and priests which has until recently been MANDATORY was an epic fail. A totally lame attempt at white washing the sinful practices of Catholicism.
I didn't post anything about Protestantism except in response to you. You're delusional, and always looking to introduce your Protestant v Catholic agenda. (See how that works?)I didn't post anything about Catholicism except in response to you. You're delusional, and always looking to introduce your Catholic v Protestant agenda.
If you anti-Catholics weren't on TOL braying about anti-Catholicism and picking fights, anti-Catholicism would get few mentions, negative OR positive. You guys are the ones who stir that pot.If you Catholics weren't on TOL braying about Catholicism and picking fights, Catholicism would get few mentions, negative OR positive. You guys are the ones who stir that pot.
That might carry a bit more weight if you had ever actually refuted (disproven) a single genuine tenet of the Catholic faith on this forum. But as it stands, you have utterly failed to do so, all your man-made sectarian anti-Catholic preferences aside. As your own moto states: "Subjective opinion is not inherently objective truth, regardless of indoctrination and/or majority consensus." Post your proof, or don't bother trying to undermine Christ's one historic Catholic Church.BTW... I was the most Latin-neutral anyone could be until I encountered you and your croney peers on TOL. So none of this is my latent bias. I've watched you and others for over 2 years, and you have totally persuaded me of the apostasy of the Romamized institution. Congrats.
Post your proof.Yeah, well both of those people aren't even on TOL.
My observation was not that you are necessarily a formal member of any such group. I merely stated the obvious fact that what you think you "know" about the Catholic faith you inevitably learned from various non-Catholic---or even anti-Catholic---sources of information (doctrinal traditions). My statement stands exactly as posted.No Protestant group has informed me of much if anything about Catholicism.
How very odd, then, that virtually every claim you've posted on this forum regarding what the Catholic Church supposedly "teaches" has been distorted, misrepresentative, and just plain inaccurate. Looks like you need to read all of that material over again, this time with a far better-informed mind. :think:I've researched it myself, and mostly from RCC's own dogma. I've read every ante-Nicene Patristic writing extant, and most of everything else through the 1054 Schism and beyond. I've read much of the Scholastics, including Aquinas. I've also read much of the Franciscans and others.
Now go ahead and post your proof for your wholly unsubstantiated claim that "the harlot of Babylon" is supposedly the Catholic Church.Of course not. The whore...
That's patented nonsense. Each Lutheran sect sets itself up as the authority which ultimately defines the doctrinal content and "correct" understanding of the Bible of its specific brand of "Lutheranism." If the individual doesn't want to affirm and follow those doctrinal distinctives, he is free to leave that particular sect. But he cannot properly call himself a "Lutheran" unless he's willing to embrace the doctrinal distinctives of Lutheranism. Likewise with every other sect in Protestantism.Even Lutherans are autonomous enough to not have their leadership determine such things for individuals.
Post your documentary proof for your claim that the Pope is supposedly "the anti-Christ."You've been under the Pope's antichrist thumb...
However, every Protestant sect disallows its members to identify with its particular sect unless the individual agrees with and follows that sect's defining doctrinal distinctives.No Protestant group "allows" or "disallows" others to learn of Catholicism.
Your naive False Dilemma Fallacy is noted.Yes, I can lead a man to Peter, but I lead them to Christ instead.
Still waiting for your supposed proof... :yawn:And the Gospel is known by oida knowledge, not by man's thinking. That's why your whore is apostate.
False Dilemma and Straw Man Fallacies.Leading others to Peter instead of Christ...
...thus in fact providing an answer, and so directly refuting your claim made here.But you won't actually answer anything. You'll just reference a post number and/or post a link to a Catholic source.
Straw Man and Ad Hominem Fallacies.Ciao, St. Nobody.
Nope. I've done so many times in many other threads.
You are among the most despicable of non-believers pretending to be a Trinitarian. It's you that is like those profs, and you can't even recognize it.
You have no idea what the ontological Gospel is; and you have no idea how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all distinct and eternal, uncreated deity.
Come meet me in person and we'll discuss it, keyboard warrior. You could be enlightened by the truth and actually get saved. You'd melt under the annointing of the truth. Aletheia. You need it. It would make you free from your arrogance as the pride of life.
You are among the most despicable of non-believers pretending to be a Trinitarian. It's you that is like those profs, and you can't even recognize it.
You have no idea what the ontological Gospel is; and you have no idea how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all distinct and eternal, uncreated deity.
WOW PPS, did he touch a nerve?
For most believers, even though they may not know the meaning of ontological, they do know Jesus, and He is the basis of the gospel/good news.
The fact is, when we KNOW Jesus, we don't need to know or have ontology. I AM, is all we need to understand and believe.
We are told to be as children in our faith. Man's philosophy is not child like, it is only his attempt to apprehend God who he won't accept by faith.
Plenty of empty promises, though...
Nobody is interested in reading your constant and pathetic attempts at put-downs, prof.
If you put all that hatred and wasted energy into actually DOING what you said you would, and study scripture, then you might make something of your career.
In the meantime...rage on!:guitar:
WOW PPS, did he touch a nerve?
For most believers, even though they may not know the meaning of ontological, they do know Jesus, and He is the basis of the gospel/good news.
The fact is, when we KNOW Jesus, we don't need to know or have ontology. I AM, is all we need to understand and believe.
We are told to be as children in our faith. Man's philosophy is not child like, it is only his attempt to apprehend God who he won't accept by faith.
Nope. Plenty of delineation of Theology Proper that you've neither read nor could understand because of your lack of salvific faith and your incessant hate-mongering drivel.
That would be you with your constant hate-mongering.
Your false assessment is noted, imbecilic reprobate narcissist.
LOL. I'm not the one raging. I just pity you.
You 'surely' have anger issues. It's obvious.
Nope. And you don't even know what orge (anger) is, just like the overwhelming majority of alleged professing Believers.