Display.exe: Posted to document the date of my invention

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Display.exe source code and "lite" version for download

Display.exe source code and "lite" version for download

Display.exe Source Code

(This has been posted to the OP also.)

Public Class Form1
....Dim n As Integer
....Dim HistoryWritten As Boolean
....Dim upperbound As Integer = 10000001
....' Set binary array to needed length + 1
....Dim MBit(upperbound) As Boolean

....Sub ZeroOutArray()
........For n = 0 To upperbound - 1
............MBit(n) = 0
....End Sub

....Sub Count()
........n = 0
............If MBit(0) = False Then
................MBit(0) = True
................For n = 0 To 100000
............Else : HistoryWritten = True
................For n = 0 To upperbound - 1
....................If MBit(n) = False Then
........................HistoryWritten = False
....................End If
................If HistoryWritten = False Then
....................n = 0
....................MBit(n) = False
....................Label1.Visible = False
....................Do While MBit(n + 1) = True
........................n = n + 1
........................MBit(n) = False
....................MBit(n + 1) = True
....................n = n + 1
................End If
............End If
........Loop Until n = upperbound
....End Sub
....' History dump... world, that is.
End Class

A "lite" version of Display.exe is available for download from KGOV.com.

-Bob Enyart
Last edited:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Display.exe Source Code

(This has been posted to the OP also.)

Public Class Form1
Dim n As Integer
Dim HistoryWritten As Boolean
Dim upperbound As Integer = 10000001
' Set binary array to needed length + 1
Dim MBit(upperbound) As Boolean

Sub ZeroOutArray()
For n = 0 To upperbound - 1
MBit(n) = 0
End Sub

Sub Count()
n = 0
If MBit(0) = False Then
MBit(0) = True
For n = 0 To 100000
Else : HistoryWritten = True
For n = 0 To upperbound - 1
If MBit(n) = False Then
HistoryWritten = False
End If
If HistoryWritten = False Then
n = 0
MBit(n) = False
Label1.Visible = False
Do While MBit(n + 1) = True
n = n + 1
MBit(n) = False
MBit(n + 1) = True
n = n + 1
End If
End If
Loop Until n = upperbound
End Sub
End Class

A "lite" version of Display.exe is available for download from KGOV.com.

-Bob Enyart


That looks like it'll produce just about anything you want it to...

in text only form .. :)

Bob Enyart

Staff member
text, photos, graphs, etc.

text, photos, graphs, etc.

That looks like it'll produce just about anything you want it to... in text only form .. :)

Stripe, thanks for weighing in on this.

I'm going to have to find the time to go through this thread and see what's been happening. We have a funeral today. One of our dearest friends, wife and mother of teenage girls, has died. Many will miss her dearly.

Regarding the program, it will display the text of books, but not their text only, but also their photos (with captions), graphs, and charts.

Thanks again Stripe,


Bob Enyart

Staff member
MR: Is Display a metaphor for open theism? aa is closer...

MR: Is Display a metaphor for open theism? aa is closer...

Regarding MR's comment about Display.exe being perhaps a metaphor for open theism, the program is not a metaphor but a mathematical proof. But to the extent that philosophers or theologians could use it as an argument, aa has a point:

That's been my inclination from the beginning, though somehow I think he's going to try to connect it to classical theism, rather than Open.

Upon considering the somewhat unnerving philosophical implications of the observations that Display generates (or that may come from any number of other sources, which I'm hoping this thread may eventually help to discover), I believe that Calvinists and Arminians will be the first to use this in defense of their theology, and certainly against open theism.

An open theist, wondering about my motives, asked me: "If by appearances, Display.exe will be more readily used as an argument for those who promote a settled future (as opposed to an open future), then why promote it?" I answered, because it is true. And acknowledging truth, regardless of how it cuts, brings us closer to the one who is Truth.



Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Regarding the program, it will display the text of books, but not their text only, but also their photos (with captions), graphs, and charts.

There goes my credibility as a guy able to read code. :chuckle:

If the output is produced systematically (as it looks it is .. but I might be wrong :noid:) rather than randomly generated then I guess I was wrong. It will do what you say. :)

If output is dependent on random assignment somehow then it will not.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
So it just displays data without telling you what it is[?] Wonderful.
kmoney: The program displays pages from a book with page number, title and author in the header and footers. So the reader can know exactly what he's looking at.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
I think a computer program being able to create word-for-word a book that I will write in the future is impossible.
elohiym: It may seem impossible at first, but it's not impossible. It's display.exe.
The whole concept, what I've heard of it so far, seems impossible.
Yes. That's why this has been a worthwhile project. People who have seen this and wrestled with it now realize that something is possible that they once thought impossible. And of course, that brings us to a better understanding of reality.

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Thanks Knight! And yes, it will display "hey you..."

Thanks Knight! And yes, it will display "hey you..."

Assuming there is a cure for cancer and assuming that the software would eventually display the cure, it wouldn't help us much unless there was someone there to recognize it as a valid solution, because obviously the software wouldn't know to tell us "hey you should take note of this page".
Knight, thanks for providing this forum for all of us to present and wrestle with such ideas!

Actually, yes, when displaying such a page, the program will say across the top of the screen:
"hey you should take note of this page"

That might sound weird, or impossible, but yes, it will display that page that way.

So it seems to me that the software could be a very real thing yet still only be beneficial in hypothetical ways. Certainly fun to ponder.
Since you and the others I've been responding to posted your comments, I've uploaded the Display.exe source code and a "lite" version of the program. So I'm not sure if it's dawning on everyone yet the implications of this. But as I go through this thread, I'm catching up with the present (if you know what I mean), and it'll be interesting to see what folks have discerned. I'll post a full explanation in the OP soon.

Again, thanks Knight!

-Bob Enyart


New member
No, actually I wasn't.

If the program can generate every page of every book that has been published why couldn't it generate every page of every book that hasn't been published? (how would it know the difference?)

Knight, I'm a good friend of Bob, live in Texas. He called me all excited for me to read his post. I don't know how to break the news to him. I'm 74, can bearly log on the computer, and have no idea what he's talking about. I guess that as I read these posts, it may become clear? Can you put it in some kind of language that I can comprehend it? If not, that's okay.

But, I can be sure of one thing. God knows everything knowable that he wants to know. But He can't know the unknowable. God can't know my great greatgrandson's son because he does not yet exist. As much as I am in awe of Bob's brain, I don't think he can out do God.

Now if he has to get off his radio show, I will take over. I've been studying under him for so long that I can ape him perfectly. So those who don't like Bob will still have to listen to him through me.

God bless, Tom from Mabank, TX


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I downloaded the "lite" version, tried to run it, and it gave me an error.

Now I don't know what to think. I wanted to see sheet music!

The Graphite

New member
Knight, I'm a good friend of Bob, live in Texas. He called me all excited for me to read his post. I don't know how to break the news to him. I'm 74, can bearly log on the computer, and have no idea what he's talking about. I guess that as I read these posts, it may become clear? Can you put it in some kind of language that I can comprehend it? If not, that's okay.

But, I can be sure of one thing. God knows everything knowable that he wants to know. But He can't know the unknowable. God can't know my great greatgrandson's son because he does not yet exist. As much as I am in awe of Bob's brain, I don't think he can out do God.

Now if he has to get off his radio show, I will take over. I've been studying under him for so long that I can ape him perfectly. So those who don't like Bob will still have to listen to him through me.

God bless, Tom from Mabank, TX
I predict that Bob's program would display the name of every as-yet unborn child, grandchild, great-grandchild and every other descendant of yours, Tom, through however many generations of descendants you will have.

Nathon Detroit

Knight, I'm a good friend of Bob, live in Texas. He called me all excited for me to read his post. I don't know how to break the news to him. I'm 74, can bearly log on the computer, and have no idea what he's talking about. I guess that as I read these posts, it may become clear? Can you put it in some kind of language that I can comprehend it? If not, that's okay.
:chuckle: You are funny Tom.

All I can tell you is that Bob's software could do what I can't.... give you a simple explanation as to what Bob's software is.

Yes, it would display that too.